Thursday 1 October 2009

Tracking Software

Now I played against a german using tracking software, he mentioned my stats as showing me a fish, not stealing enough and my VPIP to high.

Fine but I had played around 35hands out of 120 under 30% anyway, so tight, I had won 29 of those so my win rate was massive and I had tripled my $10 buy-in to $29.17.

I like to limp raise, I find raise, people fold, limp re-raise and people call, with moderate hands, this german dude was stealing so I was limp, steal, re-raise call, fold to my flop bet. His tracker software was telling him I was weak but I felt I could beat him and stacked him with 44 on a dry board low cards he tried to push me off but I had his range on that hand as AJ to AK and if I was right he'd missed 5 streets so I called his final bet and won.

I was taking on another super tight player with suited connectors and low pp etc. as (and the german backed me up with stats) he raised very few times pre-flop, but what the stats were not showing was how weak he was if he missed, I beat him showing 56 suited making a straight on the river, so after that I represented straights or two pairs often v him and he backed down with his top pairs or misses. The german said he like to have a hand before taking him on.

Now I may have got this wrong but if his range is small, the german is taking him on with the same range ie he may end up with AK v AQ or AQ v AJ etc. huge underdog if you get the call wrong and stack looser if you both hit the Ace.

Now my 56 suited v his AKoff is better than 6-4 as opposed to holding a AQ 3-1 so what's the best hand to play, if I flop anything I'm good versus his narrow range, have flush and straight potentials, plus I bet so pressure is on if he's missed. This worked very well against him, if he flopped it was obvious and I was away, if I flopped he couldnt tell.

German wouldnt play him as stats said if he raised he had the goods. I played him because he was easy to put on a hand.

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