Wednesday 7 January 2009

Poker Odds

The link above has a great article on pot odds and a nice table for working out the odds for each drawing hand.

More and more I'm playing the odds

Today for example pot standing at around 60c 4 handed I have A5d flop comes K52 has one diamond (2) and a 5 so I have second pair with top kicker on the button. Everyone bets 10c
I call because I think someone could have a K with a low kicker, but I'm getting 9-1 and my overcard is 7-1 to hit in the next two streets.

Next card is 7 diamonds everyone bets 30c to me. So I call why? 60c + flop bets 40c, +turn bets 90c = $1.90 so for my 30c I'm getting just over 6-1 for my call, I pretty sure any ace wins (giving 2 pair) it and any diamond makes top flush.

So at just over 4.1 for a diamond to hit and if my ace is good 3.1 for both flush and overcard the table offering me 6.1 is a good deal. Thats not counting any action ofter the river.

River junk no diamond or Ace and I fold to a bet from a player who wins with pair of kings 8 kicker.

Lesson is I will win this play more times than I will lose it so regardless of the loss, I'll keep doing it.

Often I'll win a hand and be called a fish or lucky, but I really feel that if I have odds to call and hit - it's not luck its good play.

This is why on the turn heads up with flush/straight draws out and me with a good hand (say top pair top kicker, 2 pair or trips) I will make a pot sized bet giving my opponent even money to out draw me knowing the odds they will are much greater.

The Link above will give you odds in various formats

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