Friday 13 February 2009

At least it's not just me

Played against a guy (fasteddie) who does really well (normally). I've seen him make over $100 on the $10 tables.

But he got hit hard on the $25 buy-ins last night by donkeys gettting lucky and blew off $75 in 3 hands.

Hand 1 AA he was called by 2 players even though he bet 8 x BB flopped an A player 2 went all-in player 3 folds eddie calls and the guy had KJ off - the flop was AQ10 and his straight wiped out eddie - he was unhappy.

Hand 2 Eddie has 9J suited flop was 783 both checked 10 on the turn eddie bets and get re-raised so he pushes it in and gets called river is a 9 our winning donkey has QJ and out straights our hero - eddie is unhappy.

Hand 3 Eddie with 77 flop 7103 he gets call is re-raise all in he calls and the guy has A10 off but nevermind that as he goes runner runner spades for a A high spade flush - he is now fucking livid.

All this time I can't pick up higher than a 10 - then I get pocket aces and prepare for battle and everyone folds to my $1.25 bet - bugger.

Bank Roll $263.89

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