Wednesday 21 January 2009

Like Buses

Well in the time I've played online (8months) I've had 3 straight flushes and last night I hit two.

Playing 5c/10c $10 buy-in stacked a player for $7.50 (wish he had more) with a straight flush, he had the A high flush so felt very confident when I re-raised him and he went all-in. Bang thats hurts.

20 minutes later hit a diamond straight flush 8910JQ but couldn't get paid off, pot around $2 but a win no less.

Best pot JJ raised to 50c was re-raised to 70c limpers upped their bets to 70c I called as for 20c I'll pay to see the flop - so 4 way pot and I'm not happy until the cards call J7K but two hearts limper bets 50c into the pot ($2.80) second limper calls, raiser folds and I bet $1.50 thinking someone has a K and someones chasing a draw. Can't see anyone having KK as these two limper would have got excited pre-flop with KK. First limper all-in, second limper all-in, nice response to my raise but I have trip Jacks and feel ahead they each had put around $4.50 plus into the pot making it just over $12 for a call 3-1 or so. Man I have to go for it call limper 1 has A10 looking to hit gut shot, it never comes, hurrah, limper 2 has K10 better but still not great considering my flop bet. So I scoop a nice pot and double up on that table. Original re-raiser pre-flop wouldn't tell me but the speed at which he folded on the flop I'm thinking bluff or low pocket pair.

I played a A7 suited against two opponents I was on the button flop 337 check, check to I bet in 15c (half the pot) fold, call. Turn 3 and the last player insta checks, I just knew he had the fourth 3 and he may think I'd bite if I was carrying the 7 as plenty of players at this level would thinking full house not giving any thought for an over pair or the other 3 and bet hard. So I check, river 2 he checks, I'm 100% sure if I bet he comes over the top so I check and he has the 3. Not biting he typed into the chat box, I replied your an easy read and you figured I had a seven and would bite. Yes he replied well played 60c win for quad 3s.

Bank Roll $287

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