Tuesday 10 February 2009

Should I have folded

Got back on my game doing really well bank roll to $350.

Playing against a player who is really loose and gambles a lot, not very good in my opinion, he has reloaded at this table a few times, lost his stack all in with a Q9 off he had top pair on the flop, after calling a 4 x BB raiser, he bet out Q9 pushed gets called by QQ and lost. I'd watched this guy for an hour making donk bets at boards he couldn't win. He called every bet on the flop and chased and chased, bet hard 2nd and 3rd pairs.

I was sitting with $39 ($14 profit) AQ on the button flop 9Q3 I bet he calls like he's done all session, Turn come Q I check he checks, river 4 he goes all-in - no straight, no flush, I call because he's be playing everything, even really poor hands, I've seen him stack off with nothing two times, I think he has a worse queen or perhaps 2 pair, he doesnt he has 99 and busts me with a fullhouse, man was I wrong to call I had a good hand only thing I wasn't beating was 99, 33, 44, Q3, Q4, Q9 and much of why I called was because of his previous play.

I was gutted but some of your poker decisions have to be made on the players style, I wouldn't have been suprised to see his turn over AA, KK thinking them invincible or even 10J having chased and missed a straight.

One thing I've been trying to stop doing is insta calls when I think I'm ahead but don't have the nuts, I pretty much clicked call instantly, think donk has boobed, may be I should have thought a while.

Only thing that pissed me off was why does he get this hand against me after donking off $50 bucks to other players in the session.

My I've lost a few big pots to trips making fullhouse over my flopped trips - need to look out for that, but then I've won the same way. It's easy to see a player who has made trips on the board they get excited and if you have a fullhouse your on for a win most times.

Bank Roll £317

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