Monday 2 February 2009

Bang, Bang and Bang Some More

Bank got hammered in a few hours tonight at 5c/10c.

I don't mind getting beat but when I'm well ahead or some donk makes a stupid call and wins it really pisses me off.

Example v 1 opponent I have 99 costs 30c to see flop with comes 297 villian bets aggressively I re-rise and they call, turn makes 3 diamonds but is a 2 so I have 999 22, villian goes all-in I call, so baring him holding 22 I'm ahead. Cards shown he has pocket Queens with two outs on the river big dog - queen drops and I'm out fullhoused for my stack on a two outer.

Against a short stack I have AK v A7 off Flop K73 I raise they go all-in I called, so still ok turn 7 river Ace, fullhouse for the donk.

AA v 93off - Donk is pre-flop aggressore eventual going all-in pre-flop boards gives him set of 3s - arrrrhhh.

Must have lost 6/7 AK v junk where I hit top pair they made two pair each time chipping a few more dollars of the stack.

Lost a few 4 suited cards on the board flushes to idiot calling with nowt.

Bank Roll $690

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