Tuesday 4 August 2009

Last Nights Session Round Up

I played really well, I was up $75 at one point finished around $60 up in the end, can't think I played anything to wrong, big hands I lost I was well ahead, all sets being outdrawn, from at least a 3-1 advantage.

I was reading players well and going up against those who would bet 2nd or even 3rd pair and not let go to the river, they were loose, not often overly aggressive, I watched and noted.

Such as one player with two to act behind him including me, K came on the river making a 4 card flush, I had a king with a Q kicker but felt it loosing when he makes a pot bet, I fold, player behind me calls, with 2nd pair and the initial raiser has K6 for top pair, no worry of the flush draw, but everytime I hit and was against him I bet and he would call if he had a piece even small.

I really felt in control, I picked my hands, limped versus buttons who always raise to $1.20 versus limpers and then re-raised them again, I didn't slow play a thing as villains wanted to call.

One player I had off, min bet regardless of pot size if they had hit low pair, pot bet if the hit strong, over bet if they totally missed everytime, always raised the buttom heads up to $1.20, man it was so easy to push him off a hand or bust him with a good hand.

Enjoyed last night, I really felt I had an edge, the others were gambling, I was playing Poker!

Flopped Quads and actually got paid

I'd raised to 80c from the button, callled by the BB and SB, dream flop but I can't see it giving much action, but the SB bets the pot wow, then the BB calls, I just wasn't sure what they could have but, I have the current nuts, when the king comes the SB moves all-in and the BB follows, oh for more money on the tab, I have the BB covered but not the SB. Two draws hitting straights, not sure I would have moved all-in on that board even with the top straight, you could already be dead and was, and I wouldn't not have called with J9 and another player to act. Better spots for me.

Totally Donked

Same sessions as previous post, raise from the button with A10 off to 80c, no problem, I re-raise to $3, they re-raise so I push they call, come on AA v A10 he's dead, oh no he hits on the river a 4 card straight, bummer, luck luck boy, runner runner.

All-in on the Flop

10c/20c $20 playing against some very loose players, who are happy to bet into very dangerous looking flops with top pairs, or chasing strong draws, I was very tight but played virtual all pocket pairs as trips were doing well versus these guys as on the flop they felt very happy with their hands usually top pair with not always a good kicker, and they were happy to play for stacks at that point, so an 80c call to win $20 is fine by me.

Above flopped a house in position super, button was in on the flop, villain c-bet I riased, button folded, villain pushed for the nut flush draw, but was already pretty much dead.

40c call to see a flop everyone in, Villain moved all-in on the flop and I called, again he is pretty much dead.
Got busted with sets on the flop 3 times, twice was outdrawn to a 4 card straights, and once called a push with top set, guy was chaing flush draw with Q9 clubs he hit it as well, man not even the nut flush draw.

Sunday 2 August 2009

Flush on the River

Tonight everyone wanted to bluff, so I played pretty tight most of the time, they also were calling 3/4 cards to straights and flushes with 2 pair and trips.

Button raised to 80c I called, he'd raised every time from the button, the flop wasnt good but with a nut flush draw I bet out 3/4 of the pot and got called, I checked the ace, he bet 1/2 of the pot and I just knew he had at best an ace, when the diamond comes I put him all-in, why because I'd seen him call loads with 2 pairs etc. I was sure he would feel his AA 99 Jack kicker good, I was right he called and lost.

Same player over values again

10c/20c $20 I'm in the CO everyone limps BB min raises to 40c, every calls but for the button and SB, flop gives me a set but is draw heavy
BB bets the pot as does the next two to act, I sure I'm ahead but everyone could have a pirece of this, I'm ruling out pp 10s and Jacks and I dont think they would limp pre. Our BB could have top pair or two pair, I decide to get buy and raise to the size of the pot, BB pushes all-in, two mid positions fold I call and wind up 90% plus favourite and win. One of the mid position said he was on the flush draw but a low one and versus my raise and then the all-in felt he had to let it go.

Calling with real junk

10c/20c $20 Opponent was calling alot preflop and over valuing top pairs, me on the button with JJ folds round, I bet 4 x BB SB folds and the BB calls, flopped a set with is nice, two spades out.
Villain pot bets and considering bis history I put him on a lone king so I put him all-in with a $10 raise, he flips the K4 off and looses.
Now a K4 flop versus a button raise looks nectar, but can be so dangerous when the button movies you all-in perhaps your ok, perhaps not, but either way calling with K4 out of position isnt going to pay too often.

Quads that paid well for a change

I'm in the BB with 33 everyone limps which is fine for me as I can hit cheap, when the flop comes 377 for my fullhouse I'm happy, especially with 2 diamonds as the flush completing for some one is paying me big.
SB and me check next 20c min bet fold fold from the button, call, I call, same on the turn, when the 3 hits the river I'm praying for a 7, but not 2 of them, the SB bets $1, bluff or he has a 7, I raise all-in, he thinks long and hard he's losing to two hands 74 and 33, chances are I just have a 7 and nothing more he calls.
Perfect for me and nice win