Monday 15 December 2008

A working Lunch

So at lunch I blast the poker for 20 minutes end up $20 better off.

Played AA aggressively was called all the way to the river by a guy looking for a 9 to make his gutshot. I was pretty sure he was looking for a straight draw so on the turn I bet $7 which was double the pot and virtually all his chips, he calls the 9 falls he pushes in his 90c left I call with AA he types yeeeeeesssss into the chat box. Board was J10 2 8 9 he had 10 7 off which he'd called my raise of 50c with! Grrrrrrr. So I typed lucky boy please continue to call me. Now I don't get involved much in chat but I was well pissed off as that took away my profit so far for this session. But I know the secret of winning patience is your friend so I sat for the next 20 hands, he continued betting everyting chasing his straights and flushes. I had re-loaded back to $10 and had won a few hands and was sitting around $15 when I get JJ. I raised only he called 50c again, flop is all low junk, I bet a dollar he calls turn is Jack whoppee, I bet $7 as in the last hand we played and he calls except this time he's got cash left the river makes me a full house JJJ 44 so I push all-in he calls with 34 off having made trip 4's. Next 2 hands he went all-in and was called each time losing the rest of his cash - hero to zero in 3 hands.

Won well again with AJ against AQ 50c pre-flop, flop 7AJ, I bet out $1 and was called turn A I bet out $3 and was called river makes 3 diamonds out now so I'm thinking my oppo has a flush or KK so I'm all-in and they called, yes they had a diamond, the Q of D's with an Ace. I'm thinking with my aggressive play he must think I have AK, AJ or at least a flush all beating AQ - I think at best my opponent thought the pot split.

Bank Rool £230

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