Tuesday 6 January 2009

Push Push Push

Well I had a good night banking $50 playing 5c/10c $10 buy-in, then lost $20 all-in QQ v QJ who rivered a king to give him a straigh 910JQK but I'm ok as I won't lose to many of those.

Ma tactic at the moment is pick on the small stacks when I think I'm ahead. I find people will push/call $1.50 with junk or second pair or top pair poor kicker and if they have raised even a small amount pre-flop they will call any all-in even if they have junk. This is giving me steady wins as these players are less wary of losing their last few dollars and desparately looking for a double up.

Pacific Poker has new software with pre-set min, 1/2 pot and pot bet buttons, it also gives a running total of the pot as bets are placed. I like it much better than the old software . As one of the few players at my level who will bet the pot, I find most even if they are ahead will only venture to 1/2 pot bets max as I think they feel this will encourage people to keep betting but this also is giving other players the chance to out draw them. Now if I'm given the odds to call with a good drawing hand I'm after it, if I hit then players often find it hard to give up their top pair even with straight and flush draws out. I've beaten players holding AA who limp and then bet 10c/20c into $2 pots only to call my all-in flush on the river and they lose big. Bet the flop/turn aggresively and I'm gone, lets hope they never learn that lesson.

Bank roll $329

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