Wednesday 27 May 2009

Sit'n'Go Double or Nothing

Boring played 3 last night cashed in 2, the one I lost in was my own fault I limped with QQ as I was first to act flop came 3810 short stack pushed with $600 I had around $1100 and called as people had been moving in with top pair all the time so I was expecting A10 a best - he had 810 off and I never recovered from there.

Not as bad as the first DoN I had 57diamonds in the BB, limped round flop 55J, checks round to the big stack who goes all-in I called, he had AA and wasn't happy with my trips, called me an arse, a joke, I kept quiet, he limped I was already in the hand for free.

He was left with about $525 and next hand I picked up AA (irony folks) he pushed I called he has 10 J off I win he is last person out and we all cash, he wasnt happy again.

Bank Roll $296.08

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