Wednesday 8 April 2009

10-8 Suited Why me?

As happens I didn't get away from two really donkey hands played against me, both funnily enough involving 8s.

5c/10c $10 6 handed

I raise 40c with AJ clubs flop is AJ3 I have two callers and I have postion, betting goes 40c, call and I raised it to $1.20, call call. turn 8 check, check I bet $2 fold, call, river is another 8 but at this point I cant see why my one remaining opponent has an 8 in his hand except 88 but even then I raised pre-flop, re-raised the flop and bet strongly three times, so I bet the river 1/2 the pot and opponent pushes and I really have to call as for the amount I have left in my stack I feel committed do they have the 88 or AA or JJ or 33 for a fullhouse, slow playing trips all along, NO THEY HAVE 10-8 of SPADES!!!

Why call pre-flop raise with two opponents, why call a 3x re-raise on the flop with nothing, not even a draw, why call a bet on the turn with 3rd pair after previous action arrrh just why! I was mad but console myself with the thought that this player will be profitable even he always plays that way as he'll miss so more often than he hits.

It was the 8s of hate again I had AA betting went something like raise 40c re-raise to 70c I re-raise it $2 fold call, so I think big pair or AK suited.

Flop 8Q3 I check opponent bets about $3 and I go over the top all in and get called by 89 off super turn 8 and I'm busted.

Got done again I re-raised the limped to £2 with KK guy with about $4 left re-raises all-in and I'm thinking possible AA hoping for a raise but with KK for $4 I give it a punt he has 66 needles to say he hits the flop for trips and wins, man I never feel that good about 66 versus a 20xBB raise. At best I might have called a seen a flop if I hit sure bet out but you can't be too confident ever with a 66 versus a huge pre-flop raise, especially when you only have $4 to call with.

Did get some pay back versus an opponent who always wanted to go to the river and had almost double up hitting 2 pairs by keeping in hands he was being lucky but as often happen people call down the loose player and he was winning some nice pots. By the time my turn came he was on the way down (win big loose big as happens to these guys) and had $6.50 left everyone limps I'm in the BB 45 suited flop rainbow but a very nice A32. I checked as does everyone except our villain who bet 10c which he had been doing if he hit a part of the flop, I called as did everyone else, Turn was a K putting 2 diamonds on the board I checked our vilain bets 10c, I bet 50c and everyone folded and he called, river a 8 - blank cards, I bet 50c and he goes all-in I call he has 2 pair A8's.

I knew it was a matter of time, as he'd ignored flush and straight draws in previous hands, but luck don't hold out in poker for ever, just wish I'd caught him when he had $17.

Bank Roll $214.34

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