Saturday 28 February 2009

No Poker this week

Family illness at hospital all week

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Changing Stakes

Yesterday over a pacific they changed the table stakes we now have 10c/20c $20 and 15c/30c $30 must be the credit crunch

Bashed a little

Bank Roll took a little dip last night was doing ok, got all in v a very loose opponent with QQ v their AQ off needless to say they river an Ace costing me around $13.

Also got all-in with KK to find my opponent with AA and to add insult to injury the also flopped an Ace taking away virtually any chance of a turn around.

My play was good and steady not bothered about losing the two hands above, was unlucky with the QQ as was big favourite all the way to the river - made the right move v right opponent all-in call with AQ off wasn't a good move and they got lucky. KK v AA cant be afraid of a AA being out their everytime you hit the cowboys.

Bank Roll $218.41

Monday 23 February 2009

3 way pot win and ironic banter

Played over lunch took down a nice pot more than doubled me up.

Me 1010 mid position, I raised to 40c got called by Cut Off and the Button, flop 7 10 Q rainbow, which is nice, was hoping one of the others had a queen so I check cut off goes all-in for $9.30, button all-in for £2.10ish, so I'm thinking only trip queens have me beat and I felt sure the cut off would have raised up pre-flop, he has been pretty aggressive with his top pairs, as for the button with his couple of bucks probably just a punt or a draw.

So I call, cards up, cut off AQoff for top pair top kicker, Button KJoff straight draw - my trips hold up and I scoup a nice pot.

Player not in the hand tells me I'm lucky as even with KK and AA you cant win at pacific poker, I agree if you limp and get out drawn, then again people will call big pre-flop raises with low suited connectors and such and sure you get out drawn at times by junk, I find I remember the suck outs more than the wins.

So 3 hands later I have AA our 'you're lucky' friend is on the button with $1.98 which he throws in I call flip'em and beat his 10 10 over 5 cards, he lol's into the chat box and leaves.

Bank Roll $229.63

Betting Draws

I'm finding very few people bet draws on the 5c/10c tables - I bet draws if I'm sitting with AJsuited with 2 matching cards on the flop I'm betting, I find players on draws want free cards and if the do hit the turn they get less action and even less if they hit on the river.

I have found that often if I bet the flop with a draw and hit on the turn and check, people will assume I was betting top pair and was checking scared of the flush/straight, even at this stage if they don't try to represent the flush/straight themselves they are more likely to call or make a bet on the river.

I also find my bet sizes better than most, I rarely bet less than 3/4 to pot size if I'm ahead, plus odd times I get outdrawn players have had to pay without odds to call, so longterm I win more than I loose.

Any how had a good few hours over the weekend, got out full housed on the river once for $10, but overall played well with and without the cards.

Was accused of being on tilt by one opponent after I'd lost the full house hand but betting aggresively pre-flop with KK (he was on the button everyone min bet he put in 45c I went all-in they alll folded) and then hitting trip 9's in the next calls for betting. If thinking I'm tilting gets him to call cool.

Bank Roll $217.21

Friday 20 February 2009

Players who know better

Played a hand against one opponent who seemed to be unable to grasp the point that on the turn of the river card the best hand wins not pre-flop.

Table 5c/10c $10 buy-in

Me in the cut off with AJ suited raised to 40c and button calls - note CALLS - rest folded - I'm out of position but have a strong hand, villian did seem to have an idea how to play so when the flop went AJ6 (two spades) I checked and they made a continutaion bet of 1/2 the pot which I re-raised x3 and they called, turn 2, I bet 2/3 pot they call, river A I bet 1/2 pot get re-raised x 3, I push they call with AK - trip aces to my fullhouse.

I get lambasted by this player for playing a worse starting hand than him, he goes on about me calling with the worst hand etc. I point out he called me, so you go all-in with AJ v my AK he mutters into the chat box, well no not if I knew you have AK pre-flop but yes on the river with the nuts, even maybe on the flop with AJ paired, but you called my raise CALLED, NOT RE-RAISED and from the flop onwards you were behind. The guy then claimed he was slow playing his pair of aces with a King kicker, I laughed no one slow plays a pair of aces, its like a pair is the second worst winning hand above a high card.

Now I thought about the hand I'm in the cut off and raise 4 x BB so as I'm tight my range should be Ax suited, pairs, AK to A10 from that position, my check raise on the flop should say I have better than pair of aces and he had to think I had a pair of aces at least and possibley the Jack as well or even trips.

I thought some more about AK very nice to have but in the end it doesnt beat 22 without help.

Bank Roll $187.22

Grinding Away

With the bank roll being so low I'm only playing 5c/10c tables put in some good play last night over two tables in an hour I'd made almost $30.

I found my C-betting working well on both tables, any hand checked around to me I bet I won, I found I could get most people to fold with aggressive play. I made those players who liked to chase pay for their cards and when I new they had missed I gave them opportunity of stealing the pot and checked raised them - few called me.

I noted one player who would always called if he had snagged any part of the flop, he was very profitable taking on my top pairs with his 2nd and 3rd pairs.

Once I hit around $17 if I made a 5xBB raise on the button I rarely got action which gave me the opportunity of stealing blinds with low hands.

One thing I'm finding on the low stakes tables is that my positional play far superior to 95% of players who frequent such tables, I've learnt playing marginal hands out of position is so hard even if you hit part of the flop, but I guess most players at low level don't exploit positional advantage as much as I do.

Often on these tables everyones happy to limp in for 10c and play a 6 way hand, I know I fold alot and my average hands played is under 35% most of the time but I'm one of few players who likes to re-raise and get against one or may be two opponents. Always amazes me when a player limps with KK and is beaten by a rag ace or 57 off making a straight when the betting is limp limp 10c 10c and then complains about fishy play. It's like they want to limp to the river make a big bet on the river and flip over Kings - as if they cant be beat.

Bank Roll $179.67

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Queens hate me

busted again v 1 opponent 30c to see flop I have 66 flop Q6Q I've flopped a full house. Checked it and opponent goes all-in I call AA super turn Q and I'm out full housed buy trip queens appearing on the board again.

Bank Roll £149.49

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Busted on the river twice

man I grinded away again pushed my $25 to $40 picked up 55 got in the pot for a $1 flopped a set, board 57Q player 1 raise to $1 player 2 re-raise to $3 I push player 1 folds other calls with AA turn Q I have full house and you guessed it river A bang all my work and stack gone on a 4 outer on the river.

To add insult other table same time have AQs flop A7Q I bet hard as two spades get chased to river which is a king villain wins with J10off chased a gut shot draw arrrh!

Bank Roll $147.10 because of two hands.

River King or Rat

Well of late I haven't done great but bank roll is back over $200 mainly because I went up against pocket 10's with my pocket Aces. Villain flopped set only for me to river a set! Nice when it happend for you and not against you.

Bank Roll $207.87

No Poker Weekend

Took my good lady away for a dirty weekend of fun and what fun it was sexy lady!

Friday 13 February 2009

Man I just can't win

at the moment doesn't seem to matter how far ahead I am either pre-flop or on the flop I get beat was called by A6 off v my AJsuited he flopped A and 6 and the number of 4 card flushes I'm losing too just isn't funny anymore.

Wouldn't care but I've been playing really tight 30-33% of hands, it's like I raise and the fish take it in turns to out draw me with junk.

I think about what my opponents could hold but it's hard to put someone on 58 off when you have raised with AK in position and the flop is 58A.

Bank roll has dipped sub $200

Bank Roll $198.12

At least it's not just me

Played against a guy (fasteddie) who does really well (normally). I've seen him make over $100 on the $10 tables.

But he got hit hard on the $25 buy-ins last night by donkeys gettting lucky and blew off $75 in 3 hands.

Hand 1 AA he was called by 2 players even though he bet 8 x BB flopped an A player 2 went all-in player 3 folds eddie calls and the guy had KJ off - the flop was AQ10 and his straight wiped out eddie - he was unhappy.

Hand 2 Eddie has 9J suited flop was 783 both checked 10 on the turn eddie bets and get re-raised so he pushes it in and gets called river is a 9 our winning donkey has QJ and out straights our hero - eddie is unhappy.

Hand 3 Eddie with 77 flop 7103 he gets call is re-raise all in he calls and the guy has A10 off but nevermind that as he goes runner runner spades for a A high spade flush - he is now fucking livid.

All this time I can't pick up higher than a 10 - then I get pocket aces and prepare for battle and everyone folds to my $1.25 bet - bugger.

Bank Roll $263.89

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Sometimes I Wonder Why

Since cashing out been up and down $50 either side of the $300 I'd left in the account

Grinded away back to around $320 and picked up KK two bets before me, the button $1.20 called by SB, I re-raise to $6 button goes all-in SB folds, man I gotto go for it as this guys pretty loose. He flip QQ, great 2 outs to be me I big favourite and the pot is $60 plus. Flops a Queen game over arh.

Other table within a few hands of above beat, QQ all-in on the flop v AK. I flop a Queen hurray, he flops a K boo but I'm miles ahead 95%plus favourite until runner runner AK for a fullhouse an another $25 done.

Grind away odds and sods, $5 here $5 there and it all goes in two hands I really shouldn't have lost.

Bank Roll $269.56

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Should I have folded

Got back on my game doing really well bank roll to $350.

Playing against a player who is really loose and gambles a lot, not very good in my opinion, he has reloaded at this table a few times, lost his stack all in with a Q9 off he had top pair on the flop, after calling a 4 x BB raiser, he bet out Q9 pushed gets called by QQ and lost. I'd watched this guy for an hour making donk bets at boards he couldn't win. He called every bet on the flop and chased and chased, bet hard 2nd and 3rd pairs.

I was sitting with $39 ($14 profit) AQ on the button flop 9Q3 I bet he calls like he's done all session, Turn come Q I check he checks, river 4 he goes all-in - no straight, no flush, I call because he's be playing everything, even really poor hands, I've seen him stack off with nothing two times, I think he has a worse queen or perhaps 2 pair, he doesnt he has 99 and busts me with a fullhouse, man was I wrong to call I had a good hand only thing I wasn't beating was 99, 33, 44, Q3, Q4, Q9 and much of why I called was because of his previous play.

I was gutted but some of your poker decisions have to be made on the players style, I wouldn't have been suprised to see his turn over AA, KK thinking them invincible or even 10J having chased and missed a straight.

One thing I've been trying to stop doing is insta calls when I think I'm ahead but don't have the nuts, I pretty much clicked call instantly, think donk has boobed, may be I should have thought a while.

Only thing that pissed me off was why does he get this hand against me after donking off $50 bucks to other players in the session.

My I've lost a few big pots to trips making fullhouse over my flopped trips - need to look out for that, but then I've won the same way. It's easy to see a player who has made trips on the board they get excited and if you have a fullhouse your on for a win most times.

Bank Roll £317

Monday 9 February 2009

Monday Night

Combination of bad luck and poor play left me with heavy loses on Monday Night got out tripped 3 times. Did seem everytime I hit and someone chased they made flushes or straights round me.

Got counterfeited a few times on the river with 2 pair

Played some real donkey hands, chased with no odds, all stuff I know I should'nt do but did - time to learn

Bankroll $295

Player Notes

I find that making small notes on players, bet sizes, tendancy to call, bluff chase etc. is working well.

Stuff like check will bet for players who see any check as a missed flop and will push in some extra cash, then re-raise and they fold, if they don't re-adjust.

I also not things down they think about me like - thinks I bluff etc.

On very poor players who have just to much to note I just write PLAY!

Sunday 8 February 2009

Loose a lot win more lose a little

Doing quite well after making two stupid moves each cost me around $25 and blowing a chuck of cash sending bankroll down to $290 or there abouts.

Steps away for a day and comes back supertight, winning well to just over $100 then got hit trips over trips.

Bankroll $375.23

Friday 6 February 2009

Ticking Along

Playing well, only slipped once go involved in a marginal hand with a very poor player and lost $15, I'd waited for a hand against him, but it never came. He got busted by another player, he was calling all-in with second and all sorts of loose play.

Pacific has hand stats and my average is about 35% seeing the flop which I think is tight enough for me.

Bank Roll $361.00

Thursday 5 February 2009

Bad Beat Cash Out Myth

Decided to cash out some of my winnings leaving $300 in the kitty.

Cash out to date a healthy $950.

I've read about the cash out bad beat and to be honest the first time I cashed out I lost most of the $200 I left in, I thought it a bad beat but looking back I was just playing shit.

First hand after cashing out 99 (12c/25c) 3 players in for $1 each flop 3 5 9 top set for me 2 hearts out first to act bets the pot (I'm think big pair frightened of flush draw) next folds I push at this point I've got to be ahead and a pretty good favourite against anyone they call with AA, come one 10-1 in my favour until they hit an Ace on the turn and I lose $21 bang bang! Cash out bad beat here I come.

Was playing at the same time on a 5c/10c table with 10 10 I raised to 30c called by 2 players, flop 1052 two spades I checked player 1 40c bet player 2 40c bet, I raised it to $2. Player 1 all-in player 2 folds, I call he has 52 for two pair and I win his stack of $9. Bad beat myth killed?

Now if the river and turn had been 55 or 22 then I'd have been worried, and this has happened to me with Ahigh flush on the flop v Ax who flop pair of aces last card on the flop 3 turn 3 river 3 and I'm dead to a fullhouse beating my flush. I went from 20-1 fav to a 10-1 fav to a loser in 2 cards.

Bank Roll $313.60

Wednesday 4 February 2009

An Amazing Hand

On a 12c/25c Table $25 Buy-in

Button calls, SB calls, BB all-in for $22
Button calls, SB folds

Its Button AA v BB 34off nice match up

Flop is 444 wow turn and river don't come down aces

BB say it wasnt luck? 10-000 to 1 I think

Tuesday 3 February 2009

Value Betting

This is something I do poorly, either I just check in position and see I've won or if I have the nuts I bet too much and scare them away.

I think on pacific I use the pot bet button too much, perhaps if there is the possibility of a flush out there and I have full house betting less may get paid off more.

Sizing this bet is a skill I need to read up.

Lost a little won a little

Played over lunch - twice lost to trips over my own trips - both hand flopped

77 v 99 and 66 v 88 cost me about $5 each time

Won it back with KK bet 6 x BB one caller flop 567, turn 9 at this point I was worried about a donkey holding junk, river a K, villian bet $1.5 into $6 pot I went all in - K6 off. Why call with this hand at all, not straight, no flush, K with 6 kicker man thats a poor call and to bet the pair of 6's

Either way evened out my 30 minutes play

Bank Roll $749.67

Profitable Hours

Played 12c/25c $25 Buy-in

I couldn't sleep so I jumped on about 1.30am for an hour play

First hand 55 50c to see flop with 2 players flop 528 turn a 2, super also putting 3 diamonds on the board, river is another diamond K my last opponents goes all-in I call and bugger me pocket 8s to out full house me damn - 1 hand in and $23 down.

That's it I thought super tight for the hour and re-loaded and opened another table.

Loose play on both tables but I grinded away putting on about $90

Was moved away from a couple of winning hands by donkey bets e.g. I had KJ flop AKJ each player entered the pot for 3xBB turn was a 10 giving a flush draw (Spades) and straight with Q, both opponents went all-in and I folded, they flipped over A9 off and A5 off - couldn't believe it thought one of them had to have straight or flush, even at least AK or AJ so I was ahead but with two all-ins I couldn't think I was.

I find 1am to 3am on the 12c/50c always profitable lots of people who like to call and if you wait some big pots come your way, tripled up on 1 table and double up the other.

Bank Roll $751-29

Monday 2 February 2009

Bang, Bang and Bang Some More

Bank got hammered in a few hours tonight at 5c/10c.

I don't mind getting beat but when I'm well ahead or some donk makes a stupid call and wins it really pisses me off.

Example v 1 opponent I have 99 costs 30c to see flop with comes 297 villian bets aggressively I re-rise and they call, turn makes 3 diamonds but is a 2 so I have 999 22, villian goes all-in I call, so baring him holding 22 I'm ahead. Cards shown he has pocket Queens with two outs on the river big dog - queen drops and I'm out fullhoused for my stack on a two outer.

Against a short stack I have AK v A7 off Flop K73 I raise they go all-in I called, so still ok turn 7 river Ace, fullhouse for the donk.

AA v 93off - Donk is pre-flop aggressore eventual going all-in pre-flop boards gives him set of 3s - arrrrhhh.

Must have lost 6/7 AK v junk where I hit top pair they made two pair each time chipping a few more dollars of the stack.

Lost a few 4 suited cards on the board flushes to idiot calling with nowt.

Bank Roll $690

Bad Beat - River why do you hate me so!

Loose player raising with nothing or second pair.

I raise on the button 5xBB with AQsuited called by our donk friend flop A108 rainbow

He has about $6 and bets $1.50 I decide to push all-in he calls Q8 off, super 1 live card and 2 outs
turn junk river you guessed it 8 for trips - man I hate those 20-1 dogs that hit and are cocky about it, you get noted, but please keep calling with Q8 off

Bank Roll due to donk caller £724 should have been higher

The Long Road

Well I've been re-reading my posts and have to say back in November (21st a Friday) I had $26 in my account, to be now sitting with $700 plus is a real good feeling.

I've grinded away mostly at the 5c/10c level and consistanly won money, I haven't cashed out anything, but banking $700 in just over two months can't be bad.

I do feel at the 5c/10c level I can pretty much win something, unless I get a real donkey making a play as this morning busted for my $10. Bet 8 x BB with KK called flop 593 I bet opponent goes all in trips? perhaps, but for $8 I'm calling they had 59 off and went on the hit a 9 for the full house.

At my level even players who two months ago I avoided I now play often and beat, I have gained respect from the regulars and they often fold to my raises. Quite a few times people have told me they think I play well, and a few have commented that I don't often end up down. I have been told I'm over cautious, but that was by gamblers sitting with a 1/3 of my stack so who cares, I play odds in my favour 90% of the time now. If I'm card dead I play a little wider range of hands and if the table is weak I ram and jam the pot, most new players don't like above min raises and get scared.

I keep popping up to 12c/25c and I do ok but find more players pushing with nothing at those tables. I still feel with $700 and a steady win rate grinding away at the 5c/10c tables is worth it for experience. It took 3 months for me to get to grips with the game, understand the odds and gambles, what was worth chasing, what wasn't.

Good things I do that I think gives me an edge over new players
I bet my strong draws
I raise and re-raise
I bet if a round is checked to me on the button
I will fold rag aces to strong pre-flop betting
I make continuation bets on the appropriate flops
I will check the best hand on the flop and bet the turn
I will make a pot sized bet or a bet that does not give you the odds to call
I'm not frightened of 3 suited cards this does not mean the villan has a flush everytime
I will put pressure on you if your'e weak, or a 10c min better
I will bet second top pair and see what happens
I work out my odds of improving against cost of bet
I think about what my opponent has

any more I'll add

New Month and $700 Broken

Played for a few hours over the weekend pushed the bank roll over $700 only to get busted badly on two hands by the same fish.

Hand 1 me AQ v QJ Flop AQ7 they push I call super until they turn/river cards make them a flush.

Hand 2 same player me KK them 10J again nice flop KQ3 I check they push I call and river an A

Both time villian was short stacked and I was ahead when my money went in

Got hit playing K4 suited limped in flop K24 rainbow I re-raised a bet and got called turn was a 5 I bet the pot to a check and get called, river a 2, bet of 10c I called they had AK.

Either way built my way back up

Bank Roll $718.91