Saturday 27 April 2013

Monday 17 May 2010

Why and Goodbye

Well I'm calling quits on this blog, no one reads it, it was always for my own reflection of play, but as I've built up some good online friendships with other players, I can talk through hands and plays.

I'm sticking with 3/6c its fun and never costs me money, I withdrew my cash and play with a $200 cushion.

On a final note called with KJ hearts v a $3 short stack flop 10QA hearts he moved all in with A8off my 1st ever flopped royal and paid. Nice

Goodbye bloggers, see you on the felt.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Bad Beats

Played quite a bit over holidays doing well could be bothers to write about.

Bad beats make me wanna tell tales

Me AK spades him A10off

Flop A 6 3 with two spades GRAVY, he pot bets I decide I'm ahead and he's shorts so I move in yay massive favourite until he rivers his 10 for 2 pairs.

Trips 7 on a dry board a player with top pair 9 and a 3 kicker puts me all-in I snap call yay until he runner runners a straight.

AK vKQ I hit my king he rivers the Queens as well


Bank Roll $212.76

Xmas and New Year Out the Way

Read Vicky Corens Poker Book, great read, buy it you'll enjoy it.

Tuesday 22 December 2009

Reason to Hate Poker

Player for 30 minutes this morning did well up $13.

Then AA in the cutoff raised to 40c and button re-raises to $1.35, I decide to move my $10 all-in the call with AKoff sweet, they made a 10-A straight 20-1 shot


Wednesday 9 December 2009

Bigger Blinds Same Donk Play

I made it up to $300 again so instead of cashing it out I move up to 10/20c $20 buy-in the standard is little different, player C-bet more, but don't know what to do if called, they also raise more often from the button.

Got 2/3 outed 3 times today costing me in the region of $50 ouch.

Me KK versus 99 ($13 in stack)
He raised to 80c I re-raise to $2 he called flop 3 3 10, I moved all-in he called turn 3 for my house, river 9 giving him 999 33 beating my KK 333 nasty.

Me AQ hearts v 67hearts flopped TPTK on a Q103 flop with 2 hearts, he bet I re-raised him, turn 6, he checks I bet pot he calls again river 6 I bet 3/4 pot he re-raises all-in I call as how can he have a six here, flush chasing 100% dead runner, runner to win.

Me QJ v KQ flop QQJ turn blank he bet out I move All-in he called river K

So roll at $260ish, good to know I can make money here, just bigger variance

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Four!!! Four Four Four

I guess this was a pot that carried some luck, history played it's part.
Player to my left always raises from the BB if limped too, C-bets OOP and Folds to re-raise or goes weak if called. He habitually raises light with unco-ordinated hands Q7off 93off etc or any two suited cards.
Player to right called my preflop raise with 7-3 suited flopped his 7 and although I was very aggressive with my JJ he called me down to river hitting his 3 for 2 pair. I have a not on hm saying he overvalues top pair any kicker.
So limp limp limp I make up blind expecting the raise which I'm calling and floating. It comes 36c as predicted, he tends to raise less with a hand hoping for action and 70c plus AA or KK. All fold to button who flats calls, now he would usually raise with a hand, but like all 3c/6c players defends his button, rightly or wrongly.
By the time it comes to me 90c in the pot 30c to call 3-1, I'm suited and gapped (wide) but unless dominated or versus a big pair probabley only a 60-40dog so I call.
Flop is dreamy, flush draw out but nice, as first to act I dont mess and make a pot size and BB folds, button thinks and goes all-in. Hmmmmm I rule out JJ as he would havbe raised pre, he would have come over top with AA, KK QQ pre as well but then I'm beating those, he could have a 4 which is unlikely more a flush draw either way the flop is too nice to fold. So I call and see I have his 46 dominated ish. I expected 2 high cards and a chop but thats poker.
No he picks a straight draw except the 7 gives me a house and the low card increases my win chance to 25%, I need any 7 or 3 with almost 70% to chop, but the river comes the 3 and he is well pissed, never expected I call him and pop up with a better four than him.