Friday 2 October 2009

Zero to hero

I played a bit early evening got involved with donks, raising and re-raising light, I was calling with pot odds catching a little and getting drawn in hands I shouldn't have been in.

I bluffed at a flush played it like I chased and hit (I was putting them on AQ to AA so on the flop low cards with straight and flush potential I decided to rep what hit), pot bet the end to their check, they thought a long long time and called with AA in the pocket, wasn't to bothered to loose that one as I felt they were wrong to call with top pair even AA and if it was anything less they would have folded, some people just cant take letting the bullets go.

I did go head to head with a serial raiser, he squeezed about 6 times in 20 hands, he did it again I had KK and just pushed it in, insta call oh no, A3 off come one, needless to say he hit the Ace. But again calling with A3 off was just not good. He did say as he had an ace he figured I didn't have 2 which is fair enough but any pair above 3s and any good Ace and he's in trouble for his whole stack.

Either way lost about $25, came back for an hour later did great made that back and a bit more, got paid with quad 5s, flop 5 5 10, me 56suited, I bet the pot got called, turn 5 action over, I check they bet the pot, I called hmm, 10 10 or some big pair they limped in, river Q, I bet a weak $1 and get re-raised to $3, so I think go let them wonder and raise to $8 leaving them $1.80 back, they push I call with the nuts and they show 99, not beating a 5, 10 or Q and pockets pairs 10s up.

Won another really nice pot with set of 3s that turned into a fullhouse v 2 opponents both flush chasing and both hitting 3 way all-in I win (man if only they had more money, one jack high and the other K high the ace being on the board).

Bank Roll $157.28

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