Friday 28 November 2008

Does fortune Favour the Bold

Dropped into a table at lunch time with some guys I’ve played with before. They are all super loose and I’ve noted them down on player notes as such. One bets strongly on any pair he hits on the flop be it top, middle or bottom pair. The other over raises pre-flop with crappy hands then tries to bluff it out on the next 2 streets.

10 hands in they are acting as previously noted, they play all-in pair of 7s with a 9 kicker called by a pair of 10s with a 3 kicker with over cards on the board. Patience with these guys always works, wait for a good hand pre-flop and bet hard they always bite. You don’t get to limp in much as they always raise pre-flop regardless of what they have.

So, I wake up with AQ diamonds, raise 50cents, re-raised to $1, another player calls, I call. Flop is 38Q I bet $1 next guy goes all-in followed by the other player. I know there is a very good chance they have nothing as this is how they play – coin flips. I thinking just fold but top pair top kicker with no flush draw or straight draw out – gut shots aside. I’m taking my whole 15 seconds here trip 3s or 8s or 2 pair? I can cover the bets without busting and the odds to call are great so I push. Cards flipped A3 and K10 both unsuited.

Turn and River go my way nice pot swells the bank roll.

Bank roll at $177

Losing Ways

Well I just couldn’t sleep last night eventual giving up a 4am this morning and getting up for a coffee. I logged on the pacific poker and got involved in 3 tables ($10 buy-ins). My play wasn’t terrible, not as tight as I’ve been playing over the first half of the week.

Got burned had 89 suited limped with one other guy flopped straight 567 no flush draw. I raised 50cent got re-raised $1.50, now I can’t see what’s beating me so I call thinking he’s got trips. Turn comes K rainbow board so no flush draw I bet again (£3.00) and the guy goes all-in. Again I can’t see how I’m beat so I call. River is a 7 and he wins full house 777 KK gutted, don’t think I played it badly just think he played poorly and got lucky with his K7, yes he had top pair with a good kicker on the flop but come on he was beat.

Lost again heavily had pocket 3s and make trips lost out to a guy with pocket Ks who made trips on the river. Lost another flopped (910JQK) straight to a guy that made a flush hearts ace high 2 hearts at the flop and then runner, runner hearts was playing A2 off calling me all the way. Got pissed off and started playing junk and lost a little more ended up with $125 or so.

Took a break and came back calmed! Decided I needed to get back on my game.

Had two straight flushes both clubs as I continue my love affair with clubs first was A to 5 but didn’t see much action second was 2-6. 3 players all limping me in the big blind flop comes with the 34 of clubs can’t remember the other card but nothing special. I check so do the other two turn nothing again, I check as do the other two, river 5 clubs, great to see but at this point I’m seeing not action for this hand. So I raise $1-00 expecting nothing for my straight flush get raised to $3-00, next player all-in back to me all-in and raiser goes all-in WOW. The other two had K and A high flushes respectively and I scoped a $27 pot, very nice.

Continued to play well and tight more importantly

Bank roll $157

Thursday 27 November 2008

69 Pays Off

Well I played a little at lunch time and won with 69 off suit granted I was in the big blind and the table all folded to me scooping a profit of 5cents, but hey it's profit.

Best win straight 45678 played 78suited from big blind flopped straight bet it and was called all the way to the showdown by a guy with pair Jacks and an 8 kicker. Even called my final re-raise to get
his remaining $2.50 in the pot.

Bank roll at $164

Boys will be boys

Poker aside for a moment

My 12 year old soon to be 13 year old has discovered ladies!!! His Mother arrived home from work, yesterday popped upstairs to get changed and came down very quickly asking who J had in his room? I told her he was entertaining a young lady and she replied I can hear giggling. Not helping the situation I suggested they were telling each other jokes or reading funny stories on the internet. Now a Fathers bias aside the boys a good looking kid, blonde hair, blue eyes and all and this ladies in the room thing is only going to get worse.

Grandma is having kittens after she inquired whether he knew about the birds and the bees, to which he replied not really but I know loads about sex. This to an elderly woman who considers bloody and shit swearing of the highest order and only has one child claiming she only had sex the once and that was by accident.

Surpased by my own Mother who once when asked have you made a pot of tea, she replied yes but it's still masturbating.

Trying not to get to confident

I'm averaging $20 profit a session which I'm happy with as I only play for around 60 to 90 minutes in total. This usually consists of one good win $7-10 and picking up smaller pots playing strong hands agressively that usually dont make the river.

Best win called a 40cents bet with 56clubs against one opponent, hadn't been getting much action or cards so took a punt. Flop come 2d 3c 9c leaving me a low flush draw and gut shot draw. Opponents bets another 40cents and I call thinking if he's got AK AQ, trips or perhaps a middle/big pair? If I hit my straight I sure I'll win, if I hit the flush will see how he reacts incase he's holding high clubs.

Turn comes 4 spades and I'm smilling, he bets 80cents and I re-raise and he calls so I'm thinking either still chasing a flush trips or A5 or big pair.

River is Jh he bets $1.20 and I re-raise and he goes all-in for the remainder of his $10 stack
So I check out the board as I'm trying not to instantly call anything under my new regime.
Must be A5 or trips or AJ or big pocket pair either way I'm good and I call.

Flips over A10 of spades - nothing - full on expensive bluff.

Now I have no problem with bluffing and I am now rarely fully bluff unless my experience of my opponents tells me they will fold and I usually put the pressure on before the river cards out just incase they get lucky.

I may semi-bluff to big up my hand but I wont go All-in with ace high against a two time re-raiser agressively returning my bets, who only starts betting after 234 appears and could be well holding A5 if not AA or KK or trips and even if I just has AJ to AK he was beat. So many hands out there could beat A10. So bad play for him great win for me, play on M****9 hope to see you again.

Got on a table where everyone just went all-in when they hit a pair on the flop. Got stung onces for $3plus, returned to my tight play and made a few good wins with trips and top 2 pairs against these players. They never seem to bring more than $3 to the $10 tables and are willing to risk it all on a coin flip.

Lesson of the Day: Coin flip isn't good enough odds for me but I hope my current opponents never learn that lessson.

Bank roll now at $155

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Still Staying Tight

Well I’ve been a really good boy for the last few days and I’ve stuck pretty much to my plan of playing premium hands and the odd low pair and suited connectors. I’m forgiving myself the odd wobble and downright gamble as I’m 90% sticking to plan. Still playing 69 though just can’t help it.

Things have gone well, with me managing to double up on quite a few $10 tables. Never fails to amaze me that even if I fold 10 hands in a row and then raise 50cents I can still get 4 callers on a six seat table. I often think what have you got that was worth 10cents a few seconds ago and now 5 times that. Doesn’t matter what I have if an ace hits the flop and I bet out they fold 90% of the time.

One of the best lessons I’ve learned is to leave those rag aces alone. I lost count how many times I’ve won a good pot by beating Ax with a good kicker. I’ve learned the hard way how dominated you can be with an ace and a poor kicker.

My goal is to double up $10 to $20 in an hour – I think that’s a fair return for the time invested.

Best hand of the day
Sat down posted my 10cents blind cards dealt AA – super
Guy to my left raises 60cents next guy calls the bet.
I’m thinking no one is expecting this on my first hand so go All-in with my $9.90 expecting them to fold. Initial raiser calls next guy folds – cards flipped he has KJ hearts.
Hits a king on the flop but I scope the pot.

Did get beat AA against 69spades was only for a $1.50 all-in guy hit a 6 and a 9
Strange hands played 2 tables got K diamonds and 8 spades in each hand at the same time, folded both then flop on each table come 57J not the same suit but still spooky.

Did go QQ against a guy who flipped at the end with QQ - I hate a split pot.

Lesson of the day: Tight is Right

Bank Roll up to $135

Tuesday 25 November 2008

A little success

After my previous poor showing I decided to listen to my own advice

I played 2 $10 buy-in tables blinds 5/10cents for an hour and did really well.

I decide only to play premium hands stretching to suited connectors / low pairs if the flop was cheap enough. Kept it very tight for 30 minutes and was up $8 between the two tables.

One Great Hand

Got into a hand that made me a good profit having limped with 44, with 2 other opponents, flop comes 234. After experience earlier I’m thinking A5 no pre-flop raise probably not as these boys were raising every Ace from A2 to AK, but 56 to the 2 to 6 straight perhaps. So betting is my questioning friend and I make a giant pot size bet of 35cents and get two callers, bugger. So I’m thinking at worst straight but may be 2 over cards, an over pair or a flush and or straight draw perhaps 2 pair either way I not in bad shape. Turn comes a 2 so I’m sitting with a Full House 444 22 and all of a sudden I’m not worried about a flush or a straight – I’m thinking one of them has quad 2’s. So I lose my bottle and check and a bet comes in of 80c which is called round to me. I re-access and think of how many times I’ve seen quads in 1000’s of hands and think re-raise to £1.60 and they fold or go all-in if one of them has quads. Flat called by both opponents.

Now when I’ve seen quads on a low stakes table, just like pocket aces, people get giddy and throw money at it, so now I’m thinking calm down chances are your ahead. River comes down Q clubs completing anyone’s clubs flush draw which I’m loving if true. The Q doesn’t bother me as anyone with QQ pre-flop is going to be raising to get rid of any rag Aces.

So I decide to get aggressive and bet $5 into the pot standing at towards $6, first opponent calls all in with his remaining $4.90ish, second opponent goes all-in with his $6.55 leaving me $1.50 or so to call which I have to do so now committed.

Cards turned 3 full houses and I WIN! Hurrah Board 2342Q
Opponent 1 23 FH 22233
Opponent 2 33 FH 33322
Me 44 FH 44422

I continued to play tight and called it quits after an hour

Bank roll up $33 to $99

Well I did it again!

$10 table few hands in I had a stack of $9.10. In the Big Blind everyone limps I have J9 suited cards come JAJ I check as does everyone else K on the turn bet comes of 10 cents everyone folds and I flat call it. River comes 5. My opponent bets 70cents I re-raise to $1.40 they go all-in and I call convinced they have Ax or Kx and are trying to bluff me off the hand, they have Q10 for the 10 to Ace straight and my moneys gone.

What I’m thinking after and correct me if you think I’m wrong:
Limping with J9suited – well I was the big blind so no problem
Checking the flop – should have bet at least to see if anyone had a Jack or an Ace especially as J9 could have been out kicked and someone could have limped in AA or AJ?
Checking gave my opponent a free card and he hit his gut shot for no cost.
Flat calling a min bet on the turn – wrong again – should asking questions.
Re-raising the River – I was pretty sure the 5 was a dead card and I’m happy with the re-raise holding trip Jacks I needed to ask the question – I could have just called I guess with the straight draw out perhaps would have been a better choice. Calling the all-in bet was just silly. I’d asked the question with the re-raise and the answer was I’m confident with my hand or I’m bluffing.

So in this hand it went from 2 questions at the flop I didn’t ask
To four questions at the turn I didn’t ask.
To one question on the river – which I asked and didn’t listen to the answer.

Whether I take notice or not – this should teach me about this hand and general play:
First off 6 players limping makes it really hard to know where you’re at in the hand
Taking down a small pot early is better than losing big pot later in the hand - J9 with a flop of JAJ is not the nuts it’s quite possibly ahead so bet it and see what response you get from the other players. The more cards are drawn (depending on what turns over) the more opportunities my opponents have to outdraw me.
Fold or Raise as at the turn a little re-raise here would have told me my opponent was still interested in the hand and I should be cautious.
Calling and all-in bet with the number of hands that beat me (AA, KK, JA to J10, Q10, J5, 55) was foolish and my re-raise was like a flag saying I’ll call again cause I have a Jack.
Turning over your cards and going ha ha surprised you all is not the point of poker winning is, be it even only 60cents.
With betting unless you flop the nuts asking questions with a bet is cheaper sooner in the hand than latter in the hand.
There’s no shame in flat calling or checking the river if you’re not sure you’re ahead.

The final lesson and note to self in bold lettering: Betting is your friend it asks questions of your opponents and that information gives you a clearer picture of where you are in a hand and what to do next. Limiting loses is as good as maximising winnings and betting will support this theory either way.

Spelling and Grammar

I can't do either well and looking back over the first few posts that would be obvious to most.

I may correct them, but in the future will try and type up blogs in Word and let it do the clever stuff. I do maths well and can draw, I have a good sense of balance so if my spelling is poor I can live with it.

My son recently brought home a recipe for Pasta Bake needing ingredients for school the next week.
The list included:-
Mice Meat
Pastor twists
Oven prof dish
Tomata puree

It matters more when there's money on it

Is this just me?

With my new found Poker obsession some of my family and friends want to play me. My girlfriend bought me some chips and a deck as part of a birthday present.

I've tried to explain that without the possibility of winning or loosing something for real what's the point, this they don't get. The way I see it is everyone's a gambler when theres nothing to lose, everyone would play to the river in case they win. Miracle cards that cost nothing are worth waiting for.

I got the message through to my girlfriend who moaned about me not using the birthday chips. Right I said we'll play with the chips and whoever wins the loser has to be their sex slave for a week.

Lets just say the chips remain unopened which is a same because it would have been a great win.

Either way.

Monday 24 November 2008


The bank roll is down to $75 after some seriously bad play.

Got caught twice slow playing flopped 2 pairs only to have the board pair each time giving my opponent a bigger two pair. On both occasions I couldn’t/wouldn’t fold the hand and lost heavily, again even though I really knew I was beat. Note to self learn how to fold when you know you’re beat, listen to yourself for once. Second note to self if the flop is A 9 8 and you have flopped two pair 98’s try and take down the pot quickly.

Also got beat with top pair top kicker (AJ flopped Js) to a guy slow playing Aces. Problem with this is I’ve won loads of hands against players betting on a pair of aces with a horribly low kicker. As I’ve said before on the $10 buy-in tables there are loads of players who when holding an Ace will hunt down another one or when hitting a pair of Aces will not give them up regardless of the board. Need to re-assess who I’m playing and not assume that I’m just out kicking their J10. Guy in this hand limped in and flat called me all the way as I made increasing bets, I did think he was chasing a flush draw and had missed. Was either great play or poor play I couldn’t tell and as I lost we’ll call it great play rather than me playing bad – agreed?

I lost 2 all-in pots on flush draws, 3 way hands and at the time I felt with two cards to come and potential of Ace high flushes it was worth the gamble. I was last to act in each hand and was getting around 3-1 for my call. Good odds I find only really count if you hit your cards. I guess I’m not to bothered about these two plays as I was pretty confident if I hit I win and the pay off would have been sweet.

I was playing one table during the session and I’m finding that if I play multiple tables my game is much better. I’m not inclined to play hunches or off-suit connectors out of boredom and tend to stick to premium starting hands and the odd suited connectors / small pairs if I’m not getting much in the way of hands.

How much should I worry about bluffing?

One of the worst aspects of my game is calling a large bet on the river. I have come to the conclusion that I really hate to think I've been bluffed off a winning hand.

Now I think I'm pretty good at spotting the busted flush draw all-in move which loads of players on the $10 buy-in tables do.

Example I was sitting with 2 pair AQ's betting strongly on the river my opponents drops a potsized bet on me, I'm thinking he's has to have K10 for the 10 to A straight I'm convinced, but what if he's buffing and I call and bang all the winning for the last hour are gone.

Penny saved is a penny earned? Is it better to fold and never know than get popped.

You tell me?

Worst pot of the day so far 3 way me KK, opponents 33 and QQ - 33 hits his 3 ouch

Sunday 23 November 2008

Never Fold an Ace

First off the bankroll is nearly at $150 after a profitable sunday night.

Played against a guy who was getting grief from the table for his fishy play.

He got lucky on several occasions, against me refushing to fold an ace and hitting it on the river, playing 55 to the river and again hitting a 5 with four over cards out and strong betting from a player with 2 pair A8's which he'd flopped.

Now the rest of the table are telling this guy how crap he is and I'm thinking why? Why because as soon as you realise he can't let go of hands a bit of patience will see you take his money, this kind of opponent I want, he always calls/bets even if you have a flush, straight or better.

Fair enough you can't bluff him off his hand but if you find yourself against a player that just can't fold don't complain eventual they go bust and hopefully to you. Even with my poor poker skills I feel I have the edge against this numpty and yes he may get luck from time to time but thats worth the eentual profit.

I got half his cash when he played 99 to the river despite 2 over cards one being my wining J.

I noted his profile as loose, calls everything, will hunt down Aces even with low kickers, PLAY.

My best pot of the night ended up all in for around $28 I had KK opponent flips AA - bugger - rivered a K was called a lucky boy, I replied unlucky for KK to meet AA and agreed I was a lucky boy.

Friday 21 November 2008

Blogs Away

So I've been playing poker online now for around 6 months. The whole thing came about after my brother got me to sign up to pacific poker and we each got a $30 bonus plus I got 10% deposit bonus. $50 in and busted soon after, but hey I can just reload with another $50 it's so easy perhaps too easy.

To date I’ve cashed out around $450 and as of today have $26 in my account having lost almost $180 since my last cash out. Over the last 6 months I’m in profit but not by much, but then I do play for fun. Only problem is playing poker well is mind numbingly boring and playing for fun costs money, lets face it I’ve only hit a full house once playing 69 off suit and I just can resist playing 69.

I play cash 95% of the time, tournaments are ok and I’ve won a few smaller ones, but I enjoy cash play more and I can come and go as I please. At the moment I’m playing 5/10 cents as its all I can afford with my bankroll but then beggars can’t be choosers and I’d rather build it back up than re-load.

The biggest pot I’ve ever won was around $120, 3 way hand 88, QQ, KK and I had the KK and flop came K83, the turn a Q and the river a 6 and I scooped a great pot. The best hand I’ve ever had was a straight flush 9 to K Clubs, had 3 straight flushes all clubs, never had a royal. Biggest lose around $50 in two consecutive hands against the same player who rivered me each time. Hitting an ace to give a full house beating my ace high flush which I’d flopped and bet aggressively. Then next hand rivering a gut shot straight against my trips after I’d made a pot sized bet on the turn and he’d called, check-check on the river.

Poker Good Points:
Statistical awareness and good mathematical ability
I understand cash play and tournament play are very different
I know when I’m the fish at the table
I know when I’m not the fish at the table
Taken the time to read about poker tips and tricks
Poker is not all about luck – it plays a part but only a part.

Poker Bad Points:
Letting my play slip due to boredom
Thinking I’m better than I am when I’m winning going all loose and busting out
Trying to play above my level of ability and or bankroll
Playing too many hands in case I get lucky
Thinking poor players will go for my flush bluff

Poker dilemma:
Torn between playing well and just playing.