Wednesday 4 November 2009

Good Times Even Loosing

I have been super aggressive over the last 2 weeks and done very well bank roll up to $260ish which is cool at 3c/6c was nearer $280 but git beat in a few all-ins.

Was to the left of a habitual button raiser 27c everytime in 15 hands I picked up AA, AK and JJ

I squeezed him hard each time and he folded, picked up QQ he bet his 27c I re-raised to $2 as per usual and pissed he goes all-in AJoff cool, flops AJ had Q of diamonds 3 came but not a fourth, lucky fella.

Flopped a Ace high diamond flush checked got a pot better board J high, I re-raised and pot bet the turn, only for them to have J10off and hit runner runner 10s for the house.

Moved all-in on the flop v a super loose player with AKhearts had 2 overs to the board and nut flush draw and a gut shot, didnt make it, but hey at the time I thought hed fold and if not potentially 9 hearts, 3 aces, 3kings, and 4jacks made for too many outs to pass up a move, flop 7h 10c Qh, he had called my pre-flop raise he had QJoff.

I was described as a maniac today, if you play with $2 at my $10 table and you raise from the button and me in the SB or BB have AA, AK, QQ, KK JJ etc. I am re-raising you all-in.

Bank roll $258.90

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