Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Reason to Hate Poker
Then AA in the cutoff raised to 40c and button re-raises to $1.35, I decide to move my $10 all-in the call with AKoff sweet, they made a 10-A straight 20-1 shot
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Bigger Blinds Same Donk Play
Got 2/3 outed 3 times today costing me in the region of $50 ouch.
Me KK versus 99 ($13 in stack)
He raised to 80c I re-raise to $2 he called flop 3 3 10, I moved all-in he called turn 3 for my house, river 9 giving him 999 33 beating my KK 333 nasty.
Me AQ hearts v 67hearts flopped TPTK on a Q103 flop with 2 hearts, he bet I re-raised him, turn 6, he checks I bet pot he calls again river 6 I bet 3/4 pot he re-raises all-in I call as how can he have a six here, flush chasing 100% dead runner, runner to win.
Me QJ v KQ flop QQJ turn blank he bet out I move All-in he called river K
So roll at $260ish, good to know I can make money here, just bigger variance
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Four!!! Four Four Four

Monday, 16 November 2009
Table Selection
Problems comes when you raise and get 3/4 callers each hand on a 6 seater
Say I've got AK
1 will have QJ or KQ or Ax weak
1 will have 2 suited cards or a 67 89 910 etc off
1 will have a small pair
Just so hard to feel happy with a flop that doesnt come AAK and when does that happen?
So I have a plan my standard raise with anything is 24c, I boost that to 30 then by 1BB till they stop calling in numbers.
Failing that I just play super tight and go in very strong with premium hands.
or just move on to easier pastures
Cash Out!!
To me 3 weeks to make $100 on 3c/6c tables which I'm ok with.
As usual then started losing, not playing bad as such more not concentrating or taking notice, bluffing calling stations that I know not too.
Some bad ones, JJ pressured a donk pre-flop he pushed he had $6 total so I called J10suited I had him dominated, he won rivering a straight, had the nerve to say JJ never wins and it was a bad call, hello give me JJ over J10 anyday. Fact he would have busted AA, KK, QQ he didnt seem to grasp, let him think JJ never wins.
So down then up
$189.00 is at the moment.
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Good Times Even Loosing
Was to the left of a habitual button raiser 27c everytime in 15 hands I picked up AA, AK and JJ
I squeezed him hard each time and he folded, picked up QQ he bet his 27c I re-raised to $2 as per usual and pissed he goes all-in AJoff cool, flops AJ had Q of diamonds 3 came but not a fourth, lucky fella.
Flopped a Ace high diamond flush checked got a pot better board J high, I re-raised and pot bet the turn, only for them to have J10off and hit runner runner 10s for the house.
Moved all-in on the flop v a super loose player with AKhearts had 2 overs to the board and nut flush draw and a gut shot, didnt make it, but hey at the time I thought hed fold and if not potentially 9 hearts, 3 aces, 3kings, and 4jacks made for too many outs to pass up a move, flop 7h 10c Qh, he had called my pre-flop raise he had QJoff.
I was described as a maniac today, if you play with $2 at my $10 table and you raise from the button and me in the SB or BB have AA, AK, QQ, KK JJ etc. I am re-raising you all-in.
Bank roll $258.90
Monday, 2 November 2009
Almost Air
Bluffing with Air, please do

Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Donk Doubles Me Up

Friday, 23 October 2009
Why oh Why, but dont stop
Once I made my hand I began betting and they started calling or re-raising in one instance, sure they could make a house on the river but 4 outs unlikely.
Each called to showdown 2 pair on the river having lost quite a bit getting there. I just can't understand slow playing on a dangerous flop, bet and I fold, check and I hit for free and then you bet once the board is even more dangerous. I know they are looking for a raise but there are more player looking for free cards. BET, it works win small not loose big.
Busy 2 weeks
Brooke $200 just, then it seemed every chasing fish in the world rivered their flush or straight versus me for a week.
Bank roll was down to $130ish at one point, banged away all this week back to $182 so good recovery
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Re-Donked Today
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Another Class Donk AA-in Pre-flop 10Joff

Friday, 2 October 2009
Zero to hero
I bluffed at a flush played it like I chased and hit (I was putting them on AQ to AA so on the flop low cards with straight and flush potential I decided to rep what hit), pot bet the end to their check, they thought a long long time and called with AA in the pocket, wasn't to bothered to loose that one as I felt they were wrong to call with top pair even AA and if it was anything less they would have folded, some people just cant take letting the bullets go.
I did go head to head with a serial raiser, he squeezed about 6 times in 20 hands, he did it again I had KK and just pushed it in, insta call oh no, A3 off come one, needless to say he hit the Ace. But again calling with A3 off was just not good. He did say as he had an ace he figured I didn't have 2 which is fair enough but any pair above 3s and any good Ace and he's in trouble for his whole stack.
Either way lost about $25, came back for an hour later did great made that back and a bit more, got paid with quad 5s, flop 5 5 10, me 56suited, I bet the pot got called, turn 5 action over, I check they bet the pot, I called hmm, 10 10 or some big pair they limped in, river Q, I bet a weak $1 and get re-raised to $3, so I think go let them wonder and raise to $8 leaving them $1.80 back, they push I call with the nuts and they show 99, not beating a 5, 10 or Q and pockets pairs 10s up.
Won another really nice pot with set of 3s that turned into a fullhouse v 2 opponents both flush chasing and both hitting 3 way all-in I win (man if only they had more money, one jack high and the other K high the ace being on the board).
Bank Roll $157.28
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Tracking Software
Fine but I had played around 35hands out of 120 under 30% anyway, so tight, I had won 29 of those so my win rate was massive and I had tripled my $10 buy-in to $29.17.
I like to limp raise, I find raise, people fold, limp re-raise and people call, with moderate hands, this german dude was stealing so I was limp, steal, re-raise call, fold to my flop bet. His tracker software was telling him I was weak but I felt I could beat him and stacked him with 44 on a dry board low cards he tried to push me off but I had his range on that hand as AJ to AK and if I was right he'd missed 5 streets so I called his final bet and won.
I was taking on another super tight player with suited connectors and low pp etc. as (and the german backed me up with stats) he raised very few times pre-flop, but what the stats were not showing was how weak he was if he missed, I beat him showing 56 suited making a straight on the river, so after that I represented straights or two pairs often v him and he backed down with his top pairs or misses. The german said he like to have a hand before taking him on.
Now I may have got this wrong but if his range is small, the german is taking him on with the same range ie he may end up with AK v AQ or AQ v AJ etc. huge underdog if you get the call wrong and stack looser if you both hit the Ace.
Now my 56 suited v his AKoff is better than 6-4 as opposed to holding a AQ 3-1 so what's the best hand to play, if I flop anything I'm good versus his narrow range, have flush and straight potentials, plus I bet so pressure is on if he's missed. This worked very well against him, if he flopped it was obvious and I was away, if I flopped he couldnt tell.
German wouldnt play him as stats said if he raised he had the goods. I played him because he was easy to put on a hand.
Micro Stakes
I'm being aggressive as I don't have time to hang around for hands.
As in today stacked a player of his $5
3 way all limped me A8 spades, an aggressive player pot bets 23c on a K high flop with 2 spades, I'm in the middle dont figure the player behind for having much so I re-raise 3x his bet as he will protect his Kx hand as per usual. Player behind calls my raise and player 1 folds, now I'm sure he has a draw to the flush he's chased the whole session with a sniff of a flush.
This puts me in a good position as is if it hits I have the nutz flush if it missed he's putting me on a king and will fold, plus I have the overcard as well.
River spade, super card for me nutz, I give it 15second and check he has $4.50 back and insta bets $2 he has a flush or nothing, I wait another 15 seconds and re-raise him all-in he calls with J9 spades for a losing flush.
Don't you love it when you just know
Bank Roll $146.75
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Three Figures
Been playing quite a lot of 3c/6c, these players aren't overly keen to get there chips in but will call all the way with Q4 if they have top pair, kickers are a second thought.
I raised from the button with KQ, got called by a habitual caller from the BB, he had K7, flop K24, he called me all the way to showdown with his crap kicker.
Same player eventually gave me all his chips me AJ hearts flop 34J two hearts nice for me top pair top kicker and nut flush draw, I pot bet, got called, turn a blank, I 3/4 pot bet got called, river a 7 of hearts, now I figured he was chasing either a lower flush or a straight.
So I bet around 1/3 of the pot as I'm 100% he's got me on a Jack and won't be worried about the flush, I was right he re-raise pretty much all his stack, I pushed and he was committed and called with 56off for a straight loosing to my flush.
I did pretty well versus a player who raised to 30c with any ace and bet it hard, took him down 3 times with AQ or AK versus his A3 A7 A9, watched him he folded to over strong bets but if you check called all the way he'd keep betting his Aces.
I can really see how much I've progressed from my original time at 3c/6c, mainly I raise when most dont, I bet went most dont, got heads up in a limp 3 way flop 98K I had JQ check check river was a 10 and I've won player bets pot on the end I re-raised him 2x and he called he has K10, man cheers for the cash if he bet any earlier I'm gone to the right bet. Same I had 23 hearts in the BB all limped and it checked to turn that came a 2 and the river a 3 for me two pair, I decided to bet it 3/4 pot got called by A9off high card only no pair why call that.
I feel I have a huge edge at 3c/6c, still have to be tight, even when I lay down A9 to a raise and a re-raise and they flip A3 and A5 at the end of the hand both missing the board totally.
I'm not calling with A9 I'm raising with AK v your A9 look out
Bank Roll $102.68
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Forgot to mention
5c/10c I like $30 profit in a hour
Times a Changing
Felt happier when I got all-in with 88 flopping the Set (top set) as well, opponent pot bet the dry flop I re-raised they pushed I called, bad beat on you son, he had 44 also hitting his set.
I've noticed dropping down to 5c/10c wow, played against a very aggressive player, but no good aggressive, donked off aggressive, like calling with weak aces and blasting the pot when an Ace hits. He made me money. Also played the bluff all flops player, watched him a while, called all pre-flop raises and donk bet the flops. I raised from button with A10suited he called we are heads up flop A106 dry I checked he pot bet I re-raised him x3 and he pushed. With the hands I'd seen him play and those that went to showdown, I'm well sure he's bluffing for the most part or has hit small, he was all-in on the flop in 7 of the last 10 hands and everyone backed down but an AK who he beat with 67, hit 7 on turn.
I called J10off pretty much dead and all his chips in the middle.
Nice sessions $30 up
Bankroll once at $16 in the week now at $82, grinding back to $200
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
I really didn't need this
Flop J76 I bet the pot get 2 callers, turn a 7, I'm not happy so bet 3/4 of the pot, get two callers, river an awfully 6.
I checked the CO checked button bets $2 into a pot of $18 I called, to be honest I felt beat but wanted to see how, CO called as well.
CO 1010 fare enough if he had me on AK or AQ, Button 68 offsuit for the fullhouse and winning hand and I'm down below $20 in bankroll.
I can kind of forgive the CO with his 10 10 he could have me beat, but the button called a pot bet with bottom pair on the flop, a large bet on the turn behind to a Jack, a seven or any pair above sixes and then hit one of two outs on the river to make a fullhouse, wow 5% chance of winning on the river with pot odd nearer 2-1.
This would have hurt if the bankroll was at $200 but at $20 it's crippling, I've decided not to re-load unless I bust out, going to play 5c/10c on one table till it goes up or is gone.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Dropping Down
Since my last cash out the beat has been bad, AA beaten by JJ, KK beaten by 66 and so on, I've struck a low of $73 pushed it to $100, re-raised a button who re-raised I pushed my KK versus his 88's super, he flops the 3rd 8 and hard work gone.
The AA v JJ was particularly bad, I'd built my $20 to $50 over a few hours, picked up AA the button (sitting with $45) was raising big when everyone limped to I limped and hoped he raised to $1.20, I re-raised him to $3.60, he raised I pushed he called versus JJ, I'm pretty happy unitl he flops a Jack and my hard work is gone in a flash leaving me $15 down on the session as opposed to $75 up. I understand that there's not many pre-flop all-ins you'd prefers than AA versus any two but many it sucks big to loose it all.
I've been playing 10c/20c and people seemed more clued up and less likely to chase draws, last two weeks I've seen loads of new players chase and chase, many hit. I've been finding myself winning small pots with AK and AQ etc., but losing bigger pots to chasers. Just last night I got re-raised on the turn with trips, I pushed the called needing a 7 for a gutshot and hit busting me 4 outs on the river and they re-raise me with a gutshot.
It really gets you down when you stay tight and aggressive, but cant push a gutshot chaser off a pot with top pair top kicker or better, I do feel I'm getting opponents into positions they are behind, but I just aint hitting and they are. Even an all in move just seems to tempt them to call and win bigger, I know I'm playing well and they are playing poor, but it's nice to see the odds fall your way.
So down to 5c/10c for a while build back up, I may keep roll a $300 from now on.
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Last Nights Session Round Up
I was reading players well and going up against those who would bet 2nd or even 3rd pair and not let go to the river, they were loose, not often overly aggressive, I watched and noted.
Such as one player with two to act behind him including me, K came on the river making a 4 card flush, I had a king with a Q kicker but felt it loosing when he makes a pot bet, I fold, player behind me calls, with 2nd pair and the initial raiser has K6 for top pair, no worry of the flush draw, but everytime I hit and was against him I bet and he would call if he had a piece even small.
I really felt in control, I picked my hands, limped versus buttons who always raise to $1.20 versus limpers and then re-raised them again, I didn't slow play a thing as villains wanted to call.
One player I had off, min bet regardless of pot size if they had hit low pair, pot bet if the hit strong, over bet if they totally missed everytime, always raised the buttom heads up to $1.20, man it was so easy to push him off a hand or bust him with a good hand.
Enjoyed last night, I really felt I had an edge, the others were gambling, I was playing Poker!
Flopped Quads and actually got paid

Totally Donked
All-in on the Flop

Above flopped a house in position super, button was in on the flop, villain c-bet I riased, button folded, villain pushed for the nut flush draw, but was already pretty much dead.

Sunday, 2 August 2009
Flush on the River

Button raised to 80c I called, he'd raised every time from the button, the flop wasnt good but with a nut flush draw I bet out 3/4 of the pot and got called, I checked the ace, he bet 1/2 of the pot and I just knew he had at best an ace, when the diamond comes I put him all-in, why because I'd seen him call loads with 2 pairs etc. I was sure he would feel his AA 99 Jack kicker good, I was right he called and lost.
Same player over values again

Calling with real junk

Quads that paid well for a change

Friday, 31 July 2009
Always loosing Hands

My Royal Flush
Thursday, 30 July 2009
Why chasing is dangerous is you get it wrong

Nice Win

3c/6c $10
Raised to 21c from, I decide to re-raise to 60c, with my JJ as I have position and there are 4 players behind me to act everyone folds to villain who calls, at this point I pretty confident I'm not against AA or KK as with a re-raise on 3c/6c they get excited and push pre-flop. The flop is golden my opponent bets the pot, so they are confident as C-betting doesnt happen much a super micro stakes. So I think AJ or QQ taking a peak at the flop and liking it at best he could have KK either way I just decide to push as even top pair top kicker will often call here as they cant work out whats betting them. QQ it is for 2 outs and I'm happy to not get donked.
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Luckiest Call in the World
Thursday, 23 July 2009
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Houses a plenty Part 2

Houses a plenty

Man I dont have the nuts but I'm beat by so few hands, so I start to think about what he puts me on and I come up with at best he thinks I have a Queen or a 10 (trips or two pair), I decide he aint bluffing and put him on the KJ for nuts straight and I call. Good call by me.
Felt sorry for the guy he'd blown $70 and was down to his last $4 on another table, few hands before he got cracked KK v AJ all-in pre-flop, and then again he called an all-in with an A high flush draw v AA and didnt make it and he'd just re-loaded when I got him.
Faith restored

I raise to limp as the button had folded a lot of cards or limped as well, the BB followed
Flopped top pair but kicker is horrible, BB checked, I decide to have a stab and bet 3/4 of the pot and was called by Button and BB, river is a 7 giving me 2 pair but completing a gut shot straight.
I happier but not 100% so I bet 3/4 of the pot again and get called, river brings the K completing the flush draw and giving me a house, at this point BB checks, I'm only beaten by a K10 and the way my luck is it could be out there.
I think someone has to have a flush or a very least hit the straight, I can't see what got them to come along other than a draw, so I decide to check, pot is ok as is, not greedy.
GRAVVVVY, button raises to $1, BB (short) re-raises all-in and I go over the top all-in and button commits to the hand two flushes J and 10 high so not even the nutz.
$168.45 a small step to recovery
More Swings
Worked well for a awhile I was up $20 or so tight and aggressive, then they come oyt and get you the night brings 'em, the top pair all-in monkeys.
All 5c/10c 6 handed $10
Me AK hearts on the button, nice I hear you say, raise to 50c called by new player flop K69 with 2 hearts, cool TPTK and nut flush draw, they check I bet out 1/2 pot, they go all-in, I thought for a while could be 2 pair or trips, but could be KQ as well they had put $6.50 in I decided to call as I had outs to win. They flip K7off how cool is that dominated 3 outs come on, turn 10 river 8 he makes a straight. Arrrrrrrrrh.
I lost again flopped two pair bet aggressive called to the river ace comes, I call their bet they had runner runnered two pair on the end and had called with with Ace high on the flop and then 4th pair ace kicker on the river. Arrrrrh
I've had trips on the flop so many times versus an over a pair who has called my aggressive raises and I mean re-raises and hit the 2 outer on the turn or river, I felt like it was a joke.
I got money in with AK v AQ or worse many times for them to out draw me to the weaker kicker.
AK v AQ flop AK9 I was aggressive they kept come turn 10 river Jack arrrrrrr, I'm the pre flop aggressor, I re-raised you flop bet and you called my re-raise again for a 4 outer on the river.
I was close to just giving up, I dont want to play any higher than 10c/20c and even there they play is marginally better, as in they will raise/re-raise from their button a lot more amd muck a few more longshot hands but either way I was sick of losing 10-1 and 20-1 hands for stacks on the turn/river all too often.
Bank Roll $145.67
Monday, 13 July 2009
I just hope these guys think poker is that easy and keep calling me down with junk or from well behind.
I guess you just accept that you get rivered and 20-1 means you loose once in a while
..... the perfect hand(s)
Also on the table was a super loose German, I know german and loose odd combo.
I raise from button, with KQ hearts, flop 7 10 J 2 hearts, he bets and I flat call, turn a nice A for my straight he checks, I decided to check hoping he'd bluff the river, river is a blank and he bets the pot and I re-raise him x3 he goes all in, I call he has 10 7.
2 hands and bank roll saved
Bank Roll $222.18
Bad Beat Continues
AA v 10J he hit straight to K all pre-flop
next hand raised big with QQ got squeezed all-in was confident I was ahead so called he had 3-5 off and flops 2 pair to stack me again.
Bankroll well under $200 now ouch at a poor $188.00
Bad Beats Part whatever
99 v KK limped in flop 2 7 9 opponent bet pot I re-raise x 3 turn A they bet pot I pushed, they call for 2 outs and hit K on river
AA v K9off flops trips KK then a A comes on the turn and I'm happy both all-in river K
AA v JJ all-in pre he flops a Jack
KK v 910off all-in QK3 I bet hard they follow hit a J on the river for gut shot
QQ v QJsuited all-in pre lost to a straight
Same player 3 hands called my raise with weak Aces and made 2 pair each time
AK v A5off river 5
AQ v A7off hit turn 7
AQ v A3off flop 2 pair
Bankroll $218.00
Friday, 10 July 2009
Bad Aggressive Players and Bad Players
He would never give up a pot either lost big or won big, more lost, he still calls a lot of longshots and 3 outs is enough for him. He rarely folds pre-flop so it is a nightmare to put him on a hand if junk hits and you have AK, AQ and miss, so you have to be careful with just top pair some are not and these he beats for big pots with his 74 off hitting two pairs versus a big Ace.
A guy turned up last session I hadn't seen before, super aggressive banging in pot and over pot bets, he did quite well for a little while, I just tightened up and waited, some of his play was great versus people who had at best top pair and they backed down a lot to his re-raising. He'd re-raise pre 10 x BB and follow it up with a pot+ bet on the flop regardless, no one punted at him for 15-20 hands, I re-raised him in position with 10J suited on the button, flop came AK4 he made his pot bet, I thought no way he's hit and I re-raised him 3x his bet he folded. I think he realised I was pretty tight and didn't bluff me to much.
Anyway his aggressive betting was winning pots, but 2 or 3 times he kept firing versus players who had the goods and at showdown each time he had nothing or bottom pair, after that people started calling him down. He stacked twice on one table and came to another I was on and did the same, going from $10 to $20 quickly and then bust.
I got him in the end after he'd blew $15 on a bluff over 3 streets, he re-raised all-in next hand I called with 77 he flipped K3 off and he was gone.
See these player often, the aggressive side virtual maniac play is great, if they selected the pot better to do it in, why bluff on the river a guy who's betting hard and the board is JJ337.
Bank Roll $278.91
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Good Session(s)
Stacked 3 players, first me with A5 hearts on the button, flop 252, get a min bet from villain I called everyone else folds, turn a 5, pot bet from our villain I called, river 3, all-in from our villain I figured split pot 5s over 2s but no he had a 2.
Button again versus villain who bet hard top pair regarless of kicker me AJclubs on button villain limps I re-raised 5 x BB they call flop J 2 5 with 2 clubs nice villain make pot bet, as every hand they had top pair and tried to protect I re-raise x 3 they called, turn 9, they checked and I checked as with just TPTK, bit of pot control not a bad idea, river J and they moved all-in, I gave it some thought, and figured they thought I'd missed my flush draw and had a weak Jack, so I called they had J7off
3 players limped me in cut off with KQ spades flop A93 spades cool check, I check, button bets 3/4 of the pot fold, I call turn blank, I check in order to raise button goes all-in, unlucky he has 107 spades and gets out flushed by me.
So two session raked in pretty much $70 not bad for 3c/6c
Bank Roll $261.29
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Bad Session
Example flopped 2 pair KQ in a limp pot bet it hard one player stayed with me and hit runner runner A5 to beat me, seeing a lot of players who if they have one/two overcards to the board wont fold, even if they hit they might not be ahead, love theses guys most of the time, but not when they runner, runner me for a tidy pot.
Friday, 3 July 2009
Caution and Bad Luck
Next hand same player I have AA I raised to 24c they re-raised to 50c I re-raised to $3 and they called, at this point I think AA KK QQ AK, flop a safe looking 2 10 5, I check they bet $1 I pushed all-in and they called with pocket 10s bang, he got me twice.
Bank Roll hit but bounced back
Bank Roll $216.93
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Small pot small hand, big pots big hands. Limiting loses and maximising winning, my value betting is also better.
Also been selecting opponents I know will call or push with ok hands or bottoms ends of straights and trips when straights and flushes are out.
Its working back up over $200 now
Example v a player who is aggressive but in the wrong spots, 6 handed 3 limpers me on button with 97off, I raised 1 caller, flop 969 nice for me but spade draw out, this guy calls a lot so I bet the pot turn hits a six so I guess if he has the six he'll call me so I pot again he calls and the river is blank.
I push and he thinks a long time and calls with 88 $16 pot in 1 minute at the tabe first hand of the day cool
Bank Roll $224.58
Friday, 26 June 2009
Got my money in with AK v AQ and they hit the Q
Was called by JJ on a AK3 board me with AK he hits the Jack on the turn
Had top two pair 10J5 was called by A5 all-in who hit the A
Got out tripped on the flop my 55 v 77 flop 5K7
ALl-in with KK called by JQ who hit quad Queens
Even got my money all-in on the flop JJ v AQ flop JA10 turn K river Q split
Good point didnt tilt carried on playing my game, things will change
Monday, 22 June 2009
Fools rush in
If I could get a player heads up with a weak ace great, but a I folded to an all-in with a caller, I had top pair and figured it beat players flip Q6 for top pair shit kicker and a gutshot draw, who then hit on the turn!!!
It's great when these players make such mistake, but sickening when they hit, and last night they kept hitting.
Bank Roll $191.92
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Turn Around
Looks like my bad beat is over, it started/ended with a great hand.
6 handed 5c/10c $10, people were calling most raises with poor hands, me I couldn't pick up higher than a 10 until I hit AA and made a silly pre-flop bet of 90c and got 2 callers, hmmm.
Flop A 5 9 two diamonds first to act bets the pot, second to act goes all-in (short stake) I call, first then re-raises all-in and I follow. So with this table I'm think AK or AQ and a flush draw?
Flips 55 and AQ hearts and I win a £35 pot woooo whooo, last week a 5 would have come.
Played hard against any one wanting to call my AK or AQs with rags
Stacked one loose player who if he hit the flop would not give up especially top pair any kicker, I loved the way it played out as I was right on the money putting him on a hand and predicting how he would play it out.
We ended heads up me AQ hearts flop was Q47 with 2 spades, I checked it and he pot bet, I thought straight away he has a Q as he had protected from flush draws often, so I flat called, turn blank, I check again, he 1/2 pot bets so I flat called, trying to look as if I'm chasing the flush draw, river is nothing.
Here I was tempted to bet, but I'm thinking if he does feel I've missed the flush and he has a Q he will bet, so I check he bets about 10th of the pot, at this point I have around $6 left I take my time and come up with this, busted flush draws will often go all-in versus weak bet or check hoping to scare you off, I very sure he has a Q and nothing else, so I push, he virtaully insta-calls me with QJ off and I scope a nice pot.
Bank Roll $198-77
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Change of Fortunes?
Picked up KK got it in pre-flop ended up v AA bum not again
Flopped a K and quads on the turn wow
Bank Roll $135
Bad Beats
I got busted yesterday AA v 1010 me with the tens.
Everyone limps then a min raise, me next to act, I always fear the min raise as it's often people trying to get a raise out of you with AA. I have pocket 10 10 and call because it's cheap and I may hit a 10.
Flop 3 4 10 rainbow super, our min raiser bets the pot and I'm sure now it AA and will call so I push he calls and flips AA, 9-1 favourite at that point to win, turn blank river A ouch so harsh.
Played A5 hit 2 pair on the flop played it hard was called all the way by a loose player with A6 who rivers a 6.
I seem to be getting beat by player won just won either give up an ace overcard or hit the river to beat me.
Flopped two pair with KJ flop going KJ2 player calls me down with A2 hits the Ace on the river bang. Poor play probabley putting me on just a K or J and playing his overcard with 0 odds to call.
I'm playing all pocket pairs against these guys as if I hit trips they will bust every time, except I cant hit trips.
I've been playing my AK and AQ aggressivley pre-flop to chase away the rags but everyone wants to call me with A7 and A8 hitting the rag.
Bet 8 x BB with KK to a raiser who then pushed I called hoping not to see aces, J7 spades, he flops a flush, wow.
Only bit of good action in the last few days was took down a 3 way pot with quad 3's, called with 33 hit trips, bet hard, turn 3 clubs makes 3 clubs out 2 before me to act raise, I called, river another club super bet, all-in I push, fold A7 spades flipped - quads win.
I was getting really down about loosing, I'm playing well and getting beat all the time by junk or people making really crap calls and getting luck, the number of times my 2 pair have been counterfeited just isnt funny.
I was in the middle of a 3 way with AQ ace hits the flop A72 I was happy 1st to act makes a 2 x pot bet on the flop, I'd raised preflop and the pot was around $1.45 (was getting called all the time), I put him on 2 pair or trips protecting his hand, I folded and the next guy pushed, 1st calls they flip A3 and A9, wow. Top pair shit kickers, oh for trips in this spot. It's so hard early at a table to distinguish poor play from good play, blufffs from strength.
Up beat come my way please soon
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Amazing Hand
Checks to me I bet, called twice, turn comes blank
player 1 all-in, player 2 all-in, I think and fold
player 1 74 diamonds player 2 A3 Diamonds
Wow 3 players and 3 flopped flushes, good fold by me, was sure someone had the nut flush
Bank Roll $218-34
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Grinding Away
I've been using a light known and often forgotten tactic at 3c/6c and 5c/10c it's called the raise.
Not seen often at lower stakes, raising someone's standard button raise, I watch if the raise often, on he button and I have a premium hand or good drawing hand, no flat calling, re-raise, they always feel obliged to call and if the flop comes an A or K I bet out they fold. This nets me a lot of nice $2 / $3 pots with little effort.
Now I don't feel I'm a good heads up player, but re-raising to isolate one player and hitting them hard is different, at my stakes people want to see flops cheap versus lots of players min betting each street to see who win on the river.
Bank Roll $208.65
Monday, 1 June 2009
Down Down Down
Played KK met AA, played JJ met QQ then played QQ met KK
I'll play strong aces hard re-raised one opponent who calls with K10 off v my AK of hearts he hit the the 10. I kept raising my good hands AK, AQ etc and kept getting out draw by the people playing suited cards and hitting rags. I just couldn't connect with anything on the board, it was like if I had an ace somebody stole the other 3.
Lost $20 Double or Nothing got in all-in with KK was outdrawn to an ace by a caller with AQ suited harsh, so called it quits.
Bank Roll $168.90
Friday, 29 May 2009
Broke $300
Still playing well, 1/3 towards my next cash out - hopefull, had a down swing to around $210 but fought back.
Bank Roll $232.76
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
My Guide to: Sit'n'Go Double or Nothing
Do nothing and win: This is entirely possible especially in turbo's as people seem intent on knocking each other out, you only need 4 Ax v Ax all-in match ups and you've cashed. I have cashed in DoN playing 2 hands, one of which doubled me up early with AA v 77 after that my goal is to cash and nothing more.
Play premium hands only: AA, KK, QQ, AK, AQ, smaller pairs if cheap and be aggressive when you enter the pot.
Use Position: Why limp early only to have to fold to a big raise, if you play premium hands you aint folding and you should be raising and if you want to speculate do it from a postion that costs as little as possible.
Don't get involved with top pair and don't chase without odds: You don't have to gamble unless you're sure, trips or better put up a fight other than that if you get strong resistance, give up and wait for better spots.
Being the big stack/Hero: I have been told I'm a rubbish big stack, as often the big stack will bully other players, then all too often I've seen them double up low stacks calling all-ins with marginal or poor hands when just a few orbits later the rising blind would have seen them away anyhow. You start with $1200 and I've seen players with $3000 plus blow it trying to eliminate other players, taking on players with $2000 chips when there is no needed. Alternatively I will ride the coat tails of an aggressive big stack and let them take the risk, I just play to survive.
4th pays the same as 1st: If you don't need to play don't, very quickly in these DoN you will lose 2 players after that if you can maintain average stack you will be OK. There is not need to win, I see people making risky moves versus similiar sized stacks when there is no need, why try and squeeze with junk when you are comfortable in 2nd place, they get called they get beat and all of a sudden their $2500 in chips is $250.
Tight is right: It will win you money in a DoN.
I still have an 85% win rate at DoN from $10 - $50s, I find then really boring as to win you don't really play much, they are great for rebuilding bank roll after a bad beat. I used this method to build back up from under $40 once, and just over a week ago I dipped to $138 now it's more than double.
Sit'n'Go Double or Nothing
Not as bad as the first DoN I had 57diamonds in the BB, limped round flop 55J, checks round to the big stack who goes all-in I called, he had AA and wasn't happy with my trips, called me an arse, a joke, I kept quiet, he limped I was already in the hand for free.
He was left with about $525 and next hand I picked up AA (irony folks) he pushed I called he has 10 J off I win he is last person out and we all cash, he wasnt happy again.
Bank Roll $296.08
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Example I called a raise all-in with KK they called with 10 10 and hit the river for trips to bust me
Got my money in with 77 flopped trips opponet has 88 flops trips as well, just plain unlucky
Got beat playing strong aces versus weak aces
Got outdrawn buy dominated players to 4 cards flushes quite a few times
Bank roll was down to $138 or so
At that point I hit the Sit and Go Double or Nothings $20 buy-in, needless to say I find them super boring but profitable, only didnt cash once all weekend and that was trips over trips, so unlucky
Bank Roll $253.60
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Cash outs this year
2 5/18/2009 US$175.00
3 5/5/2009 US$250.00
4 2/4/2009 US$350.00
Cash Out Time Again Whooop!
I have been re-raising a lot if I have AK or AQ I will challenge most opponents
Also have been trying to ge my money all-in if I'm pretty sure I'm ahead, been called by players chasing flush draws and straights blowing off their stacks more than mine, often I'm 3-1 favourite to win.
Hit a sweet pot me QQQ99 v two opponets one hit trip 9s the other trip 3s money flying in everywhere on the river and me with the nuts.
Cashed out $175 back down to $200 within a day I cashed out another $100.
Going to keep playing nothing above a $20 5/10c buy-in so I have 20 buy-ins bank rolled
So cash-outs over the last 2 week totalling $525
Bank Roll $208.45
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Still Doing Well
Won a good hand against a serial bluffer he'd been caught a few times, but had done well boosting his initial $7 to around $14 I was at $19 on a 3c/6c table.
He'd had people call him down light when he'd had the goods, I was waiting for better than top pair to have a go at him, he raised 8-10 times the big blind each hand, then bet out strong each time.
I was playing most of my pocket pairs against him hoping to hit trips as I was sure he'd fall hard, I got super lucky against him me 99 I called and it flopped 7K9 rainbow he had K Q he checked which considering his previous loose play I thought he mind have a hand, I bet out small and he re-raised me I called turn 9 for quads and mama I'm home, he checked I checked, for the first time obviously a little bit concerned, river a Q for his two pair, at this point I thought he'd fold or bluff, but the two pair was just too much temptation, I bet about 1/3 of the pot and he when all-in, called and the rest of the table congratulated me on playing the hand well and bumping our friend.
Most hands I've been exploiting odd v's opponents who will over value an ace, I'll play any ace at times, but if I get a sniff you've called my AK / AQ with a weak ace and often this is obvious then I'm after you and if you make 2 pair so be it as more often than not you're beat.
People have been calling me down pretty light as well, don't no why but please continue, example me A5 v A3 flop A57 I bet 3/4 of the pot as the 2 diamonds out and the short stack with $3 went all-in, as there was only about 40c in the pot I think he has at best an Ace or a flush draw as he'd want to win more and not scare me away if he had trips or something and I think my bet said I have an Ace, I called he had A3 so he wasnt beating much than A2 or a 7 or a 5 from any caller and considering I raised, bad push.
Bank Roll $291.07