Friday 28 November 2008

Losing Ways

Well I just couldn’t sleep last night eventual giving up a 4am this morning and getting up for a coffee. I logged on the pacific poker and got involved in 3 tables ($10 buy-ins). My play wasn’t terrible, not as tight as I’ve been playing over the first half of the week.

Got burned had 89 suited limped with one other guy flopped straight 567 no flush draw. I raised 50cent got re-raised $1.50, now I can’t see what’s beating me so I call thinking he’s got trips. Turn comes K rainbow board so no flush draw I bet again (£3.00) and the guy goes all-in. Again I can’t see how I’m beat so I call. River is a 7 and he wins full house 777 KK gutted, don’t think I played it badly just think he played poorly and got lucky with his K7, yes he had top pair with a good kicker on the flop but come on he was beat.

Lost again heavily had pocket 3s and make trips lost out to a guy with pocket Ks who made trips on the river. Lost another flopped (910JQK) straight to a guy that made a flush hearts ace high 2 hearts at the flop and then runner, runner hearts was playing A2 off calling me all the way. Got pissed off and started playing junk and lost a little more ended up with $125 or so.

Took a break and came back calmed! Decided I needed to get back on my game.

Had two straight flushes both clubs as I continue my love affair with clubs first was A to 5 but didn’t see much action second was 2-6. 3 players all limping me in the big blind flop comes with the 34 of clubs can’t remember the other card but nothing special. I check so do the other two turn nothing again, I check as do the other two, river 5 clubs, great to see but at this point I’m seeing not action for this hand. So I raise $1-00 expecting nothing for my straight flush get raised to $3-00, next player all-in back to me all-in and raiser goes all-in WOW. The other two had K and A high flushes respectively and I scoped a $27 pot, very nice.

Continued to play well and tight more importantly

Bank roll $157

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