Thursday 15 January 2009

Rocking On

I played for 30 minutes over lunch at 12c/25c $25 buy-in on two tables picking up $60 in the session.

I got lucky in one hand I had AQ off I raised $1.00 got one caller flop was junk but opponent bet half the pot I called with two overcards turn came Ace. Opponent bet 1/3 pot and I was worried no draws on the board so I think trips or two pair, but I may be ahead with the AQ so I call river comes down another Ace and he checks I bet about 1/3 pot and he calls - he'd been playing 5 - 9 suited and flopped two pair - lucky escape.

Took down $28 in one hand everyone limped in I'm in the big blind with 56 suited and the flop drops 234 rainbow - nice but may not get action - I bet 75c and get re-raised to $1.50 by the button - I know I'm not getting beat so I just call. Turn is a J now we have two spades - not effecting my hand but opening up the flush draw so I bet the pot and wait for the guy to fold but he calls. River is a K of diamonds so I've got to be at worst chopping the pot. I bet 1/2 the pot and opponent goes all-in and I call. Bang he had A5 suited and flopped a lower straight - really unluck but always a danger in a limped hand. There was nothing that suggested I could beat his straight other than 56 and I don't think it crossed his mind he could be behind.

Could have been nearer $400 but got caught out trips over trips me and 2 players at the flop 7KJ, we all checked. Turn was a 9, super trip 9s for me. So I tickled the pot with a 1/2 pot bet and get flat called by one the other folds, as we both entered the pot for 75c I figure he ain't on much but a draw. River is a 2 no good to anyone. He only had around $9 at the start of the hand I when I bet the pot on the river he called all-in. I was always going to call the few cents difference and he flipped pocket Kings. Nice hand trips beat trips.

Short session but I was pleased with my play, when I was ahead I made player pay hard for the next card, which either closed them down then or they took a punt on the river trying to make their hand.

I remember watching a game on a table just checking the play out and one guy was way up. He didn't showdown often as he seemed to pick up part of the flop and run with it especially if the baord had two of a suit. He'd make a pot sized bet on the flop, 1/2 pot sized bet on the turn and then if the 3rd suited card hadn't come he'd bet out again and his opponent would fold. He'd type in the chat box no flushi flushi u chasi chasi. If he was re-raised he slowed the play or folded. I guess after fours cards he's 4-1 favourite and if the flush is completed on the river he can fold. Never saw him get caught out.

Bank Roll $374

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