Monday 8 December 2008

Bang Bang Bang

Well I had a crap weekend, everyone I played seemed to hit their flush, straight even gutshot.

Don't really think I played poorly, at least I don't think but it's hard when you invest heavily in a pot you know you're ahead in and someone rivers their gutshot card.

Lost heavily with JJ flopping a J for trips being called all in by a guy who flips QQ only to hit his trip Q on the turn bang. Also lost an AK suited to a guy playing A9 off with an ace coming on the flop and him hitting the 9 on the river. I'd played this aggressively no flush or straight draws, he had been playing any aces and I'd raise 4x BB pre-flop at worst I'm thinking he has AK as well, we both had $2 left when the river came and he bet all-in I called it A9 for two pair joking to play so hard with a low kicker. I said well played knowing next time you're mine.

I got loose trying to win back some of my loses which was a bad idea, called it quits

Bank roll down to £180

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