Monday 13 July 2009

Bad Beats Part whatever

Busted again

99 v KK limped in flop 2 7 9 opponent bet pot I re-raise x 3 turn A they bet pot I pushed, they call for 2 outs and hit K on river

AA v K9off flops trips KK then a A comes on the turn and I'm happy both all-in river K

AA v JJ all-in pre he flops a Jack

KK v 910off all-in QK3 I bet hard they follow hit a J on the river for gut shot

QQ v QJsuited all-in pre lost to a straight

Same player 3 hands called my raise with weak Aces and made 2 pair each time

AK v A5off river 5

AQ v A7off hit turn 7

AQ v A3off flop 2 pair

Bankroll $218.00

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