Wednesday 2 September 2009

Dropping Down

I've cashed out twice since the last post, $130 and $100, keeping my roll at $200 and cashing when over $300.

Since my last cash out the beat has been bad, AA beaten by JJ, KK beaten by 66 and so on, I've struck a low of $73 pushed it to $100, re-raised a button who re-raised I pushed my KK versus his 88's super, he flops the 3rd 8 and hard work gone.

The AA v JJ was particularly bad, I'd built my $20 to $50 over a few hours, picked up AA the button (sitting with $45) was raising big when everyone limped to I limped and hoped he raised to $1.20, I re-raised him to $3.60, he raised I pushed he called versus JJ, I'm pretty happy unitl he flops a Jack and my hard work is gone in a flash leaving me $15 down on the session as opposed to $75 up. I understand that there's not many pre-flop all-ins you'd prefers than AA versus any two but many it sucks big to loose it all.

I've been playing 10c/20c and people seemed more clued up and less likely to chase draws, last two weeks I've seen loads of new players chase and chase, many hit. I've been finding myself winning small pots with AK and AQ etc., but losing bigger pots to chasers. Just last night I got re-raised on the turn with trips, I pushed the called needing a 7 for a gutshot and hit busting me 4 outs on the river and they re-raise me with a gutshot.

It really gets you down when you stay tight and aggressive, but cant push a gutshot chaser off a pot with top pair top kicker or better, I do feel I'm getting opponents into positions they are behind, but I just aint hitting and they are. Even an all in move just seems to tempt them to call and win bigger, I know I'm playing well and they are playing poor, but it's nice to see the odds fall your way.

So down to 5c/10c for a while build back up, I may keep roll a $300 from now on.

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