Tuesday 27 October 2009

Donk Doubles Me Up

Dozen orbits villian has won big pot calling a re-raise from AQ with K10 and hitting straight on river.
He moved in often on harmless looking flops and pre-flop with limpers raised to 20plus BBs if called bet any flop hard. Good aggressive play but perhaps just too often.
He's in the BB early bet 18c I have AK I flat called hoping our man squeezes to $1.20 as per usual and I' come over the top and scare him away.
Better he squeezes extra hard and goes all-in for $12.50ish, insta-call for me given his actions, and I'm over the moon to see him dominated with A8off.

Friday 23 October 2009

Why oh Why, but dont stop

This happened 3 time this week, player flops 2 pair on a board with potential flush or straight to be had, checks from early position, I hit a flush twice and straight once v 3 different players on the turn.

Once I made my hand I began betting and they started calling or re-raising in one instance, sure they could make a house on the river but 4 outs unlikely.

Each called to showdown 2 pair on the river having lost quite a bit getting there. I just can't understand slow playing on a dangerous flop, bet and I fold, check and I hit for free and then you bet once the board is even more dangerous. I know they are looking for a raise but there are more player looking for free cards. BET, it works win small not loose big.


Busy 2 weeks

Well I've up and down and up

Brooke $200 just, then it seemed every chasing fish in the world rivered their flush or straight versus me for a week.

Bank roll was down to $130ish at one point, banged away all this week back to $182 so good recovery

Thursday 15 October 2009

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Re-Donked Today

Raised $1 to isolate the short stake get called
bet 2 x the pot on the flop
Allin on the turn called
Hit the miracle 9 on the river 20-1
Bank Roll $198-11

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Another Class Donk AA-in Pre-flop 10Joff

3c/6c $10 buy-in
Cut off raised to 36c the button calls for 36c I re-raise all-in with AA and the small blind calls with 10J off, golden all the way to the river when the miracle 2 outer hits and my aces are cracked, wow.
Please call again with 10J off versus a big raise, a call and an all-in.
Other than that doing well

Friday 2 October 2009

Zero to hero

I played a bit early evening got involved with donks, raising and re-raising light, I was calling with pot odds catching a little and getting drawn in hands I shouldn't have been in.

I bluffed at a flush played it like I chased and hit (I was putting them on AQ to AA so on the flop low cards with straight and flush potential I decided to rep what hit), pot bet the end to their check, they thought a long long time and called with AA in the pocket, wasn't to bothered to loose that one as I felt they were wrong to call with top pair even AA and if it was anything less they would have folded, some people just cant take letting the bullets go.

I did go head to head with a serial raiser, he squeezed about 6 times in 20 hands, he did it again I had KK and just pushed it in, insta call oh no, A3 off come one, needless to say he hit the Ace. But again calling with A3 off was just not good. He did say as he had an ace he figured I didn't have 2 which is fair enough but any pair above 3s and any good Ace and he's in trouble for his whole stack.

Either way lost about $25, came back for an hour later did great made that back and a bit more, got paid with quad 5s, flop 5 5 10, me 56suited, I bet the pot got called, turn 5 action over, I check they bet the pot, I called hmm, 10 10 or some big pair they limped in, river Q, I bet a weak $1 and get re-raised to $3, so I think go let them wonder and raise to $8 leaving them $1.80 back, they push I call with the nuts and they show 99, not beating a 5, 10 or Q and pockets pairs 10s up.

Won another really nice pot with set of 3s that turned into a fullhouse v 2 opponents both flush chasing and both hitting 3 way all-in I win (man if only they had more money, one jack high and the other K high the ace being on the board).

Bank Roll $157.28

Thursday 1 October 2009

Tracking Software

Now I played against a german using tracking software, he mentioned my stats as showing me a fish, not stealing enough and my VPIP to high.

Fine but I had played around 35hands out of 120 under 30% anyway, so tight, I had won 29 of those so my win rate was massive and I had tripled my $10 buy-in to $29.17.

I like to limp raise, I find raise, people fold, limp re-raise and people call, with moderate hands, this german dude was stealing so I was limp, steal, re-raise call, fold to my flop bet. His tracker software was telling him I was weak but I felt I could beat him and stacked him with 44 on a dry board low cards he tried to push me off but I had his range on that hand as AJ to AK and if I was right he'd missed 5 streets so I called his final bet and won.

I was taking on another super tight player with suited connectors and low pp etc. as (and the german backed me up with stats) he raised very few times pre-flop, but what the stats were not showing was how weak he was if he missed, I beat him showing 56 suited making a straight on the river, so after that I represented straights or two pairs often v him and he backed down with his top pairs or misses. The german said he like to have a hand before taking him on.

Now I may have got this wrong but if his range is small, the german is taking him on with the same range ie he may end up with AK v AQ or AQ v AJ etc. huge underdog if you get the call wrong and stack looser if you both hit the Ace.

Now my 56 suited v his AKoff is better than 6-4 as opposed to holding a AQ 3-1 so what's the best hand to play, if I flop anything I'm good versus his narrow range, have flush and straight potentials, plus I bet so pressure is on if he's missed. This worked very well against him, if he flopped it was obvious and I was away, if I flopped he couldnt tell.

German wouldnt play him as stats said if he raised he had the goods. I played him because he was easy to put on a hand.

Micro Stakes

I've not had the time for poker over the last few weeks, still odd session I'm winning so thats cool.

I'm being aggressive as I don't have time to hang around for hands.

As in today stacked a player of his $5

3 way all limped me A8 spades, an aggressive player pot bets 23c on a K high flop with 2 spades, I'm in the middle dont figure the player behind for having much so I re-raise 3x his bet as he will protect his Kx hand as per usual. Player behind calls my raise and player 1 folds, now I'm sure he has a draw to the flush he's chased the whole session with a sniff of a flush.

This puts me in a good position as is if it hits I have the nutz flush if it missed he's putting me on a king and will fold, plus I have the overcard as well.

River spade, super card for me nutz, I give it 15second and check he has $4.50 back and insta bets $2 he has a flush or nothing, I wait another 15 seconds and re-raise him all-in he calls with J9 spades for a losing flush.

Don't you love it when you just know

Bank Roll $146.75