Friday 31 July 2009

Always loosing Hands

I'm on the button everyone limps and the BB min raises to 12c and everyone calls.
Flop 6 4 5 rainbow BB bets 1/4 of the pot, which I feel is weak, I decided to call with a gutshot and and 2 overs to the flop, the SB also calls, rest of the table folds. When the 7 comes for my straight and making the board super dangerous I'm sure the action is over, the BB bets 1/2 the pot with the flush draw out I decided to take it down and re-raise to $2 which is just over the current pot size as I'm happy I'm in front, SB folds, BB thinks and calls, at this point I'm thinking he has 2 hearts.
When the nine comes unless he has 810 and I don't think he does, nothing changes for me, this is when he goes all-in and for me it's an insta-call and he shows the pockets 9s for his beaten set.
One of the many examples where people get aggressive too late with a good hand but on the river with a 4 card straight out nowhere near the nuts. His final river bet was around $7 do that on the flop and most players are away and you win a small pot instead of getting stacked.
I called the flop, re-raised him on the turn, the last thing he needed to do was all-in on the river, just in case I had the straight, sure he was beating a pair or two pair even but come on how confident can you be it that situation out of position.
This is a classic example of a hand you could be loosing all the way regardless, these are the hands I try and keep the pot small in, if my set is good then super, if its not then I minimise the losses.

My Royal Flush

Flopped a straight 10 to A then forth spade comes but I'm still drawing to nut flush and the nuts!! 10 of spade hits to give me the Royal Flush and a slight profit.

Thursday 30 July 2009

Why chasing is dangerous is you get it wrong

5c/10c $10 I'm familiar with the villain, play him a lot he is loose and aggressive, but will chase draws without odds.
I limp as the button will fold/or limp as usual they fold, villain raises to 20c from the SB (he will do this with marginal hands such as 10J Q10 KQ etc. and the BB checks I'm getting 5-1 so call.
Flopped bottom pair with nut flush draw, SB min bets, I put him on a flush draw or a Jack which I can beat if the flush hits or push off if not, so I flat call, BB folded. The 3 makes a straight draw and the SB checked so I decide to bet the pot and represent the straight, bang they flat call me.
Now I was worried but if that had happened to me and I had the straight I would have pushed back while I was ahead. River a nasty two but they check so I check behind expecting to be beat and they flip Q10. I win 4's.
Right they had flush and gutshot straight draws both of which beat what I was trying to represent, potentially 12 outs (9 hearts and 3 kings), I made a pot bet so odds were even and they were around 3-1 to hit and out of position, If a heart had come and they had bet I would have re-raised all-in and they would have called. If they thought my bet was anything other than a bluff why call with ony a draw. Only making a flush or a straight would have given them any reason to bet out of position on the river.
Oh for a heart on the river as his money was then mine, all of it.

Nice Win

3c/6c $10

Raised to 21c from, I decide to re-raise to 60c, with my JJ as I have position and there are 4 players behind me to act everyone folds to villain who calls, at this point I pretty confident I'm not against AA or KK as with a re-raise on 3c/6c they get excited and push pre-flop. The flop is golden my opponent bets the pot, so they are confident as C-betting doesnt happen much a super micro stakes. So I think AJ or QQ taking a peak at the flop and liking it at best he could have KK either way I just decide to push as even top pair top kicker will often call here as they cant work out whats betting them. QQ it is for 2 outs and I'm happy to not get donked.

Wednesday 29 July 2009

Luckiest Call in the World

All-in on the flop from the 66 called by the AQ
66 makes a fullhouse leaving the AQ with 4 outs on the river and bang A appears for Quads
I did the odd calculation and the 66 was 98% winner on the flop and 85% on the turn good odds and to still get beat doudle ouch.

Thursday 23 July 2009


Played like a donk, blew off $12 over a few hands, calmed and picked up AA, raised and got re-raised to £1.20, super AK or KK or QQ so I pushed, called CHOPPED, hit 3 spades would have loved to have busted my fellow player bullets with a 4 card flush.

Wednesday 22 July 2009

Houses a plenty Part 2

Few hands later, I raised from MP with 99 to 40c, CO and Button call, Button player I've seen alot and he will virtually always plays his button to a raise. flop 664, not great but no overcards, I took initiative and bet another 40c, CO called and button folds, thoughts 6, 4, flush, straight draws possible flopped house.
The Ace on the turn hurts, flush complete and overcard to my pair, I checked and CO bet just under 1/2 the pot, I take that to mean 4 things
I have a flush and dont want to loose my customer
I have a 6 but am scared of the flush
I have an Ace but am scared of the flush
I have nothing but opponent has checked
I decide to call as if a 9 comes and they have hit a flush I will get paid at that point my call versus possible payout is something over 25-1 so I call and for once I hit the miracle 2 outer.
I decide to make it look like a bluff at the flush draw as I'm now sure they have the flush so I go all-in and barring AA or 66 I'm ahead, they call with the 2nd nut flush.
Nice Pot.
Now I know I've been the victim or the 2 outer miracle card, difference is my money is usually in before not after, if this guy had bet hard on the flush making Ace I'd have been forced to fold, I just wouldn't have called a pot size or greater bet here as I was loosing to any 6, A, pocket pair above 9s and flush, but his bet without the nuts on the turn was weak and the implied odd were great so I called and hit and got paid.

Houses a plenty

Raised in the CO with 1010 to 40c went round to MP who called, as you can see flop of 10 Q Q was very nice unless I'm up against Q10, check, check, turn 2 check I bet 40c and get called, at this point with 2 checks and a call I pretty sure he doesnt even have a Queen I'm thinking draw to either flush or straight, the river Ace heats things up as I'm loosing to a few more hands AQ, AA, Q2, Q10, as I'm sure from his play he's on a draw and rule out him having a Queen that leaves AA, he checks, I think he's missed his flush a fire out a 1/2 pot bet for value expecting a fold, he goes all-in.

Man I dont have the nuts but I'm beat by so few hands, so I start to think about what he puts me on and I come up with at best he thinks I have a Queen or a 10 (trips or two pair), I decide he aint bluffing and put him on the KJ for nuts straight and I call. Good call by me.

Felt sorry for the guy he'd blown $70 and was down to his last $4 on another table, few hands before he got cracked KK v AJ all-in pre-flop, and then again he called an all-in with an A high flush draw v AA and didnt make it and he'd just re-loaded when I got him.

Faith restored

At last a smile from the poker gods it's been a while, but thank you all the same
I raise to limp as the button had folded a lot of cards or limped as well, the BB followed

Flopped top pair but kicker is horrible, BB checked, I decide to have a stab and bet 3/4 of the pot and was called by Button and BB, river is a 7 giving me 2 pair but completing a gut shot straight.

I happier but not 100% so I bet 3/4 of the pot again and get called, river brings the K completing the flush draw and giving me a house, at this point BB checks, I'm only beaten by a K10 and the way my luck is it could be out there.

I think someone has to have a flush or a very least hit the straight, I can't see what got them to come along other than a draw, so I decide to check, pot is ok as is, not greedy.

GRAVVVVY, button raises to $1, BB (short) re-raises all-in and I go over the top all-in and button commits to the hand two flushes J and 10 high so not even the nutz.

$168.45 a small step to recovery

More Swings

Well I considered closing the account this week, bombed down to $145 or so, and I felt I was playing well, after my previous bad beat I had decided on super tight for a while AA, KK, QQ JJ, suited AK to AJ AK to AK, pocket pairs depending on position and cost.

Worked well for a awhile I was up $20 or so tight and aggressive, then they come oyt and get you the night brings 'em, the top pair all-in monkeys.

All 5c/10c 6 handed $10

Me AK hearts on the button, nice I hear you say, raise to 50c called by new player flop K69 with 2 hearts, cool TPTK and nut flush draw, they check I bet out 1/2 pot, they go all-in, I thought for a while could be 2 pair or trips, but could be KQ as well they had put $6.50 in I decided to call as I had outs to win. They flip K7off how cool is that dominated 3 outs come on, turn 10 river 8 he makes a straight. Arrrrrrrrrh.

I lost again flopped two pair bet aggressive called to the river ace comes, I call their bet they had runner runnered two pair on the end and had called with with Ace high on the flop and then 4th pair ace kicker on the river. Arrrrrh

I've had trips on the flop so many times versus an over a pair who has called my aggressive raises and I mean re-raises and hit the 2 outer on the turn or river, I felt like it was a joke.

I got money in with AK v AQ or worse many times for them to out draw me to the weaker kicker.

AK v AQ flop AK9 I was aggressive they kept come turn 10 river Jack arrrrrrr, I'm the pre flop aggressor, I re-raised you flop bet and you called my re-raise again for a 4 outer on the river.

I was close to just giving up, I dont want to play any higher than 10c/20c and even there they play is marginally better, as in they will raise/re-raise from their button a lot more amd muck a few more longshot hands but either way I was sick of losing 10-1 and 20-1 hands for stacks on the turn/river all too often.

Bank Roll $145.67

Monday 13 July 2009


The swings at the moment are huge I'm up and down $50 all the time, I'm happy with 90% of my play and often just get outdraw by a dog to loose, I don't mind getting the money in when I'm ahead but getting called by a pair of K's versus my trip 9's on the turn with Ace showing should make me happy the fact my oppenent calls an all-in bet with 2nd pair is a mistake as I already re-raised him on the flop and I should be happy he has 2 outs on the river 20-1 dog and all. When he hits I'm sad, worse still the AA v K9 who hits trips then quads wow, how poor is that.

I just hope these guys think poker is that easy and keep calling me down with junk or from well behind.

I guess you just accept that you get rivered and 20-1 means you loose once in a while


..... the perfect hand(s)

Me 44 called a 40c (4xBB) v 2 opponents flop 4410 2 diamonds, me last to act get a raise to 40c and a call so I just called turn a 10, ohh my please have a 10, 1st checks player 2 bets the pot, yep he has the 10, I call again, river completes the diamond flush as well, villain bets the pot again and I go all-in, he's only losing to 44 and really has to call incase I also just have the 10 or a donkey 4 or a flush, he thought for full time and called, bang $40 pot for me.

Also on the table was a super loose German, I know german and loose odd combo.

I raise from button, with KQ hearts, flop 7 10 J 2 hearts, he bets and I flat call, turn a nice A for my straight he checks, I decided to check hoping he'd bluff the river, river is a blank and he bets the pot and I re-raise him x3 he goes all in, I call he has 10 7.

2 hands and bank roll saved

Bank Roll $222.18

Bad Beat Continues

Lost AK v AQ flop A3K bet hard got called, turn Q opponent all in called river Q

AA v 10J he hit straight to K all pre-flop

next hand raised big with QQ got squeezed all-in was confident I was ahead so called he had 3-5 off and flops 2 pair to stack me again.

Bankroll well under $200 now ouch at a poor $188.00

Bad Beats Part whatever

Busted again

99 v KK limped in flop 2 7 9 opponent bet pot I re-raise x 3 turn A they bet pot I pushed, they call for 2 outs and hit K on river

AA v K9off flops trips KK then a A comes on the turn and I'm happy both all-in river K

AA v JJ all-in pre he flops a Jack

KK v 910off all-in QK3 I bet hard they follow hit a J on the river for gut shot

QQ v QJsuited all-in pre lost to a straight

Same player 3 hands called my raise with weak Aces and made 2 pair each time

AK v A5off river 5

AQ v A7off hit turn 7

AQ v A3off flop 2 pair

Bankroll $218.00

Friday 10 July 2009

Bad Aggressive Players and Bad Players

Diablo turned up last night and he's got a bit better he once beat me in an all-in on the flop, he re-raised me all-in with A9 flop 2 5 9 me with 99 I called and he runner runnered AA to beat me hitting two of his 3 outs the only two cards that could have beat me, unreal at the time.

He would never give up a pot either lost big or won big, more lost, he still calls a lot of longshots and 3 outs is enough for him. He rarely folds pre-flop so it is a nightmare to put him on a hand if junk hits and you have AK, AQ and miss, so you have to be careful with just top pair some are not and these he beats for big pots with his 74 off hitting two pairs versus a big Ace.

A guy turned up last session I hadn't seen before, super aggressive banging in pot and over pot bets, he did quite well for a little while, I just tightened up and waited, some of his play was great versus people who had at best top pair and they backed down a lot to his re-raising. He'd re-raise pre 10 x BB and follow it up with a pot+ bet on the flop regardless, no one punted at him for 15-20 hands, I re-raised him in position with 10J suited on the button, flop came AK4 he made his pot bet, I thought no way he's hit and I re-raised him 3x his bet he folded. I think he realised I was pretty tight and didn't bluff me to much.

Anyway his aggressive betting was winning pots, but 2 or 3 times he kept firing versus players who had the goods and at showdown each time he had nothing or bottom pair, after that people started calling him down. He stacked twice on one table and came to another I was on and did the same, going from $10 to $20 quickly and then bust.

I got him in the end after he'd blew $15 on a bluff over 3 streets, he re-raised all-in next hand I called with 77 he flipped K3 off and he was gone.

See these player often, the aggressive side virtual maniac play is great, if they selected the pot better to do it in, why bluff on the river a guy who's betting hard and the board is JJ337.

Bank Roll $278.91

Thursday 9 July 2009

Good Session(s)

Well I stopped getting out donked sorry drawn and won a few over the past few sessions.

Stacked 3 players, first me with A5 hearts on the button, flop 252, get a min bet from villain I called everyone else folds, turn a 5, pot bet from our villain I called, river 3, all-in from our villain I figured split pot 5s over 2s but no he had a 2.

Button again versus villain who bet hard top pair regarless of kicker me AJclubs on button villain limps I re-raised 5 x BB they call flop J 2 5 with 2 clubs nice villain make pot bet, as every hand they had top pair and tried to protect I re-raise x 3 they called, turn 9, they checked and I checked as with just TPTK, bit of pot control not a bad idea, river J and they moved all-in, I gave it some thought, and figured they thought I'd missed my flush draw and had a weak Jack, so I called they had J7off

3 players limped me in cut off with KQ spades flop A93 spades cool check, I check, button bets 3/4 of the pot fold, I call turn blank, I check in order to raise button goes all-in, unlucky he has 107 spades and gets out flushed by me.

So two session raked in pretty much $70 not bad for 3c/6c

Bank Roll $261.29

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Bad Session

Bank Roll down to mid $190's had a bad session last night, one of those I was happy with my play but either got out draw or someone got really lucky.

Example flopped 2 pair KQ in a limp pot bet it hard one player stayed with me and hit runner runner A5 to beat me, seeing a lot of players who if they have one/two overcards to the board wont fold, even if they hit they might not be ahead, love theses guys most of the time, but not when they runner, runner me for a tidy pot.

Friday 3 July 2009

Caution and Bad Luck

Flopped the nut flush with K9 flop AQ10 so had the straight flush draw as well, opponent bet into me I re-raised they called, turn nothing we battle on, river 10 and yes the had Q10 for the house, busted.

Next hand same player I have AA I raised to 24c they re-raised to 50c I re-raised to $3 and they called, at this point I think AA KK QQ AK, flop a safe looking 2 10 5, I check they bet $1 I pushed all-in and they called with pocket 10s bang, he got me twice.

Bank Roll hit but bounced back

Bank Roll $216.93

Thursday 2 July 2009


So I'm matching pots and bets to hand strengths, no more getting carried away with top pair top kicker and huge pots.

Small pot small hand, big pots big hands. Limiting loses and maximising winning, my value betting is also better.

Also been selecting opponents I know will call or push with ok hands or bottoms ends of straights and trips when straights and flushes are out.

Its working back up over $200 now

Example v a player who is aggressive but in the wrong spots, 6 handed 3 limpers me on button with 97off, I raised 1 caller, flop 969 nice for me but spade draw out, this guy calls a lot so I bet the pot turn hits a six so I guess if he has the six he'll call me so I pot again he calls and the river is blank.

I push and he thinks a long time and calls with 88 $16 pot in 1 minute at the tabe first hand of the day cool

Bank Roll $224.58