Wednesday 22 July 2009

Houses a plenty

Raised in the CO with 1010 to 40c went round to MP who called, as you can see flop of 10 Q Q was very nice unless I'm up against Q10, check, check, turn 2 check I bet 40c and get called, at this point with 2 checks and a call I pretty sure he doesnt even have a Queen I'm thinking draw to either flush or straight, the river Ace heats things up as I'm loosing to a few more hands AQ, AA, Q2, Q10, as I'm sure from his play he's on a draw and rule out him having a Queen that leaves AA, he checks, I think he's missed his flush a fire out a 1/2 pot bet for value expecting a fold, he goes all-in.

Man I dont have the nuts but I'm beat by so few hands, so I start to think about what he puts me on and I come up with at best he thinks I have a Queen or a 10 (trips or two pair), I decide he aint bluffing and put him on the KJ for nuts straight and I call. Good call by me.

Felt sorry for the guy he'd blown $70 and was down to his last $4 on another table, few hands before he got cracked KK v AJ all-in pre-flop, and then again he called an all-in with an A high flush draw v AA and didnt make it and he'd just re-loaded when I got him.

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