Tuesday 15 September 2009

Three Figures

For the first time in an age I'm over $100

Been playing quite a lot of 3c/6c, these players aren't overly keen to get there chips in but will call all the way with Q4 if they have top pair, kickers are a second thought.

I raised from the button with KQ, got called by a habitual caller from the BB, he had K7, flop K24, he called me all the way to showdown with his crap kicker.

Same player eventually gave me all his chips me AJ hearts flop 34J two hearts nice for me top pair top kicker and nut flush draw, I pot bet, got called, turn a blank, I 3/4 pot bet got called, river a 7 of hearts, now I figured he was chasing either a lower flush or a straight.

So I bet around 1/3 of the pot as I'm 100% he's got me on a Jack and won't be worried about the flush, I was right he re-raise pretty much all his stack, I pushed and he was committed and called with 56off for a straight loosing to my flush.

I did pretty well versus a player who raised to 30c with any ace and bet it hard, took him down 3 times with AQ or AK versus his A3 A7 A9, watched him he folded to over strong bets but if you check called all the way he'd keep betting his Aces.

I can really see how much I've progressed from my original time at 3c/6c, mainly I raise when most dont, I bet went most dont, got heads up in a limp 3 way flop 98K I had JQ check check river was a 10 and I've won player bets pot on the end I re-raised him 2x and he called he has K10, man cheers for the cash if he bet any earlier I'm gone to the right bet. Same I had 23 hearts in the BB all limped and it checked to turn that came a 2 and the river a 3 for me two pair, I decided to bet it 3/4 pot got called by A9off high card only no pair why call that.

I feel I have a huge edge at 3c/6c, still have to be tight, even when I lay down A9 to a raise and a re-raise and they flip A3 and A5 at the end of the hand both missing the board totally.

I'm not calling with A9 I'm raising with AK v your A9 look out

Bank Roll $102.68

Thursday 10 September 2009

Forgot to mention

WOW most 5c/10c players are poor, chasing gutshots nevermind flush or straight draws, on the right tables is so easy is scary. Flopped an Ahigh flush and got players pot betting and calling before me with top pair or straight draws. The any pair is probabley good theory and the hit an ace I've won play is very common even if my kicker is a 3.

5c/10c I like $30 profit in a hour

Times a Changing

Is the bad beat over? Well I guess no as they never go away.

Felt happier when I got all-in with 88 flopping the Set (top set) as well, opponent pot bet the dry flop I re-raised they pushed I called, bad beat on you son, he had 44 also hitting his set.

I've noticed dropping down to 5c/10c wow, played against a very aggressive player, but no good aggressive, donked off aggressive, like calling with weak aces and blasting the pot when an Ace hits. He made me money. Also played the bluff all flops player, watched him a while, called all pre-flop raises and donk bet the flops. I raised from button with A10suited he called we are heads up flop A106 dry I checked he pot bet I re-raised him x3 and he pushed. With the hands I'd seen him play and those that went to showdown, I'm well sure he's bluffing for the most part or has hit small, he was all-in on the flop in 7 of the last 10 hands and everyone backed down but an AK who he beat with 67, hit 7 on turn.

I called J10off pretty much dead and all his chips in the middle.

Nice sessions $30 up

Bankroll once at $16 in the week now at $82, grinding back to $200

Tuesday 8 September 2009

I really didn't need this

Me in the BB picked up Aces raised it up 6 x BB still got 2 callers including the button who wanted to limp in.

Flop J76 I bet the pot get 2 callers, turn a 7, I'm not happy so bet 3/4 of the pot, get two callers, river an awfully 6.

I checked the CO checked button bets $2 into a pot of $18 I called, to be honest I felt beat but wanted to see how, CO called as well.

CO 1010 fare enough if he had me on AK or AQ, Button 68 offsuit for the fullhouse and winning hand and I'm down below $20 in bankroll.

I can kind of forgive the CO with his 10 10 he could have me beat, but the button called a pot bet with bottom pair on the flop, a large bet on the turn behind to a Jack, a seven or any pair above sixes and then hit one of two outs on the river to make a fullhouse, wow 5% chance of winning on the river with pot odd nearer 2-1.

This would have hurt if the bankroll was at $200 but at $20 it's crippling, I've decided not to re-load unless I bust out, going to play 5c/10c on one table till it goes up or is gone.

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Dropping Down

I've cashed out twice since the last post, $130 and $100, keeping my roll at $200 and cashing when over $300.

Since my last cash out the beat has been bad, AA beaten by JJ, KK beaten by 66 and so on, I've struck a low of $73 pushed it to $100, re-raised a button who re-raised I pushed my KK versus his 88's super, he flops the 3rd 8 and hard work gone.

The AA v JJ was particularly bad, I'd built my $20 to $50 over a few hours, picked up AA the button (sitting with $45) was raising big when everyone limped to I limped and hoped he raised to $1.20, I re-raised him to $3.60, he raised I pushed he called versus JJ, I'm pretty happy unitl he flops a Jack and my hard work is gone in a flash leaving me $15 down on the session as opposed to $75 up. I understand that there's not many pre-flop all-ins you'd prefers than AA versus any two but many it sucks big to loose it all.

I've been playing 10c/20c and people seemed more clued up and less likely to chase draws, last two weeks I've seen loads of new players chase and chase, many hit. I've been finding myself winning small pots with AK and AQ etc., but losing bigger pots to chasers. Just last night I got re-raised on the turn with trips, I pushed the called needing a 7 for a gutshot and hit busting me 4 outs on the river and they re-raise me with a gutshot.

It really gets you down when you stay tight and aggressive, but cant push a gutshot chaser off a pot with top pair top kicker or better, I do feel I'm getting opponents into positions they are behind, but I just aint hitting and they are. Even an all in move just seems to tempt them to call and win bigger, I know I'm playing well and they are playing poor, but it's nice to see the odds fall your way.

So down to 5c/10c for a while build back up, I may keep roll a $300 from now on.