Wednesday 14 January 2009

Lucker Noob

Lucker Noob thats what he called me!

I think I played it ok, especially after the turn card appeared, although probabley behind I had enough odds to call.

12c/25c $25 buy-in 6 handed - 12 hands in I'd played 1 hand so far.

My cards 67 spades suited in the BB mid postion rasied to 50c small blind calls and I call goes round again and all the limpers double up to 50c.

Right raise to 50c 2 x BB so many times this is a player holding pocket Aces looking for a re-raise. Few days ago I folded to a player and in the chat said I'm not taking on your Aces, he won the hand with aces, I felt smug, I find there's no point doubling to 50c or 20c on 5c/10c table everyones coming with you and if you have a marginal hand your're even more likely to loose, if you have a monster and get raised bang your in the money with a re-re-raise.

So $3.00 in the pot - flop one spade 349 - I've got a gut shot straight draw and am willing to fold to a good bet so I check and it checks round the the original raiser who bet 50c with two more callers leaving $4.50 in the pot - I'm 5-1 to hit the gut shot (4 outs) 9-1 for my money so I take a punt for 50c and call cause if he has Aces he won't fold even if a 5 appears and I'll get paid off. River Ace spades, hmmm now I have 12 outs on the river any spade or any 5 for straight or flush and the pot at $5.00, I check, still willing to fold to a good bet, he bets $1.00 the other two players fold just me left in.

6-1 for my $1 if I hit and less than 3-1 to hit what I feel will be the winning hand, I also feel he's slow playing me but with that giving me a chance to outdraw him. Plus if he had Aces, he now has trips so I take out the 3 cards that pair the board to give him a full house and I still I have 4-1 to hit 9 outs.

What's also spurring me on as well as the odds is that I think he won't lay down a pair of aces on that board and if he does have trips aces he wont fold and will call my bet.

Now I'm thinking I'd prefer the 5 over the flush card as the 5 looks so less scarey than 3 spades sitting out there and the poker gods are good to me 5 of clubs - hurrrah straight 34567 and the nuts!

I'm first to act, I think all-in, but then reconsider as he may lay down his hand to an all-in so I settle on a just under pot sized bet trying to look like I'm bluffing a busted flush but don't want to risk my whole stack, (Cause I came alive in the hand when then second spade hit). So out it goes $6 and I wait he gives it about 3 seconds before calling. Lucker Noob hits the chat box moments later.

Don't know what he had but I do think my read was very near his hand, perhaps AK as the appearance of the Ace of spades didn't phase him at all. Because he called he had to be beating any pair of aces or have trips of something, may be over valueing two pair. I think I thought about the hand more than he did and his $1 bet into $6 pot on the turn just wasn't enough and if he was trying to trap the board had way to many outs that beat him, a 1/2 to 3/4 sized pot bet would have seen me fold and won him money.

Bank Roll $398

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