Monday 30 March 2009

Reading an opponent

I won a hand, virtual stacking an opponent, mostly through having a good and more importantly predicting how my opponent would react.

First off they were rasing and re-raising everything, making above potsize bets into dry boards and had gathered a stack of $35+ on a $10 buyin. The only time they slowed down was when they had big hands and they liked to limp big starting hands.

I limp with 10Q clubs (everyone limps) flop goes 9 10 5 - one club (9) our friend is on the button and everyone checks to him and he makes a potsize bet, as I thought he might, I called with top pair and a good kicker, turn is a K (clubs) I check, he bet 50c and I call as I'm getting 5-1 or so and I have flush, straight and straight flush draws, river is a J completing my straight and I pretty sure he don't have AQ to beat me and I'm not sure if I check he'll bet so I make a potsized bet hoping he thinks I've missed my flush and he calls with KKK and lost. Man was he not happy - I'm the biggest fish out there for betting on a gutshot, I got lucky as he was trapping me, I let him rant, for me top pair on the flop, loads of outs on the turn and cheap and good odds to call, luck river card yes, but if I missed and he made a big bet I was gone.

So he's angry and started making bigger bets into the pots, scaring away his opponents, I sat tight, but when I raised he re-raised me, fine.

So 12 hands later I have 10 10 in the BB to his SB I raised to 40c after he made up the blind, he re-raises to 80c as before cause he's pissed at me, I called cause he raises so often he might have nothing anyway, flop 3 10 Q rainbow. I checked knowing he'd bet and he makes a potsize bet, which I re-raised x 3 more than normal because I know he aint backing down from me cause I'm a fish, he calls and the turn is a A, I still think I'm ahead so a make a really weak bet at the pot and he goes all-in I call, he has the dream hand of AQ off, river is another 10 to give me quads and he's virtual busted.

Might be wrong but versus these aggressive loose players I like to play pairs as if I do hit trips I find they will throw money at any top pair they hit and all-in on a two pair for sure, they will even fire a few bluffs if they miss, so any played pair that makes trips is usually profitable for me.

He didnt complain about loosing and just left.

He can bully all he wants but a patient player will catch him out.

I was happy with the hand because I was very sure how he would react, I needed the 10 to be confident, him having the Q and then the A was a bonus, to be honest the Q was probably enough for him to bust, as he'd happily bet over the top of an A on the board in previous hands


Double or Nothing Record

Well I won a $20 double or nothing (8 handed) playing 2 hands all game.

More than doubled up early on with my AK v A3 v KJ and sat back and watched them donk each other off. Eventual had pockets AA, short stack pushed I called game over 4 winners. $20 profit in 26 minutes.

Been doing well in the cash games over the weekend, lots of players willing to call big bets chasing flushes and not hitting.

Bank Roll: £191.04

Wednesday 25 March 2009

Lost 2 in a Row

Lost the 2 double or nothings I played yesterday

Game 1 went out 5th one off getting paid, was doing well enough I called a short stack with AK they had gone all-in with J7 off and they made a pair of 7s, then busted with KK v A3 who hit the ace, played well enough bit unlucky.

Game 2 First out limped with 99 hit 9 on flop go into a re-raising match with one player who turned out to have AA and then rivers another Ace to leave me with virtually nothing. Again not to worried I was sure I was ahead and was when my money went in and too be honest if I double up in the 1st few hands and then play super tight I'll cash so was worth the push.

Bank Roll $135.45

Monday 23 March 2009

Doubling Away

Played a 8 seat $20 Double or Nothing over luch and won again

Took 40 minutes

Played 13 hands out of 80, thats super tight, of that 13 won 11, split pot 1 and lost one at the showdown blind on blind checked down to the river.

Split was when I called the short stakes all-in, he had A9 me AJ, flop 10JK which made me happy the turn 5 which was ok the river Q - damn - that would have bumped player 5 out ending it there.

I wouldn't have normally called his raise all-in but he has 480 chips to my 3900 and his range was going to be huge.

I had doubled up and re-double to big stack and wasn't planning on playing another hand, as I didnt have to to finish in the top four, I had more than double any other player.

My sit-n-go double or nothing win rate is 80% having played 10 cashed in 8 lost in 2.

Once loss down to trying to being more aggressive and getting caught - another playing KK calling and all-in from a small stack with 63 suited who bit a straight.

In money terms including paying the rake lost $21 (inc rake) won $112.50 (less rake) = $91.50 profit.

Bank Roll $162.46

Double or Nothing

Well I only failed to not cash once all weekend, played a mix of $10 and $20 double or nothings.

Simple rules:
Dont get involved with marginals hands out of position, or chase hands on the flop
Play from positions especially with premium hands - cbet - players are cautious
If you don't need to play the hand then don't let others bump each other off
Maintain an above average chip stack
Tight is right - people notice this as they play cautious - so when you put money in they listen, this gives you the opportunity to steal and protect your blinds.
Remember 5th pays same as 1st so no need to be the big stack
If you double up early on you will finish in the top half to sit back

Bank Roll: $140-21

Friday 20 March 2009

A new tactic/game

Well, I dont think anybody ever looks at this blog it's more a reflective practice for me, not that it's working.

Bank Roll almost dead, I went in for a $10 double or nothing (DON) tournament 8 handed and doubled, so into a $20 DON and doubled, into another $20 DON and doubled, man it was easy. One game I played 11 hands out of 60 in 45 minutes and won $20 easier than on a 5c/10c table.

I just played from position and premium starting hands, AA, KK, QQ, AK, AQ, AJ and watched the donks battle it out busting each other, while I did enough to keep in the game. I saw one player double up early on, we started with 1500 chips he had well over 3000 and could have just sat there and won $20 but he kept betting and taking on the short stacks eventually going bust after doubling a few people up.

2nd game I had pocket AAs in the BB everyone min raised to me I raised to 1000 one player called, I pushed the flop and they called A3 suited and I double through after that I never played a hand didnt have to.

I really think some people don't get the concept of double or nothing, 5th pays same as 1st so why with double the amount of chips of anyone else, needing only 2 people to go out to win would you be gambling with shit hands? Actively trying to bump short stacks with 500 chips when the blinds are 150/300 and increasing every 10 minutes. We got down to six players and one guy encouraged us all to call the short stacks all-in raise as he knew that 5 v 1 we'd more than likely be ahead or out draw him, nice move.

Bank Roll $94.21

Thursday 19 March 2009

King Donk

Well board of the micro stakes I blew it all (almost) on two tables playing 50c/$1 $100 buyin.

AA I raised 5 x BB ($5) called by one player flop A82 brilliant, they checked, I raised, they pushed, I called and I'm against A8 suited that went on to runner runner spades for the flush.

AK v 47 suited again called down after big pre-flop raise from me flop A49 we battle to the river when they hit a 7 I'm committed and $200 lost in two hands.

Bank Roll around $40 - oh well lesson learn - bank roll management is Vital!

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Good Afternoon

Played a little got into a hand with another big stack, both cheap to the flop, me QJ clubs

Flop 910 clubs and a 2 so nice draw for me pot standing a $2 I bet $1.50 and get called turn K clubs for straight flush, I check opponent goes all-in with A5 clubs and he's dead.

He didnt even say nice hand - just left the table broke.

A hand to dream about straight flush v Ace high flush

Bank Roll $295.33

Loose Win Win

Got bumped back to $210

One hand versus a guy that was raising 5/6 x BB with anything.

I had KK min called knowing he was behind me on the button he raised to $1.50 folded round to me I raised to $4.50 he pushed, I called, he has A8 suited flops an ace and beats me, bitch.

Few hands in different donk I raise to 5 x BB with AK suited called by one player flop 3 J K, villain pushed but he only had $4 so I called QJ off hurray I think, turn hits Q, bang bang! Now ten comes for me and I loose.

I curse these players but I love them really as I reload to $20, hit AK spades raise 5 x BB one caller flop 10 3 7 spades, nut flush for me I check, villain goes all-in for $22 I call expecting to see AA or lower flush Q6 hearts wow whuy risk $20 to win $3.50 a pot size bet see most players floding heads up there unless, like me they have the goods.

Its like they call with a face card + any other suited card and hit the face card and bet confidently despite opposition.

Any how couldn't find a free table so stuck my nose in a 25c/50c game $50 buy - I shouldn't have because it's too big for my bank roll, but 20 minutes later I left $30 up. They were no better than me, raised on the button, c-bet every flop. First few hands in I called with out of position with AK and then AQ, villain c-bet I re-raised they folded.

They seemed to re-repect the re-raise and folded to it except once I hit Q with AQ villain c-bet I re-raised they called turn A they checked I bet they folded after that without being greedy I re-raised or bet confidently any draws top/mid pairs. They all seemed over cautious shame I didn't have any more time to play

Bank Roll $267.12

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Winning Ways

Well I've been doing a lot better, mainly because I've been staying away from the donkey 6 way $3 pots even with premium hands 5 caller 6 handed aint good.

What I have been doing is increasing the amount I bet pre-flop with premium starting hands, this seems to cut down the number of callers I get and when I do show down an AK v Ax and win it gives me a good table image and people soon learn to respect my raises and I can steal away from good position.

Patience is working playing from good position against opponents who bet any part of the flop they hit works well, especially if I flop trips.

Not had much time to play but put on $90 since Sunday

Bank Roll $251.23

Sunday 15 March 2009

Losing More

I seem to be winning lots of small pots and losing then I'm losing abig one

Lost QQ v AK I flopped set he flopped flush draw and pushed I called and he hit his flush

I hit 2 pair AQ on flop opponent pushed I called they had KJ off and hit a 10 on river to beat me $30 buck busted in tow hands

Bank roll $167.89

Monday 9 March 2009


I'm up and down at the moment, more down really, I seem to be getting caught by poor players hitting.

Example: Villian raised to 50c, me with AA re-raised to $3 he calls flop K J 2 rainbow he bet $1 I re-raised $3 he calls turn 3 he bets $1 I push he calls with 10 10 and rivers a 10 - lol he types into the chat box - I say nothing, can he really think that he was ahead at anytime?

AA again raised on the button to $1.50 was called by 1 player flop 235 he was playing A4off needles to say I got a little burned.

Bank Roll $203.01

Friday 6 March 2009

Loosing Again

Just twigged with Pacific re-jigging the blinds there's no 1c/2c tables so all the beginners and fish are playing at the lowest stakes now of 5c/10c, that explains why I raise big pre-flop and get 4 callers on a 6 handed table and why some of the play is so unpredictable, all-in on a flush draw or second pair etc. I was loosing to often to straights and flushes, it's hard to win anything with 4 people chasing hands, one of them is likely to out draw you aces.

Any how either got to choose tables carefully and keep away from the 4 caller super loose tables or move up to 10c/20c.

Back to the grind again super tight v super loose

Bank Roll $230.37

Thursday 5 March 2009

Loose Tables

Blew off $25 yesterday, got involved in a loose table and instead of staying disciplined I got embroiled in stupid plays and got burned.

Saying that I raised 8x BB with AA on the button and got 4 callers on an 6 handed table, that should have been my key to get out, needless to say I lost that hand to a flush draw on the river, man those guy just would'nt give up.

It's so hard to win when you raise with AK 4 x BB and get called by 4-5 players, even if you hit the A or the K it's difficult to work out where you're at, especially when people are playing any 2 suited cards, so that flop of A44 probabley mean some donk play J4 suited has got you beat.

Bank Roll £241.22

Wednesday 4 March 2009


Just wasn't in the mood last night, played for about an 40 minutes $7 up, but people going all-in with flush draws and straight draws on the flop/turn, wasn't concentrating enough so kept it tight until I decided if I wasn't going to make an effort to bust these chumps I may as well log off.

Log off I did.

Table was loose and with some patience I could have had a good night, but too much going on in my life to stay focused on poker, my son has been ill and spent a few weeks in hospital, he's on the mend but worry and lack of sleep are catching up on me.

Bank Roll $266.79

Tuesday 3 March 2009


Played for an hour last night put on best part of $20.

Most profit from 1 player who would confidently bet with Kings or Aces with a low kicker if he connected top pair, even if someone bet back into him.

I caught AJ in the BB, he was on the button I raised to 40c he called me, him only in the pot.
Flop 2 7 J I checked he made a pot size bet I re-raised and he called, turn 3 I checked he checked the river a 6 at this point I'm pretty sure he's on a jack with a low kicker, so I made a pot size bet and he called with J10 off.

This happened 3/4 times he played a low kicker against me so I marked a note on him for future reference.

Bank Roll $259.23

Monday 2 March 2009

Little Bit Poker Time

Back from hospital needed to chill a little so played for an hour - did well was check rasing, aggressive and tight.

Bank Roll £240.39