Wednesday 22 July 2009

More Swings

Well I considered closing the account this week, bombed down to $145 or so, and I felt I was playing well, after my previous bad beat I had decided on super tight for a while AA, KK, QQ JJ, suited AK to AJ AK to AK, pocket pairs depending on position and cost.

Worked well for a awhile I was up $20 or so tight and aggressive, then they come oyt and get you the night brings 'em, the top pair all-in monkeys.

All 5c/10c 6 handed $10

Me AK hearts on the button, nice I hear you say, raise to 50c called by new player flop K69 with 2 hearts, cool TPTK and nut flush draw, they check I bet out 1/2 pot, they go all-in, I thought for a while could be 2 pair or trips, but could be KQ as well they had put $6.50 in I decided to call as I had outs to win. They flip K7off how cool is that dominated 3 outs come on, turn 10 river 8 he makes a straight. Arrrrrrrrrh.

I lost again flopped two pair bet aggressive called to the river ace comes, I call their bet they had runner runnered two pair on the end and had called with with Ace high on the flop and then 4th pair ace kicker on the river. Arrrrrh

I've had trips on the flop so many times versus an over a pair who has called my aggressive raises and I mean re-raises and hit the 2 outer on the turn or river, I felt like it was a joke.

I got money in with AK v AQ or worse many times for them to out draw me to the weaker kicker.

AK v AQ flop AK9 I was aggressive they kept come turn 10 river Jack arrrrrrr, I'm the pre flop aggressor, I re-raised you flop bet and you called my re-raise again for a 4 outer on the river.

I was close to just giving up, I dont want to play any higher than 10c/20c and even there they play is marginally better, as in they will raise/re-raise from their button a lot more amd muck a few more longshot hands but either way I was sick of losing 10-1 and 20-1 hands for stacks on the turn/river all too often.

Bank Roll $145.67

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