Monday 23 February 2009

3 way pot win and ironic banter

Played over lunch took down a nice pot more than doubled me up.

Me 1010 mid position, I raised to 40c got called by Cut Off and the Button, flop 7 10 Q rainbow, which is nice, was hoping one of the others had a queen so I check cut off goes all-in for $9.30, button all-in for £2.10ish, so I'm thinking only trip queens have me beat and I felt sure the cut off would have raised up pre-flop, he has been pretty aggressive with his top pairs, as for the button with his couple of bucks probably just a punt or a draw.

So I call, cards up, cut off AQoff for top pair top kicker, Button KJoff straight draw - my trips hold up and I scoup a nice pot.

Player not in the hand tells me I'm lucky as even with KK and AA you cant win at pacific poker, I agree if you limp and get out drawn, then again people will call big pre-flop raises with low suited connectors and such and sure you get out drawn at times by junk, I find I remember the suck outs more than the wins.

So 3 hands later I have AA our 'you're lucky' friend is on the button with $1.98 which he throws in I call flip'em and beat his 10 10 over 5 cards, he lol's into the chat box and leaves.

Bank Roll $229.63

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