Friday 30 January 2009

Pushing on

Not been playing much, but playing well, as usual got caught by a few fishy players chasing draws and hitting on the river, or top pairs playing low kicker that snagged two pair or the board paired to save them! I hate splitting pots with rag aces who shouldn't be calling 4 x BB raise with A6 off.

Either way happy with my play. Few new players with irritating styles like raising every hand 4, 5 or 6 x BB regardless of postion or hand, I folded and folded and folded and bang AA he raised I re-raised - he pushes, I push he loses.

Got one super loose fishy player raising and re-raising and bluffing far too much, he pushed on the flop after a 10c bet from the SB flop J74 rainbow, I called as had J7 and he had been trying it on for 20 minutes, typing abuse in to the chat box calling people down who beat him with in his opinion fish play, anyhow he had 74off to my J7clubs and it held up for $15 of his stack. He called me a fish, I reminded him I was on the button, had postion, my hand was suited and gap connected be it to 8910 and really better than 74 off as he had 1 live card the 4. I'd say I was ahead, with this kind of guy I just wait, their time always comes.

Won $20 in a row of four hands, with QQ, KK, KK, QQ (odds for that happening must be huge), table thought I was taking the piss didn't get much action on 1st two hands, then they started calling, was cool as no aces on any of the flops. Hand 1 was called 5 x BB, flop went KK7 I bet out and they folded.

I find I swing down $10 to $15 and up $20 to $25 so no complaints.

New player weakness, check any ace on the flop they believe their second pair is good.

Bank Roll $665.00

Wednesday 28 January 2009

The Value of Kickers

5c/10c head up against one player I'm in BB he's in the SB he calls I check with K8 off

Flop KJ4 rainbow he bets 10c I raise to 30c and he goes all-in for his stack $1.75 or so.

I figure as usual these short stakes push with anything at this stage even 1 over card, so as he's so small I call, he has K2 off, turn is a 2 he types yes in to the chat box river is a J giving me KK JJ 8 kicker and its goodnight sweetheart. I type no into the chat box and he types that's so lucky like hitting a 2 wasn't with no real kicker in his hand.

I love it when donks push when behind, get ahead and then get rivered, oh joy!

Bank Roll $636

Checking the River

This is what I find in 5c/10c $10 against one opponent post flop

People will chase draws and if I flop top pair, top kicker and have a good draw as well I'm very happy

Example I have AQh raised out of position and called by one opponent

Flop QJ3 with two hearts, I bet half pot, villain flat calls, turn is nothing card and I bet 3/4 pot and get flat called river is nothing again and I check it, and get bet into, I virtually always find that chasers expect everyone to be the same and that they think I've missed a straight or flush draw so they bluff the river, I've called many bets in this situation and rarely loose. They really go for that check on the river as it's what they would do chase and check if missed.

I bet my big draws, most 5c/10c players want free cards and this really shows, plus I find they will bluff at the pot but will rarely call a bet on the river from me if they check and I bet.

I think I should re-raise them more often than just flat call, they may just fold anyway, but perhaps they will call just to make sure and if they do fold it leaves the doubt in their minds that they were bluffed of the pot.

Was chased hard today, I had two pair on the flop and bet it aggressively, a J made me a gut shot straight, river was a J opponent went all in for the few cents he had left I called he'd been chasing a gut shot and was unhappy about the split pot, I'm thinking but for the J you would have blew your stack off looking for 1 of 4 cards.

Hard Knocks

Well with every table full, I ventured into a 25c/50c game, and blew off $30 in no time, I couldn't seem to adjust to the fact bets were 4-5 times bigger than I was used too and kept jumping out of pots that in a 5c/10c games I'd have played.

My pre-flop raises where too small and I was re-raised often, and when I missed the flop I paniced at bit. Lesson learned, still walking not running so stick to 5c/10c and 12c/25c.

Found 2 nice tables at 5c/10c a re-couped my losses.

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Marching on

I've been mixing my play between the 5c/10c and the 12c/25c over the last few days and done pretty well. Players at the higher level aren't much different, you get those who can play and those who throw money at you.

Took one guy on a 12c/25c table for $50 in 3 hands, granted I hit great cards and flushed twice and hit a straight, but he call me twice and on the third time I 3 bet his river raise and he still called.

Won a great hand AA v JJ $1.25 pre-flop which I call, flop nothing except a J villian raise 1/2 pot and I flat call turn hits my A villian raise pot and I re-raise he calls - river is a A yippe Quads and a customers at this point I'm thinking perhaps he has JJ as the A didn't bother him and as he bets out I'm sure, I re-raise him all-in and he calls.

Harsh as only AA or AJ are beating him, it's just one of those hands you lose it all on. By the time we got to the river for what we had left in our $25 stacks no one is folding.

Surprised you still get total donks, one guy bet everything, he double up throwing £20 into a flop with 2 diamonds to hit flush on the turn much to the distain of the player with top pair top kicker on the flop who had called him, this can't be profitable unless people just fold all the time.

He kept re-raising my blinds and I got pissed and called him with 78d, flop was 774 cool, he bet aggresively and to be honest he raised and re-raised so many times I thought he had junk. Turn was 4 and I'm not laying this puppy down, on the river I went all-in he called AA against my boat and half his stack gone.

Next hand he started again I had KQ off called again flop KQ7, betting, turn K, he stops and checks, I check, river nothing, I bet he folds.

Got beat KK v AA, lost a few pots to people with very poor kickers snagging 2 pair on the river K2 is not a great hand against K3 plus unless you snag that 2 people just don't learn because they get lucky odd times, but hey thats profit for me if you like K2, or Q2 etc.

And oh yeeeah I broke $600

Bank Roll $617.00

Monday 26 January 2009


Well as you know I have this thing about people raising 2xBB on a 5c/10c table screaming I'm weak please re-raise me - just to go fooled you I have AA.

This happened 20c raise I had 10hQc off thought I might see a flop and fold, 4 players all called 20c and flop is an unexciting JcKc7d. original raiser bets 10c, I call as do the other two players. Turn Ac and original raiser bets $1 - well if I'm right he has trip Aces and I have top straight - flush draw is a worry but with all the top clubs out best he could have is K9 clubs and I doubt that so I re-raise $3 he goes all-in and sees himself losing the Aces to my straight.

But what if the board pairs on the river and he hit's a full house - this has happened to me many times in the past month, but this time it doesn't river is 10 of clubs to give be Royal Flush 10 to A clubs and a pot of $14.

Sunday 25 January 2009


Well what a weekend - ran into loads of players willing to gamble their stack on flush draws, second pair being good etc.

Best hand played against a regular who always raises on the button very heavily on the flop if everyone checks to him, he will raise 3 x the pot if heads up and checked to, he'll even re-raise a continuation bet faer too often.

So after 2 times being re-raised out of hands I decide to wait for a nice spot to get him and it came about 10 hands later. 66 got in for 40c (5c/10c) heads up against him flopped a 6 also ace out so I hope he has an ace but either way he'll raise my bet or check. As he raised pre-flop I check and he puts $3 in to a $1 pot and I'm thinking he has pair of aces and wont let this one go if he has a good kicker. I flat called and check the nothing card on the turn he bets $3 again. At this point I have $7 left and his has nuch the same so I move all-in and get called instantly. He has A10 no even that good of a hand and loses the lot.

Bank Roll $500.55 came off so I could brag to my lady I was over the $500 mark!!

Friday 23 January 2009

New Players

There seems to be quite a few new players around and I recognise in them things I would do in my noob days.

Like betting 10c with top pair on the flop to try and get people to put money in the pot, not realising it gives drawing hands a cheap route to improve. Prime example new player bets 30c pre-flop with JJ I call from the BB with 89clubs, flop 679 with 2 clubs (lots of outs) I check he bets 10c (to keep me interested) I call and the turn 10 completing my straight, I check he bets 10c and I re-raise 2/3 of the pot he calls, river is a club making me a flush, I bet 2/3 of the pots and he calls with his JJ and loses. I went from second pair, to straight, to flush and he thinks I was lucky to beat his Jacks.

One thing I hate about these 10c betters is on the river with a scary board may be I have top pair or second pair, but could be beaten by flush or straight and in reality I just want to go check, check and see where I'm at as I'm sure the guy in first position is looking to check raise and the noob between me an him bets 10c in to a pot of $1.50 just incase and I have to call, giving the check raiser the opportunity put pressure on us all.

Bank Roll $399.23 mainly thanks to noobs letting me catch up cheaply and me letting them chase a flush exspensively.

I'm a good player

Chatted with a player on a 5c/10c Table who was also from England, we got talking about a hand just played and he said he'd played me a few times and thought me a good player. He was asking me for advice on playing low pocket pairs, flopping the nuts and how I got on playing. He even asked if I made a living out of poker, I wish.

He said he only ever came to the $10 tables with no more than $5 (usually $2) to limits his losses, I said thats not the way to play poker as it also limits your winnings, plus people will try and get you all-in, pick on you, out raise. He agreed with me. I also try and keep at the buy-in level, I said to him if I'm calling an all-in bet I'm doing it because I think I can win, doesn't matter if I have $2 or $10.

Now I've been confirmed as a good player I proceeded to play like an absolute donk and blew $10

Bank Roll $380

Thursday 22 January 2009

What a Hand!

First off I blew about $10 on a table with a guy I was sure was at it! Either that or he hit every flop hard. Problem was when I hit hard he seemed to hit harder, me AJ him AQ, me AQ him AK.

Then I blew $10 in one hand I had full house villian 1 had quad Kings and Villian 2 had A high flush.

3 winning hands in one hands guy with quads was very happy tripled up in one hand. I thought I was unlucky to come up against quad kings, but in reality when I looked back at the hand I should have seen it coming and could have perhaps saved a few bucks, villian 2 was all-in anyway so I was seeing the cards turned over.

Me 10 10 in BB 30c raise called I up it to 50c Villian 1 raises to $1 (alarm bells) Villian 2 calls, to be honest I was thinking see the flop for another 50c might hit a 10 and the pot was nice size already, so I called.

Flop 7 K K with two clubs everyone checks turn is a 10 clubs I have full house 10s over Ks and I'm pretty sure one of the villains may have a club flush, so I check , villian 1 checks, Villain 2 goes all-in, he's the short stack and I figure flush Ace high or 3 kings, I call and villian 1 calls wow two flushes? River Ace - now I have $3.50 left and I pushed it, but perhaps, I rushed the hand at this point AA now beats me AK beats me and if the guy had KK well I'm still screwed. he calls KKKK.

Nice $27 pot with two customers what a hand - if the 10 doesn't hit the turn I'd probabley have got away from it once the betting started.

I've run the hand serveral times, and I should have checked the river and folded if bet into by villian 1, with his big raises pre-flop I should have expected AA or KK or AK, but I got giddy with my fullhouse. Villian 2 was pushing with a wide range of hands and I was always calling him, I just didn't see Villian 1 coming along with his Kings.

Lesson learned take your time and think about what could be out there

Bank Roll $390

How does this happen so often

I raise 30c player calls 30c BB goes all-in for $4.50 - I have AA and call - heads up - he has 22

Flop nothing except 2 spades he has the 2 of spade I don't have the A of spades, turn spade, river spade and I'm beaten by a 4 card flush draw with the 2 of spades completing.

Man this happens so off over 80% in the leead and bang 4 suited cards I aint holding

Still done really well today can't complain only bad beat of the afternoon. Did go head to head JJ v 1010 I had 10s and hit a 10 on the turn to win, better odds than a four card flush draw.

Check my bonus points for the first time and got a nice $50 cash boost

Bank Roll $410

Playing Live

Called in to a pub near my home with a few friends for a quick pint. There was around 25/30 people playing poker as part of a poker pub league.

I chatted to a few of the guys at the bar, mentioned I played online and they suggested I sit in sometime, join the league.

I was surprised how hesitant I was to do that, I don't really have any confidence to play live with people in front of me. Sure I've thought about going to Vegas on holiday and giving it a whirl in one of the big casino's for a laugh just to say I've done it. But playing with 25 people in a small pub just seemed very very daunting.

They were all sat tightly together around a small card table 8-10 handed, it just didn't appeal. I watched for a while and I was sure I'd was no worse than any of these guys, probabley better than most, but I just couldn't see myself sitting there.

Card Dead Last Night

Sat down for an hour, talk about card dead, few hands I picked up didn't hit was down about $5 over the hour.

I switched through a few tables, but seemed everyone just wanted to go all-in pre-flop and many of them with poor hands, and me with hands I wasn't gambling $10 on. I don't play lotto I play poker.

Even the pre-flop raisers were betting 8 to 12 x BB on rubbish hands and I just couldn't pick up something I wanted to run with. One player in particular was over valuing his pocket pairs by a mile. He bet $1.10 (11x BB) on pocket 3s got called by Aces and lost heavily as neither of them hit and I think the 33 guy thought himself ahead.

I tried to steal a few pots pre-flop 5 limpers and I raise to 5 x BB with KJ suited thinking 1 or 2 callers and all 5 call, flop came down 3 clubs, then a 4th and I don't have a club.

I was amazed how many people in a 6 handed table (often 3-4 limpers) would bet 10c and when someone raised to £1 called - what's worth 10c and now worth £1.

I did pick up 10 10 got called by one opponent flop 10 J 3, I checked they went all-in for $4 and I called with trips they had AJ cool. Until turn K and river Q beating me with a straight not cool - river is annoying but runner, runner is worse. What did bug me was people at the table going well played, nice move etc. Was I the only one that thought this donk got really really lucky against me. Nice hand I typed into the chat box but I was thinking lucky fucker.

Bank Roll $335

Wednesday 21 January 2009

Odd Flops

Think in total I played for about 90 minutes today and lost count of the number of scary flops, either 3 suited cards, or paired cards seemed to be turning up every other hand. Even saw a QQQ flop and a KKK flop which was bet on quite heavy, shame because I'd folded K5 off.

Now I dont mind 3 clubs appearing on the flop if I have Ax of clubs, but when does that happen - not often.

New Bad Player

Just as I sat down a player wins an all pot at the showdown they had called a pre-flop 10x BB raise with 89 off and hit a straight against pocket aces who blew off his stack riasing over each street. I marked this play in the poor players notes and watched him. He'd bet 8 x BB on low pocket pairs and Ace anything, he'd double up to $20. I was getting nothing every steal I made got re-raised my cards were poor and I wasn't in most hands.

Then I pick up pockets Aces and our Villain raised it to 80c I re-raise him to $3 expecting a fold and possibley saving me getting cracked by junk, but he calls.

Flop is 78Q now I feel good so I push in my last $7 and he calls with 33 board goes 7 8 and I win. Unless he thought I was bluffing does he really think a 5c/10c player raises 30 x BB with AK or AQ - perhaps he would. Can't say I would be confident with 33 facing a massive raise then all-in.

But yeah cheers for the cash

Bank Roll $340

Right or Wrong?

5c/10c $10 buy-in 6 handed

If people are wanting to limp in I often raise it up 4 x BB with suited connectors such as 78 910 etc.

I find this has two advantages as if an A hits the flop (especially with another picture card) and I bet in to it most people fold, again if I get called they won't often continue to call a second bet.

Today 2 limpers (thats all I like at most better if just taking a punt) 10c each I raise it to 40c with 56 suited from the BB both call and the flop is AJ5 so I have a little bit. I bet half the pot and get called by both, two hearts out and these boys will chase hearts, bet half the pot again both fold.

Works more times than it doesn't and rarely do people call me once, I look for people who play most hands and want to get in cheap but will call a raise if forced to. My table appearance is pretty tight and they've seen aces and kings at other showdowns, so expect that again, they just need to see a flop and if it is aces they fold.

Difference between me an a lot of players at this level is they may take a punt with small suited connectors but won't follow up their raising if a card hits the flop that they should have been holding such as an ace or king.

Chances of you being dealt a single ace are 15% thats gives me a lot of chance you dont have an ace, I find my raise may push out rag aces who feel dominated by a possible raiser with A10 plus, leaving the KQ, J10 and small pairs who shit if an ace appears but may call one bet first. I do like 910 and 10J as the cards that can give me a straight usually make opponents with KQ or KJ feel very happy and confident - I've burned a few with KJ playing 910 to a board of K36QJ. I have had people tell me they folded pocket 10s and Jacks thinking I had an ace, they wanted to limp their hands in but where happy to call pre-flop.

Works for me

Bank Roll $327

Learning Lessons

Things I notice alot and need to learn from.

Most hands that go check, check mean no one has hit or hit well, very often at the showdown I'm thinking that a bet on the turn/river would have won it, (the value of position plays here). Even a small bet would have seen many people fold more than call, this is better than the pot going to the A3 player.

If I make a continuation bet out of position against one opponent and get called, do bet the next street as many people will call one bet looking for a card and will fold to a second bet. Same goes for in position, if they check the turn after calling the river bet again, they will fold more than call a second bet in this spot. It's like they are checking if their 2nd or 3rd pair are good.

And in reverse if I call a bet on the flop and they check the river again at this level most players will make one stab and then think they are behind.

Everything depends on who I'm playing and the cards on the board before making a decision.

Two barrels will see most players away at this level, expect the flush chasers who just have to see a river card and always expect to win if it hits. I stacked a guy who chased a spade flush to the river he had 78 spades I have AQ spades flop A 10 2 with 2 spades, calls my bets right down to the river when the 3rd spade hits the river and he goes all-in and I call out flushing his flush and he says I was lucky, yeah right.

What I'm learning right or wrong in poker terms is right for me at the level I play.

Worst Player Ever?

Dropped on to a 5c/10c table $10 buy-in.

Now my hands were easy to play and very good, but I can't believe someone would play so poorly or gamble so much for so little.

Hand 1: AA raise to 50c mid position 3 callers, limpers up to 50c flop K8A rainbow super, check, check, I check button all-in for his stack $8. So all-in $8 to win $2 nothing is beating me at this point, perhaps he has 88 or KK or AK, anyway everyone folds round to me and I call, he has Q8 off bottom pair good kicker, stack gone. He reloads to $10 and I pass the next hand.

Hand 2: Now I have KK I'm first to act and knowing these boys will play rag aces all the way I raise to 50c, our friend is in the BB and everyone folds but him, he flat calls. Flop 2310 rainbow again, his action all-in, wow trips, AA, another big pair? I wonder as he just saw me stack him and I do feel bluffers think everyone is at it all the time and I just raised 5xBB twice in 3 hands and he can't think I've picked up another premium hand, but would he risk $10 to win $1- I give it the full 20 seconds and think yes he would. So I call he has K2 off and I win - he leaves after giving me best part of $20 in 2 minutes.

Next hand I have AK and raise 40c everyone folds to me.

So many players think all-in is strength and sure it might knock me off a few hands, I'm not going to gamble on a pair or a marginal hand most of the time unless I'm sure of what my opponent has, but in reality all-in smacks of I missed big style, my flush draw didn't hit.

I think some of these guys read magazines about players missing the flop 60% of the time and when I check he's thinking I've missed, time to scare him away, but then a 3/4 pot sized bet is scary enough on a flop with AK if you haven't hit. Other thing I think this kind of player gets wrong is they watch tournaments on TV seeing players move all-in pre-flop with AK and everyone folding or using an all-in to batter down an opponent. I don't think they get that with cash I can just re-load, it's not like my tournament life depends on that call and that if I have a good pocket pair I may call and most certainly if I flop trip aces I will call, if you beat me so what - reload - I'm not out of the game. The all-in move is much less threatening in a cash game and if I think you're at it I just might call and see.

Common low stakes internet strategy raise pre-flop all-in on the flop regardless. I reckon this has to work more than 10-1 times as if you get called once you loose $10 and usually there's little more than $1 to play for so why bet the lot?

Bank Roll $303

Like Buses

Well in the time I've played online (8months) I've had 3 straight flushes and last night I hit two.

Playing 5c/10c $10 buy-in stacked a player for $7.50 (wish he had more) with a straight flush, he had the A high flush so felt very confident when I re-raised him and he went all-in. Bang thats hurts.

20 minutes later hit a diamond straight flush 8910JQ but couldn't get paid off, pot around $2 but a win no less.

Best pot JJ raised to 50c was re-raised to 70c limpers upped their bets to 70c I called as for 20c I'll pay to see the flop - so 4 way pot and I'm not happy until the cards call J7K but two hearts limper bets 50c into the pot ($2.80) second limper calls, raiser folds and I bet $1.50 thinking someone has a K and someones chasing a draw. Can't see anyone having KK as these two limper would have got excited pre-flop with KK. First limper all-in, second limper all-in, nice response to my raise but I have trip Jacks and feel ahead they each had put around $4.50 plus into the pot making it just over $12 for a call 3-1 or so. Man I have to go for it call limper 1 has A10 looking to hit gut shot, it never comes, hurrah, limper 2 has K10 better but still not great considering my flop bet. So I scoop a nice pot and double up on that table. Original re-raiser pre-flop wouldn't tell me but the speed at which he folded on the flop I'm thinking bluff or low pocket pair.

I played a A7 suited against two opponents I was on the button flop 337 check, check to I bet in 15c (half the pot) fold, call. Turn 3 and the last player insta checks, I just knew he had the fourth 3 and he may think I'd bite if I was carrying the 7 as plenty of players at this level would thinking full house not giving any thought for an over pair or the other 3 and bet hard. So I check, river 2 he checks, I'm 100% sure if I bet he comes over the top so I check and he has the 3. Not biting he typed into the chat box, I replied your an easy read and you figured I had a seven and would bite. Yes he replied well played 60c win for quad 3s.

Bank Roll $287

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Bad Players

5c/10c $10 buy 6 handed

Played a few orbits and one guy in late position if everyone checked or bet small bet into the pot which was usually no more than 50c at 3 times the pot size, on flops regardless pairs, flush draws etc.

I wasn't hitting anything and folded to him at least 3 times as did the other players, this guy had $15 biggest stack on the table. I was think fair enough try and steal the pot but at 3 times it's contents he was over betting highly.

So next time I hit the flop hard was with pocket 77s (flop 27K) this guy had position on me which was fine as I was checking and as the pot stood at 40c he fired $1.20 in to the middle, I flat called.
Turn was a 10 rainbow board and he fires $2.10, I called river nothing I check expecting to check raise and he checks - nothing, junk.

Few hands later I have JJ I raise in to 50c only he calls board 10 10 3 I check he checks 7 I check he checks 4 and he bets $2.00. I knew he was wary but figured he might has AK, AQ and thought himself ahead so I called K8 off - nice bluff NOT!

After that more often than not when he fired at a small flop with his 3x raises he got called and was forced to back down on most occasions. Eventually he blew his last $3.50 to me betting an Q8 on a flop of 28A and I had AK raised pre-flop again only he called and on the river I bet his stack he went in with his 8s and lost.

I find that at low limits poker 10c will take down a scary flop, 1/2 pot will win you a so so board without draws, and a pot bet if you have top pair is a gimme.

I always think if your hands so good why scare them off, if I flop a fullhouse I'm checking until someone hits a straight/flush or feels good and will bet big or call.

Why risk $1.20 to win 30c - 3rd of the time you get called and your out of pocket - in 30 minutes this guy went up and down then to nothing. I like him

Bank Roll $255

Monday 19 January 2009

Weekend Blues

Well what a weekend - took an absolute hammering with the bankroll dipping to under $200 over the two days. I'd say 85% was bad luck and 15% bad play as I got pissed off.

Got beat all in I had QQ opponent had Q6 hearts flop Q27 with one heart opponents goes all-in I call and he hits running hearts to make a flush. I had AA against 76 suited who hit a straight on the river even though I bet hard. I lost 1010 to AK who would give up the hand hitting a K on the river.
I was outdrawn on the river in virtual every hand either to a flush or straight and in each hand my opponent was chasing without the odds. Even had a gutshot chase and hit on the river. At least 3 times my opponents hit four suited cards to hit a flush and win and twice 3 of a kind came down when I had trips but giving my opponent a higher full house! Got beat AA against A4 opponent hit two 4's. I finished on Sunday night just over the $200 mark.

Played this morning 5c/10c $10 buy-in as I figure if my lucks still bad I can't lose much on these tables, played well against loose opponents and did very well.

Funny thing is I was chatting with a player who was leaving Pacific as he thought they had a poor random number generator - he said he lost too many 20-1 shots. Know how he feels now.

Bank Roll $245

Friday 16 January 2009

Back on Top

I played for 30 minutes after work and made it back to $400

Nothing startling just grinded away on two tables 5c /10c $10 buy-in until I'd doubled up.

Stopped before the blind took me back under $400

Bank Roll $400-12

Thursday 15 January 2009

Rocking On

I played for 30 minutes over lunch at 12c/25c $25 buy-in on two tables picking up $60 in the session.

I got lucky in one hand I had AQ off I raised $1.00 got one caller flop was junk but opponent bet half the pot I called with two overcards turn came Ace. Opponent bet 1/3 pot and I was worried no draws on the board so I think trips or two pair, but I may be ahead with the AQ so I call river comes down another Ace and he checks I bet about 1/3 pot and he calls - he'd been playing 5 - 9 suited and flopped two pair - lucky escape.

Took down $28 in one hand everyone limped in I'm in the big blind with 56 suited and the flop drops 234 rainbow - nice but may not get action - I bet 75c and get re-raised to $1.50 by the button - I know I'm not getting beat so I just call. Turn is a J now we have two spades - not effecting my hand but opening up the flush draw so I bet the pot and wait for the guy to fold but he calls. River is a K of diamonds so I've got to be at worst chopping the pot. I bet 1/2 the pot and opponent goes all-in and I call. Bang he had A5 suited and flopped a lower straight - really unluck but always a danger in a limped hand. There was nothing that suggested I could beat his straight other than 56 and I don't think it crossed his mind he could be behind.

Could have been nearer $400 but got caught out trips over trips me and 2 players at the flop 7KJ, we all checked. Turn was a 9, super trip 9s for me. So I tickled the pot with a 1/2 pot bet and get flat called by one the other folds, as we both entered the pot for 75c I figure he ain't on much but a draw. River is a 2 no good to anyone. He only had around $9 at the start of the hand I when I bet the pot on the river he called all-in. I was always going to call the few cents difference and he flipped pocket Kings. Nice hand trips beat trips.

Short session but I was pleased with my play, when I was ahead I made player pay hard for the next card, which either closed them down then or they took a punt on the river trying to make their hand.

I remember watching a game on a table just checking the play out and one guy was way up. He didn't showdown often as he seemed to pick up part of the flop and run with it especially if the baord had two of a suit. He'd make a pot sized bet on the flop, 1/2 pot sized bet on the turn and then if the 3rd suited card hadn't come he'd bet out again and his opponent would fold. He'd type in the chat box no flushi flushi u chasi chasi. If he was re-raised he slowed the play or folded. I guess after fours cards he's 4-1 favourite and if the flush is completed on the river he can fold. Never saw him get caught out.

Bank Roll $374

Bang, Bang Bang

After the joy of breaking $400 only sadness followed

3 hands that hurt me bad all on 12c/25c $25 Buy-in

Hand 1
A player who likes to get his chips in raised 6 x bb on the button I have pocket Aces and tripled his raise knowing he'll go all-in and he does. He has A10 off suit and I'm rocking until he hits 4 diamonds to give him an A high flush.

Hand 2
Unknown player board is 5544 I have A5 suited player goes all-in on the turn I doubt he has 44 so expected to see a 5 or a 4 as I call. He has 88 brilliant I'm well ahead until the river drops an 8 and he beats me.

Hand 3

I have pocket 10s boards is 4 5 10 turns comes 9 and I bet the pot my opponent goes all-in and I call I'm expecting to see him flip over a pocket pair above 10s or two pair and he has 78. All-in on a straight draw having been calling my pot raises with a gutshot, needless to say a 6 comes and I'm beat. Yes he double up his outs when the 9 came but with one card left to come I was well ahead.

3 hands I played well and aggresively - If I'd won I was heading towards $500 in the bank, oh poker why do you hate me so.

I went through the hand historys and accept I got unlucky, odd were in my favour and even a 20-1 underdog will win once, just 3 times in an hour is hard to take.

Down $80 or so to $312

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Found a strategy that works

Shout at the screen, yell fold loud enough they fold, yell call they call.

Gonna write a book called, Shouting for outs: Win at online poker everytime!


Bank Roll $400.41 just another $999,600 to go and we'll be rich Rodney

Lucker Noob

Lucker Noob thats what he called me!

I think I played it ok, especially after the turn card appeared, although probabley behind I had enough odds to call.

12c/25c $25 buy-in 6 handed - 12 hands in I'd played 1 hand so far.

My cards 67 spades suited in the BB mid postion rasied to 50c small blind calls and I call goes round again and all the limpers double up to 50c.

Right raise to 50c 2 x BB so many times this is a player holding pocket Aces looking for a re-raise. Few days ago I folded to a player and in the chat said I'm not taking on your Aces, he won the hand with aces, I felt smug, I find there's no point doubling to 50c or 20c on 5c/10c table everyones coming with you and if you have a marginal hand your're even more likely to loose, if you have a monster and get raised bang your in the money with a re-re-raise.

So $3.00 in the pot - flop one spade 349 - I've got a gut shot straight draw and am willing to fold to a good bet so I check and it checks round the the original raiser who bet 50c with two more callers leaving $4.50 in the pot - I'm 5-1 to hit the gut shot (4 outs) 9-1 for my money so I take a punt for 50c and call cause if he has Aces he won't fold even if a 5 appears and I'll get paid off. River Ace spades, hmmm now I have 12 outs on the river any spade or any 5 for straight or flush and the pot at $5.00, I check, still willing to fold to a good bet, he bets $1.00 the other two players fold just me left in.

6-1 for my $1 if I hit and less than 3-1 to hit what I feel will be the winning hand, I also feel he's slow playing me but with that giving me a chance to outdraw him. Plus if he had Aces, he now has trips so I take out the 3 cards that pair the board to give him a full house and I still I have 4-1 to hit 9 outs.

What's also spurring me on as well as the odds is that I think he won't lay down a pair of aces on that board and if he does have trips aces he wont fold and will call my bet.

Now I'm thinking I'd prefer the 5 over the flush card as the 5 looks so less scarey than 3 spades sitting out there and the poker gods are good to me 5 of clubs - hurrrah straight 34567 and the nuts!

I'm first to act, I think all-in, but then reconsider as he may lay down his hand to an all-in so I settle on a just under pot sized bet trying to look like I'm bluffing a busted flush but don't want to risk my whole stack, (Cause I came alive in the hand when then second spade hit). So out it goes $6 and I wait he gives it about 3 seconds before calling. Lucker Noob hits the chat box moments later.

Don't know what he had but I do think my read was very near his hand, perhaps AK as the appearance of the Ace of spades didn't phase him at all. Because he called he had to be beating any pair of aces or have trips of something, may be over valueing two pair. I think I thought about the hand more than he did and his $1 bet into $6 pot on the turn just wasn't enough and if he was trying to trap the board had way to many outs that beat him, a 1/2 to 3/4 sized pot bet would have seen me fold and won him money.

Bank Roll $398


I stepped up to 12c/25c $25 buy-in and played for an hour one table (so I could focus on the play) watched the betting, how players re-acted to situations, who got scared, who took risks, who played well. I selected a table where everyone was either at or below the buy-in of $25.

One thing I noticed was the increase in pot size made people think so much more about getting involved, it was nice to see if I raised to $1.50 pre-flop not every limper at the table then decided they would up their bets to $1.50 and come along for the ride. AK against 5 players just doesn't hold up well in any circles. You still had enough people will to pursue 3rd pair or chase draws at unprofitable rates to make it worthwhile.

I played on 3 tables moving everytime I went over $10 above the buy-in and ended up £35 in profit, my play was good and I felt comfortable at the tables, not out of my depth, in fact I felt I was more than capable against 90% of the guys playing.

My best played hand I called 4 x BB bet with 78 suited from a very tight player, the short stake £1.09 went all-in and we both called the 9c difference. I'm thinking see the flop and decide from there where to go. My thinking was I like to play suited connectors against these guys if nothing above a J appears I find they get worried in later streets and want to check to an A high win.

I'm very sure tight players has AK, AQ, AJ as he had bet big pairs harder on several occasions as for the short stack, who knows could be anything, but I'm not playing him I'm playing Mr Tight. Flop 2 6 9 rainbow I bet half the pot with my drawing hand and get called, this says to me two over cards backing up my first thought (he may have trips and be slow playing or an over pair) plus it only cost him $1.50 so I feel he would call, turn is a nine.

What now, I remember reading an article on telling a story with your hand and decide that if I'm right about two over cards, me betting a 9 high flop could say to my opponent I have A9 and want to protect it from being outdrawn, plus this guy don't know me and if he's does have AK perhaps he feels good about his hand and that any overcards will win it, he might put me on AQ or AJ. Decision bet half the pot and put him in a corner do I have a 9 or not but either way I bet with confidence and get called. Perhaps he feels I would have checked trip 9s hoping to trap - do I have that ability? He doesn't know.

Worrying but I'm really sure this guy aint playing junk or has a 9 and with two out there good chance he doesn't. River comes a 6 completing my story to an imaginery full house of 9s over 6s.

Right for two streets I'm saying I have a 9 or at least an over pair, if I check he checks and I'm sure I lose to 66 99 Ace high, only one decision can be made that wins this pot for me and I bet half the pot towards $7 and wait, can he call with A high, would he have anything that could beat a full-house, does he believe I have a 9. Everything I've done says I do and he must know at this level people bet what they see on the board and check anything scary. I could have gone all-in on the river but I felt half pot said come on call me, I have the goods and want more of your money and If I'm wrong I lose £11 not £25.

Clock ticks down to 0 and his hand folds, I'd forgot about the short stake all-in and our hands get shown he has KJ off and wins the pre-flop pot and I scoop the big pot. With everyone knowing I had nothing. I'm not sure what I would have done if the 6 hadn't come and make the board super scary, that 6 made my decision. I was happy with my play and my read, my opponent believed me and thats enough to win a hand.

Bank Roll $386

Tuesday 13 January 2009


Played last night and poorly, chased straights and flushes, may as well given my cash away.

Came off $30 down, thought about my play went through the hand historys to discover what I knew would be the answer - I was playing like I want players to play against me, the attitude of if I hit I'll get paid off big isn't much good when you miss 4 times out of 5.

Need to focus and put my opponents in the positions of paying for draws that they are odd on to missed, yes I may loose a few but I'll win more, guaranteed, if you can guarantedd anything in poker.

Bank Roll $351

When you need a hand

Bank Roll took a little dip today down $25 or so mostly because I got caught in a three way with the biggest stack and another player I had AK spades the flop had two spades and I bet it to the end, I caught an Ace on the turn but my opponent hit 2 pair AQ. I called his final bet as I had so much money in already plus I had a pair of aces. Looking back I should have folded on the river as I really knew I was beat.

Played a table for 30 mins over lunch, where everyone bet with little care for the board 2 pairs and straights betting hard even with 4 suited cards out. I knew if I could just hit something strong I'd get paid off well. But as is the way of the poker gods couldn't catch a cold never mind a picture card.

Bank Roll £379

Monday 12 January 2009

How fortunes change

Well I bashed away tonight until 3.00am, 4 hours of play winning 100 at 5c/10c $10 I'm pretty happy with that. Played two tables picked on those who'd call when I hit and bullied those who'd fold when I missed.

Best hand flopped A high flush hearts after two players called my 5 x BB pre-flop raise I had AQ hearts, didn't expect to get paid one player folded after he'd paid me $5 the other the big stack wouldn't let it go either he had AA's or a K high flush maybe trip Kings but kindly paid me $10 to see my nut flush on the river, I hadn't expected the call and $10 was about 1/2 of the pot at that point.

Another player went all-in with two pair 7s and 3s I called him as I had trip 7s so I couldn't be beat by him unless he hit runner runner 3s an bang another $15 in the bank.

Today when I hit well I got action when I didn't expect any, I was even bullied a few times with big flop and turn bets but I had the goods and called each street to the river then went over the top, I think they felt obliged to call.

Bank Roll $399.23 tired now going to bed

Variance / Bad Beat

Well the bank rolls has taken a hefty bashing over the weekend, it seemed no matter what I played I got beat. Even when I hit well I was outdraw by players willing to gamble no matter the odds. Lost four hands all-in when I was ahead twice being out draw on the river.

I had a straight 910JQK (I had the KQ) my opponent went all-in when the 9 hit giving him 2 pair on the turn and me a straight I called and he hits a full house on the river bang!
Then I lost A high flush the same way except I pushed all-in on the turn, he called and hit the full house on the rivers.

Third loss player in early position raised 6 x BB and I have pocket aces so I raise to $1.20
he goes all-in I call 93 suited - super - until he hits a 9 and a 3 to beat me - fuck.

3 hands where my opponents where 10-1 to hit and I get busted. I tilted for a while blowing off another $10 - bad boy.

Came away went back next day first hand AK on the button I call a 5 x BB raise flop QK3, opponent bets 1/3 pot and I raised he called turn is a K champion trips K's opponent bets 1/3 pot I raise again and get called river J opponent pushed in his last $1 I call he's chaing his gut shot with 910 off - jesus - I can only lose.

I was happy other than losing $10 on tilt, I had played ok - I got my money in when I was ahead or had called an all-in well ahead - it's just I hate losing to such poor play even though such poor play is almost always profitable. Not used to being outdrawn by 10-1 shots in such quick succession.

I guess this is variance or a bad beat

Bank Roll £299

Friday 9 January 2009

Gaining Experience

Played for 30 minutes over lunch (5c/10c $10) quickly realised how weak the people on the table were and as I only recognised 1 name - I figured them new to the game or at least the site.

While I was raising and re-raising and stealing pots watching them backdown pretty much everytime. I started to realise how far my games has come, there was no way these guys were going to sniff out my continuation bets, they just fold to any overcards in their hands having made foolish pre-flops calls for 5xBB and shitting when an Ace comes

One guy blew off his $5 to me everyone limped I had K10off in middle postion flops come Q3J rainbow 60c in the pot everyone checks and the button fires 10c all fold except me and 1 other player we both call I have up and down straight draw and 1 overcard so I'm in for 10c. Turn comes an Ace still rainbow board, super, first to act bets 50c and I call, button folds river is 7, first to act bets about half his chips and I re-raise him for the rest he calls with 2 pair Q3.

He mutters into the chat box how lucky I am, sure I out drew him but with 11 outs on the flop like I wouldn't call 10c at 7-1, when the A hits and the river doesn't help he is so beaten by loads of hands AJ, AQ, A3, QJ, QQ, 33, JJ, AA, K10, A7, Q7, 77, so why throw in the cash when you could are more likely to be behind. If on the flop he hadn't tried to play it slow I would have folded to a pot size bet. Then why call a re-raise over the top for the rest of your chips - I know these newer players value 2 pair and sure it's nice to see but second pair and bottom pair - hmmm I'd be worried.

Bank Roll $383


Played for an hour was up best part of $20 then lost two hands to the same player hitting junk
and getting lucky

AA v 93 I raised 6xBB he called flop 279 he called 3 he call Q and wins it playing junk
AK v KJ I raised 4xBB I hit the A on the flop, turn and river give him 10 then Q to hit his straight so halved my profit in those two hands - bugger

Bank Roll $365

Thursday 8 January 2009

River me this River me that

We all hate getting beat on the river and at times it feels like we're outdraw on every hand or someone gets lucky on the river everytime. I've come to accept this can happen and not to worry to much as long as I played my hand correctly.

Here is an example from a table I was playing on but not this hand

6 handed 5c/10c table I watched a hand today two players 40c bets pre-fop

Player 1 AJ♠ Raiser Player 2 K5Caller
Flop 9J3
Player one bets 90c into a 90c pot and gets calleds
Turn 9 J 3 7
Player one makes another pot size bet and gets called for the $2.70
River 9 J 3 7 K
Player one checked and player 2 bet 50c and was called scooping the pot on the river with KK
Nasty and player one was not a happy bunny.
I feel player one played it well, the winner played it badly! People don't see they played badly when the win. but from my point of view they play that way again and lose more than they ever win.
He called on the flop with one over card 7-1 to hit getting 2-1 money on his bet
He called on the turn with one over card and a flush draw better odds at 3-1 but still 2-1 for his money, he hits the King and pot of $9.10 nice for him.
Now this is the reason I now don't mind losing to this kind of player is because it cost him $4.50 to win the pot and I know if he plays like this against me at the river I'll win 3 times he'll win once that means $13.50 for me and $4.50 for him which I can't complain about.
Lesson is some fool will always outdraw you give them the odds to call and you are to blame, play it right and get unlucky then thats just his 1 shot gone and you have to look onwards to your better win odds. Lets hope everyone I play against is looking for that mircale card on the river.
Bankroll $357


Never thought about using character map

Styles of Play

Last night I played for a short time on on 5c/10c table 6 handed. One player had the strangest way of playing. Basically he played every hand except large pre-flop raisers 7 to 10 x BB and then bet 10c on every street including the river unless he'd picked up a flush or straight and then he bet big.

If a flop came AAK he bet 10c from any position if he was raised say 70c he'd call. He rarely laid down a hand and from stuff he won basically if he connected in anyway he played to the river and called several times on the river with nothing.

His variance was huge losing $10 then re-loading building it up to $30 then eventually leaving with around $3.

One hand I lost against him was unreal flop Ac Qc 3c with 3 players he bet 10c next player all in for $6 I called it as I had Kc Jc our strange friend goes all-in for his $9 I call - super he has A7 off - I'm think nice win turn 3 river 3 he wins AA333 the other player had a flush 9 c 8c.

Lot of players would happily limp along with him 10c 10c 10c letting him outdraw them or he would win with a mid pair.

I just could get any good hands against him but still ended up winning back my $10 lost and an extra $3.

I'd play him all day.

Bankroll $348

Wednesday 7 January 2009

Range of Hands

I been playing a wider range of hand over the past few days.

For a few reasons as I'm pretty tight I'm finding I get less action against regular players, I play more hands so it's more fun to play, it's harder to put me on a hand and I get paid off very well by people
who won't fold AA or KK with flush and straight draws out and realised perhaps limping their bullets wasn't the trap they thought.

When I multi-table 3 or more I stay tight as I can't play loose on more than two tables.

So for a few days I've been loose aggresive - the pot bet button is my friend. Saying that I'm not reckless it's just more a case of seeing more flops and playing the odds especially if I have position.

So my range

Premium hands raise AA KK AK QQ

Facing a 4 x BB bet dependant on the player I will flat call with Ax suited, and suited connectors, mid to small pairs.

Limpers as above plus gap suited connectors.

I've done very well against badly played AA. By badly I mean people who try and trap you with min bets to the river. I find I'm hitting 2 pair, trips, flushes and straights enough to warrant the plays and I'm winning at the moment as these players aren't folding AA and will call any bet on the river. I might have to make 5 or 6 40c plays to hit but when I do I'm getting $8-10 profit. I'm finding most player with strongs hands on the flop just don't play them hard enough and a player drawing to a monster has good odds to call.

I appreciate this my be all wrong and poor play, perhaps I'm just getting lucky, but I do get away from hands that flop lots of face cards and it is hard for a player with AK hitting either card to really think that he's losing on a A78 flop or a K55 when I've called flopping two pair or trips.

Redeeming points
I duck out if the board pairs (not in my favour) if I feel beaten
I do play from a good starting position
The flop decides if I fold or go on
When I fold people see weakness and will take me on more often
I fold when I feel beaten and for no other reason

Why play this way? I just feel that post-flop 910 suited has so many more chances of becoming a great hand than AA (or any premium pair) plus I nearly always have two live cards and people feel so sure AA is always a winner they give me a chance to bust them. The only time I limp AA is if I'm looking for a raise playing from early position and no one does other than that I'm hard at them and if they fold so be it.

Bank Roll $345

Poker Odds

The link above has a great article on pot odds and a nice table for working out the odds for each drawing hand.

More and more I'm playing the odds

Today for example pot standing at around 60c 4 handed I have A5d flop comes K52 has one diamond (2) and a 5 so I have second pair with top kicker on the button. Everyone bets 10c
I call because I think someone could have a K with a low kicker, but I'm getting 9-1 and my overcard is 7-1 to hit in the next two streets.

Next card is 7 diamonds everyone bets 30c to me. So I call why? 60c + flop bets 40c, +turn bets 90c = $1.90 so for my 30c I'm getting just over 6-1 for my call, I pretty sure any ace wins (giving 2 pair) it and any diamond makes top flush.

So at just over 4.1 for a diamond to hit and if my ace is good 3.1 for both flush and overcard the table offering me 6.1 is a good deal. Thats not counting any action ofter the river.

River junk no diamond or Ace and I fold to a bet from a player who wins with pair of kings 8 kicker.

Lesson is I will win this play more times than I will lose it so regardless of the loss, I'll keep doing it.

Often I'll win a hand and be called a fish or lucky, but I really feel that if I have odds to call and hit - it's not luck its good play.

This is why on the turn heads up with flush/straight draws out and me with a good hand (say top pair top kicker, 2 pair or trips) I will make a pot sized bet giving my opponent even money to out draw me knowing the odds they will are much greater.

The Link above will give you odds in various formats

Check the flop

It never ceases to amaze me how many people feel their second pair is in front just because I check an Ace on the flop and then they won't give up the hand.

Plays I feel work well for me in 5c/10c
Check ace on the flop, if the flop isn't scary (especially if everyone limped)
Make a pot sized bet if I sense weakness (this 9/10 times enduces a fold)
Bet from the button if everyone checks to you (this 9/10 times enduces a fold)
In position call a bet on the flop, if they check on the turn bet again (this 9/10 times enduces a fold)
Bet a flush draw that completes on the turn if against one opponent this 9/10 times enduces a fold

These plays depend on the cards out and opponents, also if people come back at me who would normally fold then I'm gone, the play is worth the effort but giving it up is a better call than losing cash.

Tuesday 6 January 2009

Push Push Push

Well I had a good night banking $50 playing 5c/10c $10 buy-in, then lost $20 all-in QQ v QJ who rivered a king to give him a straigh 910JQK but I'm ok as I won't lose to many of those.

Ma tactic at the moment is pick on the small stacks when I think I'm ahead. I find people will push/call $1.50 with junk or second pair or top pair poor kicker and if they have raised even a small amount pre-flop they will call any all-in even if they have junk. This is giving me steady wins as these players are less wary of losing their last few dollars and desparately looking for a double up.

Pacific Poker has new software with pre-set min, 1/2 pot and pot bet buttons, it also gives a running total of the pot as bets are placed. I like it much better than the old software . As one of the few players at my level who will bet the pot, I find most even if they are ahead will only venture to 1/2 pot bets max as I think they feel this will encourage people to keep betting but this also is giving other players the chance to out draw them. Now if I'm given the odds to call with a good drawing hand I'm after it, if I hit then players often find it hard to give up their top pair even with straight and flush draws out. I've beaten players holding AA who limp and then bet 10c/20c into $2 pots only to call my all-in flush on the river and they lose big. Bet the flop/turn aggresively and I'm gone, lets hope they never learn that lesson.

Bank roll $329


I'm always suprised how many people will go gaga for opened ended straight draw, say 567 when they hold only the 4, giving no regard for anyone with a 9 if the 8 comes and betting it hard as if they can't be beat or at worst expect a split pot. They never let the hand go and this proves profitable. I'm usually pretty cautious when I hold the bottom end of a straight with 2 cards nevermind one.

Bank Roll $295

Monday 5 January 2009

New Year

Having been struck by the most god awful flu over xmas and new year I haven't played much.

Oh Happy New Year!

I pushed the bankroll over $300 only to go on a losing streak knocking me down to £230.

I seemed to be getting bumped by every fish at pacific poker and then tilted for a while losing just over $70.

Three times I got beat with AA pre-flop rasing hard called first all-in with J8 clubs who flopped a set of 8's????, called again by 77 who went on to complete a straight 45678 and again all-in by AK off suit who went on to complete a flush Ace high on the river with 4 diamonds sic sic sic.

I've come the the decision to be more aggresive pre-flop as too many times I raise with great hands to 4 or 5 times the BB and get called by 3 to 4 players who at least 2 have junk.

Often I'm out drawn by these guys who just get lucky, so from now on I'm looking to chase them all away or get called by one of them. So now if you want to play with me it's going to cost and it's working as at least one person always calls and as soon as I bet they fold. Rather win 60c than lost $3.

Bank roll $279