Tuesday 2 December 2008

Trips the good the bad and the lucky

As per usual my game starts off badly get draw into a fight on a super loose table and blowing my stack quickly, that’s why I play $10 buy-ins. These super loose tables can be profitable but when 3 or 4 players just won’t give up a hand you’re going to get outdraw at times.

I got stuck back in playing solidly winning a lovely pot playing Q5 suited from the big blind with the small blind and I min bet player I checked, flop was QQ5 small blind checks as do I and a bet of 10cents come in, small blind folds I flat call. 3 comes and I check again, bet of 20cents comes I call. River is a 2 I bet 20cents expecting no action and the guy goes all in. I had just under $10 he had around $21 and was playing pretty well overall. I can’t work out what he has to make such a huge bet to win a dollar or so, but hey I can’t be beat so I call. Bang he has pocket 2’s for a full house 222 QQ. Well played he typed into the chat box, unlucky I replied but in reality I was think foolish bet.

Won well flopping a set of 10’s on a flop 3 7 10 no suits, my opponent went all in for his $3.50 I called he had pocket 33’s river and turn come blank and I win again. Then I get done in reverse with trip 7s against trip J’s both flopping our hands but the guy only had $2 to push with.

Have to say I’ve probably lost more money to trips than any other hand, especially low trips. I always seem to have 2 pair and a good two pair aces and another and get bumped by trips. Saying that I’ve won big the other way on many occasions, it’s so hard to see you’re beaten with trips. Meet a lot of players who flop trips with 2 cards coming on the flop and think they are unbeatable even if its trip 5s with a 3 kicker and get the shock of their lives when they get beaten.

Bank roll down at $199

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