Friday 29 May 2009

Broke $300

Following my self imposed Cash-out rule I broke $300 so cashed out $100 back to $200

Still playing well, 1/3 towards my next cash out - hopefull, had a down swing to around $210 but fought back.

Bank Roll $232.76

Wednesday 27 May 2009

My Guide to: Sit'n'Go Double or Nothing

I play $20 buy-in 8 seat, $10 are available 10 seats but the skill level is the same and for the time it takes to play $20 is much more profitable.

Do nothing and win: This is entirely possible especially in turbo's as people seem intent on knocking each other out, you only need 4 Ax v Ax all-in match ups and you've cashed. I have cashed in DoN playing 2 hands, one of which doubled me up early with AA v 77 after that my goal is to cash and nothing more.

Play premium hands only: AA, KK, QQ, AK, AQ, smaller pairs if cheap and be aggressive when you enter the pot.

Use Position: Why limp early only to have to fold to a big raise, if you play premium hands you aint folding and you should be raising and if you want to speculate do it from a postion that costs as little as possible.

Don't get involved with top pair and don't chase without odds: You don't have to gamble unless you're sure, trips or better put up a fight other than that if you get strong resistance, give up and wait for better spots.

Being the big stack/Hero: I have been told I'm a rubbish big stack, as often the big stack will bully other players, then all too often I've seen them double up low stacks calling all-ins with marginal or poor hands when just a few orbits later the rising blind would have seen them away anyhow. You start with $1200 and I've seen players with $3000 plus blow it trying to eliminate other players, taking on players with $2000 chips when there is no needed. Alternatively I will ride the coat tails of an aggressive big stack and let them take the risk, I just play to survive.

4th pays the same as 1st: If you don't need to play don't, very quickly in these DoN you will lose 2 players after that if you can maintain average stack you will be OK. There is not need to win, I see people making risky moves versus similiar sized stacks when there is no need, why try and squeeze with junk when you are comfortable in 2nd place, they get called they get beat and all of a sudden their $2500 in chips is $250.

Tight is right: It will win you money in a DoN.

I still have an 85% win rate at DoN from $10 - $50s, I find then really boring as to win you don't really play much, they are great for rebuilding bank roll after a bad beat. I used this method to build back up from under $40 once, and just over a week ago I dipped to $138 now it's more than double.

Sit'n'Go Double or Nothing

Boring played 3 last night cashed in 2, the one I lost in was my own fault I limped with QQ as I was first to act flop came 3810 short stack pushed with $600 I had around $1100 and called as people had been moving in with top pair all the time so I was expecting A10 a best - he had 810 off and I never recovered from there.

Not as bad as the first DoN I had 57diamonds in the BB, limped round flop 55J, checks round to the big stack who goes all-in I called, he had AA and wasn't happy with my trips, called me an arse, a joke, I kept quiet, he limped I was already in the hand for free.

He was left with about $525 and next hand I picked up AA (irony folks) he pushed I called he has 10 J off I win he is last person out and we all cash, he wasnt happy again.

Bank Roll $296.08

Tuesday 26 May 2009


Hit one of those weeks I just couldnt win, this happens every so often this happens and if I'm playing well I dont let it bother me. It used to throw me off my game now I realise it's part of the game, 20-1 do hot 1 time in 20.

Example I called a raise all-in with KK they called with 10 10 and hit the river for trips to bust me

Got my money in with 77 flopped trips opponet has 88 flops trips as well, just plain unlucky

Got beat playing strong aces versus weak aces

Got outdrawn buy dominated players to 4 cards flushes quite a few times

Bank roll was down to $138 or so

At that point I hit the Sit and Go Double or Nothings $20 buy-in, needless to say I find them super boring but profitable, only didnt cash once all weekend and that was trips over trips, so unlucky

Bank Roll $253.60

Tuesday 19 May 2009

Cash outs this year

1 5/19/2009 US$100.00
2 5/18/2009 US$175.00
3 5/5/2009 US$250.00
4 2/4/2009 US$350.00

Cash Out Time Again Whooop!

I am playing very well, of late I've been sitting at tables and after a few orbits I know I can win there without much effort. I love tables where everyone wants to limp, so many folds to my re-raises or pre-flop aggression.

I have been re-raising a lot if I have AK or AQ I will challenge most opponents

Also have been trying to ge my money all-in if I'm pretty sure I'm ahead, been called by players chasing flush draws and straights blowing off their stacks more than mine, often I'm 3-1 favourite to win.

Hit a sweet pot me QQQ99 v two opponets one hit trip 9s the other trip 3s money flying in everywhere on the river and me with the nuts.

Cashed out $175 back down to $200 within a day I cashed out another $100.

Going to keep playing nothing above a $20 5/10c buy-in so I have 20 buy-ins bank rolled

So cash-outs over the last 2 week totalling $525

Bank Roll $208.45

Wednesday 13 May 2009

Still Doing Well

Been doing great, not much time to play but overall been exploiting poorer players

Won a good hand against a serial bluffer he'd been caught a few times, but had done well boosting his initial $7 to around $14 I was at $19 on a 3c/6c table.

He'd had people call him down light when he'd had the goods, I was waiting for better than top pair to have a go at him, he raised 8-10 times the big blind each hand, then bet out strong each time.

I was playing most of my pocket pairs against him hoping to hit trips as I was sure he'd fall hard, I got super lucky against him me 99 I called and it flopped 7K9 rainbow he had K Q he checked which considering his previous loose play I thought he mind have a hand, I bet out small and he re-raised me I called turn 9 for quads and mama I'm home, he checked I checked, for the first time obviously a little bit concerned, river a Q for his two pair, at this point I thought he'd fold or bluff, but the two pair was just too much temptation, I bet about 1/3 of the pot and he when all-in, called and the rest of the table congratulated me on playing the hand well and bumping our friend.

Most hands I've been exploiting odd v's opponents who will over value an ace, I'll play any ace at times, but if I get a sniff you've called my AK / AQ with a weak ace and often this is obvious then I'm after you and if you make 2 pair so be it as more often than not you're beat.

People have been calling me down pretty light as well, don't no why but please continue, example me A5 v A3 flop A57 I bet 3/4 of the pot as the 2 diamonds out and the short stack with $3 went all-in, as there was only about 40c in the pot I think he has at best an Ace or a flush draw as he'd want to win more and not scare me away if he had trips or something and I think my bet said I have an Ace, I called he had A3 so he wasnt beating much than A2 or a 7 or a 5 from any caller and considering I raised, bad push.

Bank Roll $291.07

Monday 11 May 2009

Perfect Hands

Lost 3 all-ins - one I consider the perfect hand against me

Me: KJ v KK flop K3J turn J now pre-flop there wasnt much action so I did put the guy on KK perhaps a K at best flush completed and he went all-in I had to call with fullhouse

Kings got me again on the river

Me: 55 v KK flop J 3 5 super we battle to the river king hits and both committed and money gone

Again luck call Me 33 v 75clubs flop A39 2 clubs small stack pushed I called they hit club to win with flush, unlucky for me, but donk play with 7 high flush, 2 clubs come turn and river if I had on club over 7 he was beat.

Was down to $218 but battled back

Bank Roll $235.17

Friday 8 May 2009

Donked Out

Bank Roll down around $10 which to be honest I happy with that as it was much worse and I built it back up well.

All 3c/6c Tables

Me AA raised to 40c got re-raised to 90c I push he thinks and calls with AK off yummy yummy, except he hits a 4 card flush to his Ace to beat me.

Me AK suited flop comes AK7 rainbow opponents pushed I called they have JJ rivered the J

Me AA again get called by 67 diamonds all-in hits flush

Me 45 suited hit flop 457 then 5 on turn for full house I play aggressive river 7 opponent 74 out housed

Flopped a straight pot bet all the way as 2 diamonds out get called at river opponent just has $1 left throws it in so I call anyway 85 diamond to a J high flush me AQ straight 10 J Q K A, I raised they called pre if I'd had AQ diamond they were already dead yet they still chased and called pot zise bets on 2 streets wow, profitable player on another day.

Bank Roll $241.79

Still Banging Away

Played just 2 hours over the last few days up $50, still 3c/6c $10.

Notes are proving so useful, marking those that will play with any hit on the flop, those that think they will hit runner, runner often, and flush chasers.

Made good profit playing AK and AQ v opponents who get giddy when the have an ace short handed and will call you down with Ax.

Did get stacked KK v 10 10 he called me and hit trips on the flop which was unlucky, did get called by JJ v my AA he hit the J on the flop I rivered the A to out trip him he wasn't happy but when I came over the top of his re-raise with an all-in perhaps a fold was the best call considering he'd watched me winning pots with AK KK AQ AA etc. for the whole session.

I did get pushed off a large pot v 2 players me AQ suited flop was A77, everyone checked turn 3 blank player 1all-in player 2 all-in I folded thinking donk with 67 or something getting lucky, or AK or AA A7 suited turns over A2 and A6 gutted was worth $30, but I wasn't happy putting the money in at that point, I think I would have called one of them not both.

Bank Roll $251-56

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Cash Out Time

Well I made it to $450 and as I'm not planning on moving up above the $10 buy-ins I decided to cash out back down to $200

So $250 towards my holiday's, good lady is mucho happy-o

Got a busy week ahead so will only be able to play odds and sods

Bank Roll $198.47

Monday 4 May 2009


Still playing mostly 3c/6c aggressive, with good hands, isolating those who will call and bet.

Found betting my pairs working well as if I hit trips, I get paid well.

Making notes on everyone I meet, especial those who will bet any pair to the river and call with so so hands and feel good if the hit something.

One player I've found will call most raise with anything and if he hits and thinks you havent bang bang all the way, problem he did this to me calling AK and AQ with connectors he hit I didnt and he took a few dollars aways, so I limped against him so he wasnt sure, next time I picked up KK he did the same called my big raise with 810 off hit the 10 as top pair he hammered me and I called all the way putting him all-in on the river, he never saw the KK coming.

Bank Roll $438.75

Yes that up over $135 in the last 5 days