Monday 6 April 2009

Weekend Wins

Although the SNG Doubles are profitable, I find them boring. Good for building the bankroll up when I was low, but other than that not challenging enough.

Weekends are usually good for me and I put $50 in the bank over the weekend with just a few hours play over saturday evening and Sunday morning.

Had one guy bet off his entire stack of $8 to me with K3 suited, I raised with AQ hit the queen and this guy kept betting to the river on which I just called thinking he had to have something and turns out just an over card, wow, that was bad. Mind you I do find lot of new players will stick with an overcard or two even when the odds are against them and of course any ace is worth chasing.

I won a good hand versus a player I'd marked as good, I think he saw me as loose aggressive, I limped with AK off round to him on the button he raise to 40c and I called head ups. Flop K37 dry I checked he bet out 40c I flat called, turn A I checked again he bet 3/4 of the pot and I check raised him and he pushed river was a blank - he had AJ and I won a nice pot. I think he thought I'd called him pre-flop with perhaps a rag Ace or low pair and saw my limp as weakness.

Some good solid play got caught out once by a fullhouse to my straight when the player hit a 4 on the river to make his pocket 4's into a fullhouse.

Bank Roll $242.23

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