Wednesday 11 February 2009

Sometimes I Wonder Why

Since cashing out been up and down $50 either side of the $300 I'd left in the account

Grinded away back to around $320 and picked up KK two bets before me, the button $1.20 called by SB, I re-raise to $6 button goes all-in SB folds, man I gotto go for it as this guys pretty loose. He flip QQ, great 2 outs to be me I big favourite and the pot is $60 plus. Flops a Queen game over arh.

Other table within a few hands of above beat, QQ all-in on the flop v AK. I flop a Queen hurray, he flops a K boo but I'm miles ahead 95%plus favourite until runner runner AK for a fullhouse an another $25 done.

Grind away odds and sods, $5 here $5 there and it all goes in two hands I really shouldn't have lost.

Bank Roll $269.56

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