Wednesday 22 July 2009

Houses a plenty Part 2

Few hands later, I raised from MP with 99 to 40c, CO and Button call, Button player I've seen alot and he will virtually always plays his button to a raise. flop 664, not great but no overcards, I took initiative and bet another 40c, CO called and button folds, thoughts 6, 4, flush, straight draws possible flopped house.
The Ace on the turn hurts, flush complete and overcard to my pair, I checked and CO bet just under 1/2 the pot, I take that to mean 4 things
I have a flush and dont want to loose my customer
I have a 6 but am scared of the flush
I have an Ace but am scared of the flush
I have nothing but opponent has checked
I decide to call as if a 9 comes and they have hit a flush I will get paid at that point my call versus possible payout is something over 25-1 so I call and for once I hit the miracle 2 outer.
I decide to make it look like a bluff at the flush draw as I'm now sure they have the flush so I go all-in and barring AA or 66 I'm ahead, they call with the 2nd nut flush.
Nice Pot.
Now I know I've been the victim or the 2 outer miracle card, difference is my money is usually in before not after, if this guy had bet hard on the flush making Ace I'd have been forced to fold, I just wouldn't have called a pot size or greater bet here as I was loosing to any 6, A, pocket pair above 9s and flush, but his bet without the nuts on the turn was weak and the implied odd were great so I called and hit and got paid.

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