Friday 20 February 2009

Grinding Away

With the bank roll being so low I'm only playing 5c/10c tables put in some good play last night over two tables in an hour I'd made almost $30.

I found my C-betting working well on both tables, any hand checked around to me I bet I won, I found I could get most people to fold with aggressive play. I made those players who liked to chase pay for their cards and when I new they had missed I gave them opportunity of stealing the pot and checked raised them - few called me.

I noted one player who would always called if he had snagged any part of the flop, he was very profitable taking on my top pairs with his 2nd and 3rd pairs.

Once I hit around $17 if I made a 5xBB raise on the button I rarely got action which gave me the opportunity of stealing blinds with low hands.

One thing I'm finding on the low stakes tables is that my positional play far superior to 95% of players who frequent such tables, I've learnt playing marginal hands out of position is so hard even if you hit part of the flop, but I guess most players at low level don't exploit positional advantage as much as I do.

Often on these tables everyones happy to limp in for 10c and play a 6 way hand, I know I fold alot and my average hands played is under 35% most of the time but I'm one of few players who likes to re-raise and get against one or may be two opponents. Always amazes me when a player limps with KK and is beaten by a rag ace or 57 off making a straight when the betting is limp limp 10c 10c and then complains about fishy play. It's like they want to limp to the river make a big bet on the river and flip over Kings - as if they cant be beat.

Bank Roll $179.67

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