Tuesday 25 November 2008

Well I did it again!

$10 table few hands in I had a stack of $9.10. In the Big Blind everyone limps I have J9 suited cards come JAJ I check as does everyone else K on the turn bet comes of 10 cents everyone folds and I flat call it. River comes 5. My opponent bets 70cents I re-raise to $1.40 they go all-in and I call convinced they have Ax or Kx and are trying to bluff me off the hand, they have Q10 for the 10 to Ace straight and my moneys gone.

What I’m thinking after and correct me if you think I’m wrong:
Limping with J9suited – well I was the big blind so no problem
Checking the flop – should have bet at least to see if anyone had a Jack or an Ace especially as J9 could have been out kicked and someone could have limped in AA or AJ?
Checking gave my opponent a free card and he hit his gut shot for no cost.
Flat calling a min bet on the turn – wrong again – should asking questions.
Re-raising the River – I was pretty sure the 5 was a dead card and I’m happy with the re-raise holding trip Jacks I needed to ask the question – I could have just called I guess with the straight draw out perhaps would have been a better choice. Calling the all-in bet was just silly. I’d asked the question with the re-raise and the answer was I’m confident with my hand or I’m bluffing.

So in this hand it went from 2 questions at the flop I didn’t ask
To four questions at the turn I didn’t ask.
To one question on the river – which I asked and didn’t listen to the answer.

Whether I take notice or not – this should teach me about this hand and general play:
First off 6 players limping makes it really hard to know where you’re at in the hand
Taking down a small pot early is better than losing big pot later in the hand - J9 with a flop of JAJ is not the nuts it’s quite possibly ahead so bet it and see what response you get from the other players. The more cards are drawn (depending on what turns over) the more opportunities my opponents have to outdraw me.
Fold or Raise as at the turn a little re-raise here would have told me my opponent was still interested in the hand and I should be cautious.
Calling and all-in bet with the number of hands that beat me (AA, KK, JA to J10, Q10, J5, 55) was foolish and my re-raise was like a flag saying I’ll call again cause I have a Jack.
Turning over your cards and going ha ha surprised you all is not the point of poker winning is, be it even only 60cents.
With betting unless you flop the nuts asking questions with a bet is cheaper sooner in the hand than latter in the hand.
There’s no shame in flat calling or checking the river if you’re not sure you’re ahead.

The final lesson and note to self in bold lettering: Betting is your friend it asks questions of your opponents and that information gives you a clearer picture of where you are in a hand and what to do next. Limiting loses is as good as maximising winnings and betting will support this theory either way.

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